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Guest Big Brother

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I don't mind being evicted

Then stop harping on about it, both here and in my PM box.

Talk about rudeness. :o Glad i didn't enter. :P Big Brother seems alot meaner this year and not in a good way. <_< Just because they are Big Brother they have a right to be rude?

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Wanders out to the pool also...

Hey guys! What's happening :)?

Looks into the water... sees - no, *smells* Andy's blood...

Sees Lynd wrapped around him... clawing at his back... biting his neck...

Jealousy rising - white hot rage, white as the night's full moon...

Grrrrr.... :angry:

Black clouds part to inspire fully-fledged luna madness...

A sudden, furious splash of red as the pool water sprays up! Growling! Snarling! Teeth and fur! And teeth!!!





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*Suddenly hears voices and realizes we've been out here for quite a while...Gives Andy one last kiss on the neck*....I'm going to have a shower....*Winks suggestively at Jem on the way to bathroom*.

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Snarls at Lynd - deal with that one later... :angry:

Holds Andy under water... Tastes good... Thrashing... *feels* good... Pins him against the side of the pool for some savage wolf-love...

... Growling... Barking... Screaming... Howling.... Hoooooowwwlllliiiinnnnggg....

... ... ...

... Let's Andy up for air... Climbs out of pool... Shakes water from fur and trots off in the direction of Lynd's lustful scent...

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Hears playing in the shower and avoids bathroom. Quickly gets in to pool. Sees Andy ravaged by the side, covered in hickeys

Andy, are you OK? You look a little....you know... dead... :o

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