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Back to the Bay: Big Brother 2007: Archive Thread

Guest Big Brother

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Cool I love ghost stories!! :P

There's nothing much to do here as everyone seem to be doing something else. Hopefully we will still get to have some fun around here!

Hey did anyone watch Australian Story tonight? That Belinda tribute was so sad to watch!! :(

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Well inspite of how tacky it might be to tell ghost stories now that the conversation has turned to a beloved dead celebrity (I didn't watch it), here goes, lol...

Suddenly realises she's not used to telling ghost stories...


Fifty years ago to this day, a teenage boy died in a horriffic motorcycle accident on the road just outside this house... Back then, this was the home of an ancient mystic Voodoo priest, who found the boy's mangled corpes and reanimated it into a zombie servant...

The priest sent the zombie-boy out to steal food and money from his rich Masters across the yard. But the boy wandered past the stable where the hounds slept... and his rotting flesh was torn from his bones and swallowed by the dogs, who had been starved by the cruel Masters to ensure maximum carnage if any of the slaves ever tried to run away...

The next morning, one of the Masters went to check on the dogs, as they'd been barking and growling all night. When he opened the door to the stable, the dogs snarled viciously and tackled him to the ground, ripping him limb from limb as they'd done to the zombie-boy...

The other Masters came runnin to the sounds of their friend's screaming and were all attacked in turn... Then the Voodoo priest, who was the only one who could control the demon dogs with his ancient magic, called the hounds to him and they sat obediently at his heels. The priest then escorted his faithful pets into the Master's house, and sent all the victims who had been turned into zombies by the dog bites to the slave quarters where they rithed in agony for all eternity...

Some say you can still hear the dogs barking as the zombie slaves try to escape... but the priest will never let them go... because their souls belong to him...

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