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Guest Big Brother

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Look what I found underground...

ITS GEORGE THE PUGLIE! MEET OUR NEW FRIEND! (As you can see I made an effort to draw him, as BB probs wouldnt let him in the house! But you can go visit him... he's on a hole, around the place where the Outside Loo stood!)


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*Drunkenly falls on floor*Welllll i'mmmm exxxttttttrrrreeemmmeeelllyyy dddrrrruuunnnkkk iiii hhhhoooopppeeee yyyyooooouuuu eeeennnjjjjjooooyyyyyeeeddd mmmyyyy pppeeeerrrrrffffoooorrrmmmaaannnccceee!*hiccupps,gets up from floor,stumbles into bedroom,climbs into a bed that's not mine and falls asleep*.

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Raises an eyebrow too.

Whoever said we should have a party - good idea! :D

Nicole can sing for us. :P

Or maybe, if we ask really nicely, BB could provide a few things like a stereo and some alcohol...?

Looks naively hopeful.

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This is Big Brother.

The results of your first task are as follows:

The slaves put in a very good effort, although not all of them completed the task. A special mention goes to Chris’ representation of himself.

The masters on the other hand….what on earth happened? Big Brother is extremely displeased that the majority of you didn’t take part. However, special mention goes to Luce for her representation of Drew.

Therefore, the following will happen. Until further notice, the slaves will live in the masters house, and the masters will live in the slaves house. There are two notable exceptions to this. Emmasi, you broke a rule by entering the masters compound, and will remain in the slave compound. Lilone, as the only master to put what Big Brother constitutes as effort into the task, you will remain in the masters house. From this post onwards, anybody posting in the house they have NOT been allocated to will be punished.

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This is Big Brother.

The results of your first task are as follows:

The slaves put in a very good effort, although not all of them completed the task. A special mention goes to Chris’ representation of himself.

The masters on the other hand….what on earth happened? Big Brother is extremely displeased that the majority of you didn’t take part. However, special mention goes to Luce for her representation of Drew.

Therefore, the following will happen. Until further notice, the slaves will live in the masters house, and the masters will live in the slaves house. There are two notable exceptions to this. Emmasi, you broke a rule by entering the masters compound, and will remain in the slave compound. Lilone, as the only master to put what Big Brother constitutes as effort into the task, you will remain in the masters house. From this post onwards, anybody posting in the house they have NOT been allocated to will be punished.

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