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Back to the Bay: Big Brother 2007: Archive Thread

Guest Big Brother

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Cal jumps up onto the BB house wall and pulls out his....wand. Shouts something and a big blue stream of light comes out and hits the BB chat room, making it plunge into darkness.

Oh well, looks like the chat room is closed until we get the power back. Booo. :P

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Could people please NOT lock threads when I'm in the middle of excrutiatingly long rants Cal <_<?

Now I'm going to have to get drawn into all the bother of another bloody PM war >.<

Takes Cal's flower away and crushes it. :angry:

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How boring. BORING I say!

I'm going to run out my last hours in the BB house sulking about being prematurely silenced by Cal's wand... <_<

If only BB were here to release me, so I could say my goodbyes, pack up my apparenly scant supply of clothing, and leave... but no. I have to sit here and stare at the oddly silent walls... Waiting... waiting... waiting to fall asleep... and only then will BB spring into action, declare me evicted, and all without time for me to say another word!

Well I'm not going out like that! You hear me!!! NEVER!!!!!!

Runs into bedroom, grabs a small suitcase and makes a mad dash to Chris J's bed, where he's fallen asleep, allowing Mr Stickygoo to curl up on his chest.

Grabs the the non-descript grime-worm and rips it off Chris' chest! Chris yells in pain as his manly chest hairs are waxed away, leaving him smooth as an efeminate gay boy. Leans across to Andy's bed to grab one of his S&M gags - applies it to Chris, and throws a set of handcuffs on him, secured to the headboard (stolen from Lynd's), to keep him restrained as I make my grand escape.

Shoves Stickygoo in the suitcase and runs outside to the wall. Hears sercuirty alarms wailing as searchlights rake the yard - the gaurd dogs come bounding into view.

N-n-nice doggies :mellow:

The two dogs pause for a moment... then give chase in a flurry of savage barking. Emmasi squeals like a little girly girl (or James from Pokemon, if you like) and throws the suitcase over the wall. It breaks open on the other side - Emmasi hears the appreciative cooing of Kirst as she hugs her beloved pet...

Emmasi scrabbles for a foothold on the whitewashed wall as the dogs draw nearer. She throws an arm up to the razor wire and holds on, tearing her hand open as the dogs catch up with her... She can't let go... The smell of fresh blood has exciting the dogs into a feeding frenzy and they start jumping up, biting Emmasi's swinging ankles.


BB either cannot, or chooses not to heed Emmasi's desperate pleas... But someone else does...

A flash of brown streaks across the yard. It pauses - it's Mrs Squirelly!! It mutters something in a high-pitched chirruping voice, and, by the reaction of the dogs, it can only be something like the animal equivilant of "Yo Mama's so fat, she jumped in the pool and... and all the water splashed out of it... you know... because it was displaced... by her immense weight... which was of a greater mass and density than the water itself..."

With the dogs distracted by Mrs Squirrelly's exceptionally long "Yo Mama" taunt, Emmasi scrambles up the wall, ignoring the scars that the razor wire rip open across her chest and belly... scars of success... of evading BB's cruel designs, once and for all...

The dogs dash off in the opposite direction in hot pursuit of the brave young squirrel... and Emmasi is free! Free at last!!

She lands on Kirst and Mr Stickygoo, and with a well-deserved and slimy hug, she runs off laughing into the night, never to be seen in the BTTB BB house again...

Unless of course by some miracle the voting IS rigged in her favour, and there's a suspicious landslide of eviction votes for sevaral other housemates at the death... :unsure:

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Hopefully during the power cut tensions have eased somewhat. Thanks Cal for orchastrating that power cut.. though if the squirral was electrocuted when you had him chew through the wire, be prepared to face Nicole's wrath!

ENOUGH arguing in this thread. Its for discussion of events going on in the houses, not for arguments, grudges and point scoring. Another word on it will see action taken against those responsible.

So back to the house.. emmasi's made a dash for it! :o nooooo!

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