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Back to the Bay: Big Brother 2007: Archive Thread

Guest Big Brother

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I'm the right height too! Smiles smugly

Right.. so, what could happen in it? I guess we could try and get a rough idea together seen as though no one else is here.

It could be... stalker returns AGAIN... or... hmm, I don't know. We could totally rip of another musical like Chicago or something, or make our own..


I'm not very imaginative by the way, so I'll be crap with this.

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Oh, right...

He's a goodie! And he's yours... go wild! :D

I'm loving that Corey idea... but then again, perhaps a selection of the bad characters could be singing that, like the real film... and I think they all get a little verse each, so we could change the verses and make it about that particular persons storyline?

So like.. Corey - Irene, Sarah - Umm... the bay?, Zoe - the bay.., Amanda's sister - Amanda, and so on... I think there's 6 of them though...

Cell Block Tango Lyrics








Uh uh












Uh uh












Uh uh






He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it


I betcha you would have done the same!








Uh uh





[LIZ (Spoken)]

You know how people

have these little habits

That get you down. Like Bernie.

Bernie like to chew gum.

No, not chew. POP.

Well, I came home this one day

And I am really irritated, and

looking for a little sympathy

and there'e Bernie layin'

on the couch, drinkin' a beer

and chewin'. No, not chewin'.

Poppin'. So, I said to him,

I said, "Bernie, you pop that

gum one more time..."

and he did.

So I took the shotgun off the wall

and I fired two warning shots...

...into his head.


He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha you would

Have done the same!

He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha you would

Have done the same!


He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha you would

Have dome the same!

[ANNIE (Spoken)]

I met Ezekiel Young from

Salt Lake city about two years ago

and he told me he was single

and we hit it off right away.

So, we started living together.

He'd go to work, he'd come home, I'd

mix him a drink, We'd have dinner.

Well, it was like heaven in

two and a half rooms.

And then I found out,

"Single" he told me?

Single, my ass. Not only

was he married

...oh, no, he had six wives.

One of those Mormons, you know. So that

night, when he came home, I mixed him

his drink as usual.

You know, some guys just can't hold

their arsenic.


He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself

To blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha you would

Have done the same

He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself

to blame

If you'd have been there

If yo'd have seen it

I betcha you would

Have done the same!


Hah! He had it coming

He had it coming

He took a flower

In its prime

And then he used it

And he abused it

It was a murder

But not a crime!


Pop, six, squish, uh-uh

Cicero, Lipschitz

[JUNE (Spoken)]

Now, I'm standing in the kitchen

carvin' up the chicken for dinner,

minding my own business,

and in storms my husband Wilbur,

in a jealous rage.

"You been screwin' the milkman,"

he says. He was crazy

and he kept screamin',

"you been screwin the milkman."

And then he ran into my knife.

He ran into my knife ten times!





Pop, Six,







If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha you would have done the same!

[HUNYAK (Spoken)]

Mit kersek, en itt? Azt mondjok,

hogy a hires lakem lefogta a ferjemet en meg

lecsaptam a fejet. De nem igaz, en artatlan

vagyok. Nem tudom mert mondja

Uncle Sam hogy en tettem. probaltam

a rendorsegen megmayarazni de nem ertettek meg...

[JUNE (Spoken)]

Yeah, but di you do it?


UH UH, not guilty!


My sister, Veronica and

I did this double act

and my husband, Charlie,

used to travel round with us.

Now, for the last number in

our act, we did these 20 acrobatic

four,five...splits, spread eagles,

back flips,flip flops,

one right after the other.

Well, this one night we were in Cicero,

the three of us, sittin' up

in a hotel room, boozin' and

havin' a few laughs and

we ran out of ice.

So I went out to get some.

I come back, open the door

and there's Veronica and

Charlie doing Number Seventeen-

the spread eagle.


He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had

Himself to blame.

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it tricks in a row,


I betcha

You would

Have done

The same!

He had

It coming

He had it coming...

Well, I was in such a state of shock,

I completely blacked out.I can't remember a thing.

It wasn't until later,

when I was washing the blood off my hands

I even knew they were dead.

They had it coming

They had it coming

They had it coming all along

I didn't do it

But if I'd done it

How could you tell me that I was wrong?


They had it coming


They had it coming


They had it coming


They had it coming


They had it coming


They took a flower


All along


In its prime


I didn't do it


And then they used it


But if I'd done it


And they abused it


How could you tell me


It was a murder


That I was wrong?


But not a crime!


I loved Alvin Lipschitz

more than I can possibly say.

He was a real artistic guy...

sensitive... a painter.

But he was troubled.

He was always trying

to find himself.

He'd go out every night

looking for himself

and on the way

he found Ruth,


Rosemary and Irving.

I guess you can say we broke

up because or artistic differences.

He saw himself as alive

and I saw him dead.


He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had

Himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha

You would

Have done

The same!


The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum


They had it comin'


They had it comin'


They had it comin'


They had it comin'


They had it comin'


They had it comin'


All along


All along

'Cause if they used us

'Cause if they used us And they abused us

And they abused us


How could you tell us


How could you tell us That we were wrong?

That we were wrong?

He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had


To blame.

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha

You would

Have done

The same!

[LIZ (Spoken)]

You pop that gum one more time!

[ANNIE (spoken)]

Single my ass.

[JUNE (Spoken)]

Ten times!

[HUNYAK (Spoken)]

Miert csukott Uncle Same bortonbe.

[VELMA (Spoken)]

Number seventeen-the spread eagle.

[MONA (Spoken)]

Artistic differences.


I betcha you would have done the same

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Lol. Yup! Sounds good!

Um, should we start writing some of the verses... or leave it for the people who are the characters?

And we'll need a song for the goodies... hmm... perhaps we could just nick any song from anywhere... Disney films are always good. :P

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lol... hmm... I don't commit many good-guy Disney songs to memory... Maybe we should just stick to the plot of Chicago? If I could remember what it was, lol. I feel like that "Mr Celophane" song would suit my dear Robbie nicely... I think :P

What is the plot? Something about a black haired girl and a blond haired girl... I'm thinking Martha and Tash would go nicely :P

Or maybe something else that I do know the plot too, lol. Speaking of Disney, I'm pretty good with Beauty & The Beast and The Lion King...?

No freakin idea. If we stick with Chicago, Johnny might be a more vengeful choice than Jonah :P

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Throws towel over shoulder

Well, I shall be going into the shower now. I'll be back for a short while, but then off.. to.. um... take Mrs Squirrely-and-friend for a long 3-4 hour walk. :) So, I won't be able to work on it too much with you. :( Have fun!

Skips off to the bathroom. Locks the door behind her.

Just incase Kat comes back...

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And yea, sure! I'm not expert in any musical. Apart from High School musical. :P It's more my sisters thing... and Chicago came to mind because my sisters been watching it quite a bit recently.

The black haired woman likes to sing and stuff on stage... but kills her boyfriend/husband or something... the blonde haired one wants to work on stage to do the same and is sleeping with a guy to get her there.. but the guy lied. So she shoots him. They both get put into jail and have to go through trial and whatnot... turns out that the only innocent woman in the jail gets hung, and the ones who are actually murderers get released. The blonde haired and the black haired then go out and get famous and sing and stuff on stage. :) I think.. I'm sure there's a much better summary on the tinterweb. :)

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