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Friday, 24 Aug 07 - Episode # 4490

Guest JosieTash

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My very UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ A Woman’s Touch “

(Screened in Australia on Friday, 24 Aug 07 - Episode # 4490)

HUNTER HOUSE : Whilst Geoff is keen to have a go at Annie, Irene is MUCH more understanding – esp., since that items that Annie stole are feminine hygiene ones.

After Irene “suggest” for Geoff to leave the room, a way confused etc Annie wishes that her mum were still alive.

MANSION : Drew suggests that Annie & Geoff should move into the beach house =- but belle reminds him of the shower inceiet with Geoff. Drew the commits on some of the creepy guys that have been around that bay lately =- like Denni, Dom etc.

Drew gets a text form Denni – remind him about the race. Drew tells bell that he’ll find a way not to.

BEACH : Luc & Lisa are arm in arm sitting on the sand. Luc insists that Lisa has to tell denni about them sometime, but Lisa insists that she’s got to find the [mythical] right moment. Lisa agrees when luc suggest that head on back to his place.

HUNTER HOUSE : Geoff has a go at Annie for what she did – and calls her a sinner. Irene however reminds Geoff that it’s also a VERY Christian thing to FORGIVE ppl.

HUNTER HOUSE : Next day, Lisa & Luc enters the main part of the house [after she obviously slept in his room too]. They go into the kitchen and are kissing with Annie enters the room. Annie clearly tekaes offence to this – and after Annie bails, Lisa is worrier that she’ll “blab”, but luc insists that Annie won’t.

DINER : Annie expressed her disappointment at luc to Irene, and Annie isn’t exactly that keen when Irene says that sooner or later Annie will be interested in boys.

Irene then speaks to Annie & Geoff – Irene thinks it might be a good idea if Annie lives with Irene & belle at the beach house.

DINER : Soon after, Irene insists to Geoff that she think it would be beret for Annie to have some serious female influence in her life. Irene then asks both Geoff & Annie to at least THINK about this suggestion.

SBH : Lisa tells Luc that she’s had a truckload of txt messages from Denni. The latter then approaches, and insists that he went passed her house last night several times – and doubts that she has studying like she said. When luc “stands up” for Lisa, deni thinks the luc & Lisa must be together now – and he pushes luc up against lockers.

Denni insists that drew WILL race him – and as he bails, Maddie & belle arrives – they can’t believe that Luc has got together with Lisa, and the later bails because of luc’s less than stellar reaction to belle’s etc comments.

NEAR SAEPALNE WHARF : Luc caathes up with Lisa – he insists that he was caught of guard by maddie’s etc comments.

Lisa insists that she is very scared by the thought of dennis’ reaction to her want to break up, whilst Luc insist that Maddie & co WILL come around – it’s just that they still she Lisa as the enemy at the moment.

DINER : As Drew, Maddie, belle & Ric are talking, Drew tells the others about the texts that he has received form Denni.

Speaking of whom, the hoon arrives – and threatens drew & is friends, incl “goldilocks” [Luc]/. Belle thinks that Denni is way paranoid about things – but Denni insists that someone WILL get hurt if Drew not races him.

SBH : After a class finishes, goeff remains behind, and fisher [teacher of said class] wonders why. Geoff tells him about Irene’s suggestions, and he that Geoff isn’t keen in the idea. Fisher makes Geoff rally thinks about tings – when e asks to Geoff to ask himself what if tis SI a good move for Annie.

HUNTER HOUSE : Annie seems a little surprised when Geoff says that he has thoughts about it, and he thinks it’s a good idea for Annie to have the kinda of female influence etc that she can receive at the beach house.

Geoff insists that this will be better than when he went to boarding school, as he & Annie can see each other everyday etc.

HUNTER HOUSE/NEAR BEACH : Luc [his house] phones Lisa, who insists that she REALLY does need to be with Denni for the race. Scends after the call ends, Denni [in car] pulls up behind Lisa [and “suggest” that she gets in, which Lisa does.

DINER : Irene is REALLY pleased that Annie has decided to move in with her – but the look of Geoff’s face suggests that he is still apprehensions about this.

NOAH’S : Drew, Luc, Ric & Luc are talking – whilst drew & co aren’t keen on racing, luc insists that they should help Lisa. Drew gets that text about race locations from Denni, and after Drew etc go to get some drink, luc “borrows” Ric;s keys and takes off.

Drew & co realise this – and as they exit to go after him, belle tells the just enters the surf club Maddie wnta;s happened.

RACE LOCATION : Denni is annoyed that drew seems to be late for their race. Luc arrives and Lisa insists that luc is NOT her b/f. drew & co arrives – just as Denni insists that Lisa gets in his car [he pushes her in]. As he des that, drew, Ric & luc gets in drew’s car and they take off.

Denni pursues then – and catches up quite quickly. Drew comments that it’s because denim’s car has a turbo. Drew gets a way a bit when Lisa garbs the wheel of denim’s car for a bit, but he wrenches it away from her.

ON THE ROAD : Denni catches up with Drew’s car soon enough, and tries to ram it off the road [surprise that he didn’t try to push drew off the road the way you see it ALL the time on touring car race, a push to the rear quarter panel].

When Lisa districts Denni once more, drew is able to slip away a little, and drew turns his car onto a dirt track.

Denni goes straight pat that dirt road, and Lisa once more grabs the wheel to get Denni to slow down/stop, but Denni can’t gain control of the car this time – it goes off roads, and barrel rolls several times before coming to a halt right [on its wheels] side up !!!! [END OF EP]


The likes of Belle, Drew say a sad farewell to the person who died in the race crash [i’m guessing its NOT Denni who dies then], and, coming real soon, Sally’s wedding

It's A Designer Label (IADL)

GOLD : Belle – stylish dark grey jacket/marron top

SILVER : Maddie - apple green [with darker green leafy motifs] spaghetti strap top/purple cardigan

BRONZE : Lisa - rich yellow (with inverted black V across the bust) halter top/black log pants


Annie - green thin strap singlet top

Annie - SBH uniform [with red hair band]

Annie - white [red floral] PJ top & shorts

Belle – red [black lining] singlet top

Belle - SBH uniform

Denni – red cap/red t/faded black jacket

Drew - black (“juice” with red, white & green floral motif) t shirt/denim jeans

Drew – brown button up shirt/purple t

Fisher – white shirt/dark suit/brown [yellow floral] tie

Geoff – dark blue singlet/dark shorts

Geoff - grey singlet/dark shorts

Geoff – red button up shirt

Geoff - red rugby jersey/dark blue shorts

Geoff – SBH uniform

Irene - black (white rope pattern) top

Irene - red scoop neck t/bone long pants

Lisa – red hoodie

Lisa - SBH uniform

Luc - off white [red vertical stripes] PJ pants

Luc - SBH uniform

Luc – yellow & white rugby top

Luke - white [blue horizontal stripes on the back, and a blue stripes on the sleeves] hoodie/denim jeans

Maddie - SBH uniform

Ric – black [yellow swirls on sleeves] long sleeve top/olive green long pants


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