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Behind The Curtains - The Cameras Are STILL Off

Guest ilovekateritchie

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Wow guys (girls?) I only realise now how much I've missed you!!! I was practically jumping up and down while reading your comments!! It's so good to know you're still here and you're still interested in my fic even though I've kept you waiting for way too long. So thanks to all the readers and raters... xox to you! Here's the next part!


Jodi looks at the doctor serious.

“So… how sure are you that it’s going to be successful?”

“Never one hundred percent. But after looking at his eyes and the papers … About eighty percent. It looks relatively simple.”

“Thank you so much!”

Jodi looks at the doctor gratefully and he smiles.

“If everything goes well… then your son will see again by this time tomorrow.”

“Thank you so much, that is the best news ever!”

The doctor nods and Jodi and Paul leave, looking ecstatic.

They greet Noah before they are off to the hotel where Jodi looks at Paul seriously.

“While we’re here… I met someone at the retreat… an American guy… He works at an orphanage. Can we go say hi to him?”

“Of course. Give him a call and tell him we’re on our way!”

“Morning girls!”

Michele opens her eyes slowly and grins when she sees her father at her bed.

“Morning, daddy.”

“Did you sleep well?”

“No. The baby cried too much.”

“The baby’s name is Hayden, Chelly. Do you want to hold him?”

“No. I don’t like him.”

“But he’s your brother…”

Michele shrugs and throws a pillow on Emma’s bed.

“Emma. Wake up.”

Emma sits up with a frown.

“Daddy, why does the baby cry so much?”

“Because that’s what babies do, sweetie. You cried a lot when you were a baby too.”

“Where’s auntie Kate?”

“She’s feeding Hayden.”

Emma tilts her head.

“And Hayden would be the baby.”


“So she likes him better than us.”

Chris frowns.

“Em, you know auntie Kate loves you!”

“I guess. Can we have pancakes?”

“Of course you can! Come on to the kitchen both of you!”


Chrys looks up when he hears Ada’s excited voice and smiles when she bursts into the living room, jumping up and down.

“Ada… take a deep breath. What’s up?”

She climbs onto his lap, still grinning ecstatically.

“I’m pregnant!”


She nods, her eyes shining.

“I did the test and it’s positive! We’re going to be parents!”

Chrys laughs and swings her through the air.

“Love, that’s amazing! I hope it’s a boy!”

Ada laughs, kissing him softly.

“I love you. So much.”

“I love you too…”

“Hey Jamie!”

The middle aged man looks up when he hears Jodi’s happy voice and they share a quick hug.

“Hey Jodz. Good to see you.”

“Can we come in?”


They walk in to his office, talking happily, Paul strolling a few steps behind them.

“You’re so not gonna catch me, loser!”

A blonde boy comes speeding around the corner, jumping into Paul’s arms and sticking his tongue out at the dog chasing him.

“Ha! Beat ya! Thanks for catching me, dude!”

Paul puts the boy down, looking a little flustered.

“Eh… sure…”

“You here for a kid?”

“No… My wife…. Knows Jamie…”

“Oh. Good guy, Jamie.”

The boy sits down on a rock and stretches his legs out in front of him.

“You talk funny.”

“I’m from Australia.”

“Oh. I’m from America.”

“You don’t say.”

Paul sits down next to him, hiding a smile.

“Yeah. What’s your name?”

“I’m Paul.”

“Hi. I’m Brent.”

“Hi Brent.”

“Do you have a job?”

“Yes, I’m an actor.”

“An actor, eh? You weren’t in anything I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah and I’ve watched everything! Nemo, Shrek, Shark Tale. Hey, that guy in Shrek looks like you though.”

“Which guy?”

“Lord Farquaad. But you’re taller.”

“I don’t look like Lord Farquaad at all!”

Brent shrugs and sighs when a car stops at the gate.

“You see that car? It’s a couple. They’ve been coming here for weeks now, trying to find the perfect little kid. They even looked at me. For about two seconds and then they went to the babies room.”

He pulls a face and starts talking in a fake high pitched voice.

“Oh daaaarling. Look at this little girl. Where’s a good gwiliie!”

He shakes his head and returns to his normal voice.

“It’s disgusting.”

Paul laughs.

“How old are you?”

“Five already!”

“You sound fifty.”

Brent sighs again, his expression growing serious.

“When you live here you grow up real fast.”

“Hey guys!”

Kate smiles happily when Chris, Emma and Michele enter the kitchen. Emma glares at Hayden before sitting down.

“Thank goodness that thing is quiet.”

Kate laughs.

“Who, Hayden? Did he bother you?”

Emma nods, pouting and Kate puts the baby food and spoon.

“He’s fifteen months old, you know. I wonder why he didn’t sleep last night… he usually sleeps through.”

“Does it talk?”

“A little. But he doesn’t really talk sense yet.”

Chris winks at Kate and she laughs, placing Hayden in his arms.

“Dadda! Pa! Googha!”

Emma frowns, wrinkling her nose.

“What’s he saying?”

Chris thinks for a minute and then smiles.

“He said Hi Dad, the food was great, take me for a walk.”

“No he didn’t. Auntie Kate, can we have pancakes? Please?”

“Sure… want to help me bake them?”

“Okay! Cool!”

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Jamie looks up when Paul enters his office without knocking. Jodi frowns slightly.

“Honey, where were you?”

“Talked to a kid. I want to adopt him. If it’s okay with you, Jodz.”

“Hold on… come again?”

“I talked to the most adorable little boy outside. He’s about Noah’s age, they’ll get along so well. Jamie, is it possible?”

“What’s the boy’s name?”


Jamie laughs.

“Ah. Him. Yeah, he’s quite a character… but unfortunately… we have trouble finding him a family.”

Paul frowns.


“He’s not the perfect child, Paul. He’s… outspoken. A little anti-social. The other kids don’t like him.”

“Poor guy!”

Jodi bites her lip sadly and Jamie nods.

“I feel sorry for him. He’s a smart kid.”

Jodi looks at Paul and smiles.

“I want to meet him.”

“So… you’ll consider it?”

“Consider it? I’ve already made up my mind, of course we’ll adopt him! Jamie?”

“You go talk to him. I’ll get the papers. No red tape involved.”

“These pancakes are awesome. Thanks auntie Kate!”

Emma grins and Kate nods at her.

“Anytime, Em. Chris, darling, could you quickly go and change Hayden for me?”

“Of course. Are you okay, love? You look pale.”

“I’m fine, just a little dizzy.”

Chris puts his hand on her shoulder, looking at her worriedly.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine!”

He gives her a last worried look before walking out. Emma lifts a brow and looks at Kate.

“Babies are a lot of work.”

“They are. But we still love them.”

“I don’t.”

“Emma, don’t you like Hayden?”

“No. He gets all the attention.”

Kate walks around the table, putting her arms around Emma.

“But you know we love you just as much? Both of you?”



Emma grins.

“Cool. Now I like him!”

She jumps up and runs out. Kate sits down next to Michele, looking at her seriously.

“Are you okay, sweetie?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

“What’s bugging you?”

Michele sighs.

“Mom told us that daddy didn’t want us anymore because he had you and your baby now. Is that true?”

“Of course it’s not! Michele, daddy loves Hayden. A lot. But that doesn’t mean he stopped loving you or that he loves you less. He missed you so much when you weren’t here. And he’s so happy because you’re living with us now.”


“I promise. Your dad loves you more than anything.”

“And you?”

“Of course I love you too!”

“Just as much as Hayden?”

“Just as much as Hayden!”

“Even though we aren’t really your kids?”

“For me… you are really my kids.”

“Thank you auntie Kate.”


Paul grins when he sees Brent sitting on a rock and rushes to him, with Jodi beside him.

“Hey, Brent!”

Brent looks up and for a second there is true surprise and delight on his face.

“Paul! You talked to me twice!”

Jodi closes her eyes for a second and Paul sits down next to Brent.

“Hey little man. Of course I did.”

“Cool. That’s different.”

Jodi looks up, trying her best to blink tears away and Paul smiles.

“Well… I want to ask you something.”


“How would you like to… come and live with us.”

“That your wife?”

Brent points to Jodi and Paul nods.

“Yeah. That’s Jodi.”

”Foxy mama.”

Jodi lifts a brow and smiles before kneeling next to Brent.

“Hi Brent. So what do you think? Want to come live with us?”

“In Australia?”


Brent thinks for a minute.

“Really? You’re not joking?”

Paul picks him up, putting him on his lap.

“Of course we’re not joking.”

“Well… if you’re sure… okay. Today?”

“Yes. Today.”

Chris frowns when he sees Kate lying on the couch and sits down next to her.

“Emma and Michele are happily playing with their brother. Now tell me what’s going on?”

Kate sits up slowly, smiling.

“I’m glad. I was worried about that.”

“Kate, please. You’re pale as a sheet and I’m worried about you. What’s going on?”

“I wanted to tell you last night… but then you told me that Carol killed herself and… it wasn’t the right time…”

“The right time to tell me what?”

“That I’m pregnant.”

Amy walks into the Bishop house with a big grin, putting her cell phone back in her handbag.

“Nic! I’ve just talked to Jodi – they’ve adopted a little boy named Brent. And Noah is all set for the operation, the doctor is really positive about it.”

Nic turns around slowly, his face white and Amy frowns worriedly.

“Nic? What’s wrong?”

“Ava is in the hospital.”

Amy’s eyes widen and she grabs his hand.

“Well let’s go.”


Two chapters! Spoiling us Kyle!

Poor Ava.

Jodi and Paul are really getting into the swing of this adoption thing. And what with Ada and Kate, there are just babies popping up everywhere! Great couple of chapters Kyle - keep it coming.


Two chapters :D Welcome back!

Jodi and Paul adopting more kids :) Wonder how Noah and Brent will get along though, that could be interesting...

Update soon!


wow two chapters :D

ok first .... yay Noah is going to ok!

:o Kate is pregnant!!

and so is Ada :o

and Brent is soooo adorable

:lol: he called Jodi foxy mama :lol:

please update soon


Haha :lol: They are going to end up with like 100 kids aren't they?

Aww cuteness but they still need one of their own a little girl they aleady have 2 boys.

There is going to be trouble between Noah and Brent isn't there?

Anyways update soon :)


Sam! I missed you in the last feedback session, I thought you'd forgotten about me... Gosh guys, I really enjoy being back! I'm still laughing out loud and jumping up and down at your comments! Thanks to all of you - you're like my buddies already. Okay, Kyle getting mushy here that's over here's the next chapter! :P


“So what happened?”

Amy looks at Nic curiously and he sighs.

“Apparently Clare lost it when Ava told her that she likes you… She hit her and Ava fractured a rib.”

“From a slap?”

“No that was a push. She slipped and fell… bumping against a table. I can’t send her back there, Amy.”

“I agree. You can’t. And we shouldn’t. Clare… she’s not stable, Nic. Hurting Ava like that…”

“I know. And I’m going to force her to go for an evaluation.”

Amy takes his hand, squeezing it softly.

“It’s the right thing to do, Nic.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Brent looks from Paul to Jodi, his blue eyes stormy.

“Who is this Noah dude you keep talking about?”

Jodi looks at Brent with a smile.

“Noah is our other son. Your brother.”

“You didn’t say nothing about a brother. I don’t want no brother!”

Brent frowns angrily and Jodi bites her lip.

“I’m sure you and Noah will get along well, Brent.”

“Nah. I’m gonna hate him, I just know it.”

Paul shakes his head.

“Now I’m sure you’re going to like him, Brent. Just try.”

“I don’t want to. Are you going to tell me what to do now?”


“I knew there was a snag. Just take me back to the orphanage.”

“No, we’re not taking you back. We love you and you are our son. Come on now, just try to work with us.”

Brent sighs.

”Fine. Whatever. I’ll be nice to the loser.”

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant.”

Chris looks at Kate with a huge grin, resting his hand on her stomach.

“Our own little baby… It’s awesome…”

He kisses her softly, unable to contain his smile.

“Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better!”

“Hmm. Life is bliss.”


He runs his hand up her body, his tongue duelling with hers, his other hand buried in her hair. Kate presses her lower body against his, arching her neck, folding her hands over his head.

Chris pulls away after a small eternity, looking at her with dark eyes.

“I love you so much it hurts.”

“Are you going to love me when I look like a whale?”

He laughs, nuzzling his nose against her neck.

“I’ll love you no matter what you look like.”

“You just remember that.”

“I will. Let’s go to bed…”

He pulls her up by her hand and she puts her arm around his waist.

“Now that’s a good idea if I’ve ever heard one…”

Chris rests his hand on Kate’s stomach, his eyes glinting.

“Do you have any idea how happy I am?”

“I do..”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Jodi looks at Paul with a worried light in her eyes.

“I’m worried about Brent… He seems… difficult.”

“Yeah, I know… he’s negative about Noah…”

“What if it was a mistake? What if him and Noah hate each other?”

“Jodz, they both need love. As soon as they realise we love them both equally they’ll be fine. I just think Brent is afraid of not being good enough. And he sees Noah as competition for our love.”

Jodi smiles, snuggling up to Paul.

“How did you get so smart?”

“It comes naturally with being a father.”

“Paul… won’t you want your own kids later?”

“Noah and Brent are my own.”

Jodi smiles happily, tears forming in her eyes.

“How did I get so lucky? To find someone like you?”

“You must have done something good when you were a kid…”


Paul throws his arms around Jodi, burying his face in her hair.

“We are meant to be.”

“Together forever.”

Brent sighs, rolling around in his bed once more. After a while he gets up, kneeling in front of the bed.

“Dear Jesus. I know I haven’t talked to you much yet but please let my new mom and dad like me. Please don’t let them give me away too. I really like them. Even if I have to have a brother. I’ll try to like him too. Amen.”

He gets up and climbs into the bed again, throwing the covers over him and finally closing his eyes.

Chris looks at Kate lovingly, wiping a strand of hair out of her face. She smiles up at him, stroking over his cheek softly.

“You’re… amazing.”

Chris laughs, kissing her softly on her nose.

“So are you…”

She blushes, pressing her face against his chest.

“You’re blushing.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You are too.”

“I’m not.”

“Your face is all red.”

She giggles, kissing his chest playfully.

“It’s silly, isn’t it? Feeling like a teenager whenever you touch me.”

“No, it’s not. I feel exactly like that.”

“Think it’s true love?”

“It might be..”

“It might be?”

“Okay, okay! It is. Without a doubt.”

“Stop talking and kiss me…”


And just because I really love spoiling you all! Lol! Thanks again for all the comments... It does my ego good! :lol:


“Brent… Wake up, my boy.”

Brent immediately opens his eyes and looks at Paul for a minute before sitting up.

“Morning Paul.”

“Morning Brent. Did you sleep well?”

Brent nods and rubs his eyes.

“Are we going to pick up that other dude now?”

“Right after breakfast.”

“Okay. Can I take a shower now?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

He walks to the bathroom and Paul sits down on the bed with a small smile.

Brent is back after a short while and he sits down next to Paul.

“I’ll try to be good. I promise.”

“Brent, just be yourself. We love you no matter what.”


“Of course.”

Brent puts his arms around Paul’s neck, hugging him closely.

“Thank you.”

Chris frowns when Paul walks into the house, a huge smile on his face.

“Paul! What are you doing back so soon? Is Jodi here too?”

“No, she’s still in America. I’ve just come from the set, Scott asked me to come and get you. He tried you on your cell, but you weren’t answering.”

“That’s odd… My phone didn’t ring.”

“Probably the network.”

”Yeah, thanks, mate. Coming with me?”

”No… I… Want to say hi to Kate first. See you there.”


Chris walks out with a huge smile, feeling the sunshine on his skin. The set is dark and empty however and he returns home.

“Paul? Kate?”

There’s no answer and he walks deeper into the silent house. He opens the door to his room slowly and freezes when he sees the two entangled bodies on the bed. Paul’s hands stroking over Kate’s body, kissing her passionately.

“No… NO! GET OUT!”


He stares at Kate’s shocked face and shakes his head.

“How can you do this do me?”


Something pushes against him and he gasps when he wakes up. Kate is leaning over him, a concerned frown on her forehead.


”What’s wrong? You were shouting and kicking for about ten minutes before I got you to wake up.”


He stares at her and she strokes over his head.

“Did you have a bad dream?”

“A dream?”

He sits upright and suddenly pulls her close in a bone breaking hug.

“I love you.”

“I love you too… are you going to tell me what that was all about now?”

He shakes his head, smiling sadly.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

“I do. Chris, talk to me. You’re making me worry.”

“Bad dream, okay?”


“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

Kate laughs, kissing him softly.

“Of course not.”

“About you. And Paul.”

“You’re joking!”

“No… I’m sorry.”

“Honey, it’s not like you can choose what you dream.”

He shrugs and she laughs, leaning over to kiss him softly.

“And let me show you that you have nothing to be worried about…”

Chris laughs, putting his arms around her.

“I’ll never stop loving you, Kate. Never.”

“Good. Because I’ll never stop loving you either.”

Jodi looks at the doctor seriously.

“So? Was it successful?”

“We wanted to wait for you before taking the bandages off…”

Jodi breathes deeply before walking to Noah’s room, followed by Paul who is holding a sullen looking Brent. They reach Noah, who is lying on the bed, biting his lip.


Jodi walks closer slowly and he holds his hand out to her.

“Hey mommy.”

She takes his hand and kisses him on the cheek.

“So are you ready?”

“Yes… I know I’m going to see again… I just know it.”

The doctor smiles before closing the curtains and sits down next to Noah.

“Okay, Noah. Here we go. Remember, give yourself time to get used to the light, okay?”

“Yes uncle doctor, sir.”

The doctor slowly unwraps the bandages and Noah slowly opens his eyes, blinking them ‘n few times. Then he focuses on Paul and points his finger to Brent.

“Who is that?”

Paul grins brightly before walking closer.

“This… is your new brother, Noah. His name is Brent.”

“Oh. A new brother? Hi Brent. I’m Noah.”


Brent looks at Noah nervously and the latter smiles brightly.

“I’ve always wanted a brother!”


Noah nods and Brent pulls out of Paul’s arms. He climbs on the bed and looks at Noah seriously.

“So why are you in here?”

“I was in an accident. A house was on fire and I was in it.”

Brent’s eyes widen and he claps his hand over his mouth.

“Wow! Were you scared?”

“Yes. But Aunt Kate and Uncle Chris saved me. So it wasn’t that bad.”

“I would have been outta my mind!”

Noah grins brightly.

“Man… I like you already!

Brent laughs, looking at Noah.

“Dude! My brother is a hero!”

Paul winks at Jodi, walking closer to put his arms around her.

“And to think we were afraid that they wouldn’t get along…”

“Yeah, what were we thinking?”


aww Noah and brent are sooo cute

:o you scared me for a second with Chris's dream

but its ok because it was just a dream :)

great two chapters

please update soon :D


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