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Guest Big Brother

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On Thursday, the secret room in the Masters house will be transformed into a theatre, and it is the task of the housemates to perform for Big Brother. This will take the form of a musical.

Before the task begins, you will return to the house where you began your Big Brother journey. From this post onwards, the slaves become slaves again, and the masters become masters. You will work as two seperate teams, competing to create to impress Big Brother the most.

Your task is this.

- Housemates must decide upon a storyline for the musical, and allocate each other with a part. Everyone must play a part.

- Each individual housemate must 'write' a song as a solo number for their character. Big Brother understands time is scant, so only expects housemates to take an existing song and re-jig the words to fit the situation. These must be posted for your fellow housemates to see, and approve of - you must also decide on a 'running order' for these solo's

- As a group you must 'write' an ensemble song to be used as a finale to the piece, showing the outcomes of the storyline. Big Brother must be satisfied that every housemate has submitted at least one line to this piece. Again, you may choose an existing tune and re-jig the words.

Please be aware, Big Brother is hardly expected a masterpiece, but in order to pass this task, Big Brother must be satisfied that a strong amount of effort has been put in.

Squirrels may guest star.

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On Thursday, the secret room in the Masters house will be transformed into a theatre, and it is the task of the housemates to perform for Big Brother. This will take the form of a musical.

Before the task begins, you will return to the house where you began your Big Brother journey. From this post onwards, the slaves become slaves again, and the masters become masters. You will work as two seperate teams, competing to impress Big Brother the most.

Your task is this.

- Housemates must decide upon a storyline for the musical, and allocate each other with a part. Everyone must play a part.

- Each individual housemate must 'write' a song as a solo number for their character. Big Brother understands time is scant, so only expects housemates to take an existing song and re-jig the words to fit the situation. These must be posted for your fellow housemates to see, and approve of - you must also decide on a 'running order' for these solo's

- As a group you must 'write' an ensemble song to be used as a finale to the piece, showing the outcomes of the storyline. Big Brother must be satisfied that every housemate has submitted at least one line to this piece. Again, you may choose an existing tune and re-jig the words.

Please be aware, Big Brother is hardly expected a masterpiece, but in order to pass this task, Big Brother must be satisfied that a strong amount of effort has been put in.

Squirrels may guest star.

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Wahay! Mrs Squirrel and friend - you're in! *winks*

But.. we're back in the dump house. Damn it.

Well, this sounds cool! Even though, I have no idea where to start....

Any ideas on what it could be, folks? Perhaps something about H&A... seen as though we're on here?

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Aw...never mind, we have a good time wherever we are! :D

Darn you Big Brother, you didn't say when we had to have voted by! In a parallel universe I've spent the day in Sheffield! Ah well!


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