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Guest Big Brother

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With much thanks to a good friend who helped with this! Either as a solo or as the ensemble one!

It's to the tune of 'I've Got A Little List' from 'The Mikado' by Gilbert and Sullivan

As some day it may happen that a member must be banned,

We've got a little list--we've got a little list

Of serial offenders who might well be underground,

And who never would be missed--who never would be missed!

There's the pestilential nuisances who spam and spam and spam

All members who like J and M and don't like Jack and Sam,

All members who quote ratings, and floor you with 'em flat--

All members who in making posts, do not use proper SPAG

And members who posts spoilers having got them from a friend...

They'd none of them be missed--they'd none of them be missed!


We've got 'em on the list...we've got 'em on the list;

And they'll none of 'em be missed--they'll none of 'em be missed.

There's the P'anda shipper posters, and the others of that ilk,

And the guy who likes Neighbours more --We've got him on the list!

And the people who post endless polls and then post them all again,

They never would be missed--they never would be missed!

Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,

All episodes but this, and every storyline but this;

And the ladies from the north, who want to marry Tim,

And those who "do not think they write, but would rather like to try";

And that singular anomaly, the guy who drinks a lot --

I don't think he'd be missed--I'm sure he'd not he missed!


We've got him on the list...we've got him on the list;

And I don't think he'll be missed--I'm sure

He'll not be missed!

And that ever present nuisance, who just now is rather rife,

The would-be humorist--We've got him on the list!

All funny fellows, comic men, and clowns of private life--

They'd none of 'em be missed--they'd none of 'em be missed.

And apologetic writers who kill off the ones you love,

Such as--What d'ye Coral her--Thing'emy-Bev, and likewise - Daniel Never-mind,

And 'T...T...T--and What's-her-name, and also You-know-who--

The task of filling up the blanks I'd rather leave to you.

But it really doesn't matter whom we put upon the list,

For they'd none of 'em be missed--they'd none of 'em be missed!


We may put 'em on the list--we may put 'em on the list;

And they'll none of 'em be missed--they'll none of 'em be missed!

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