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Great chapter!

But Martha, just give in already! If i was her id have given in a loooong time ago! :wub:

Im thinking its either her dad or Jesse (but is he in jail in your fic?) at the door. I hope its not Jesse cause he'l probably cause major problems for JnM and we dont want that!

Your upcoming fic sounds really interesting, not like anything else ive read before, im really looking forward to it :)

Cant wait for the next update! Maybe Martha will start giving in to Jack!?

Ok, they wasnt so much a question more of an order for you Amber :D

Update soon :)

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  *Parais-Girl* said:
I think it's Brett. lol.

My exact thoughts.

I hope it's Brett... I think he's quite awesome. :)

Great chapter! It had me laughing at Martha's stupidness. I don't blame her for fancying Jack...

Update soon.


That was great Amber! Martha is so funny, she's got it bad!

I think it's either Brett or Jesse...more Jesse because Martha can probably remember him and when they were dating, so it would be more easy to cause problems! :P

Please update soon, fabby chapter!


That was an awesome chapter Amber but :o how could you leave it there?! I really wanna know whos at the door?! Im thinking Brett or Jesse also because not sure who else it could be but i really dont know! Martha definitely wants Jack bad though and i think its about time she let him in on her memory! lol Great writing as usual and i cant wait for the start of your new fic looks really interesting but then it will mean the end of Cry to me which wont be good! lol Anyways update soon, cant wait to see what happens next! :)


:lol: Luc is hilarious. Love him. I hope Brett is genuine, i dont want anymore heart ache for Martha. Amber, two updates in 2 days (i think) lilly likey :D Great chapter

More please :D


Waa Hay! :D

They were the funniest two chapters i have read in a while!

I'm going to miss Tasha when she leaves, but hopefully that void will be filled with lots and lots of lovely Jack and Martha teasing :P


Whooo! I can't believe you updated, it has actually shocked me. That's like.. 2 updates in a day, and then you updated like yesterday or the day before.

That's just brilliant, Amber. You deserve a sticker.

Now, about the chapter - yey! Brett! I hope he's evil... :P

Lucas made me laugh. :D

Memories! Bring them on!

I'm singing the "memories" song in my head now...

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