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Todd Lasance/Aden Jeffries

Guest Perry

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I think we've been given the impression that Aden was abused when he was younger (possibly 8-10ish maybe younger). His grandad moved in after his mum died as his dad was struggling to look after himself and his two sons. I think the reason we are seeing a change in Aden's attitude is because he's probably feeling a lot more vunerable now because at least 2 or 3 know if not what actually happened they can hazard a guess. I think's he's just putting his defence mechanisms into place - just in case! The bad boy attitude is so clearly a defence mechanism - I'll get at you before you can get at me sorta thing.

Thank you so much for clearing that up for me. :D I thought as much that he was abused around that age, but then I thought it may have been recent cos he didn't seem all that bad boy like until Todd came back to H&A the second time. But I guess it could be just because the writers didn't have that as Aden's history initially.

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He wasn't exactly good when he was around the first time. He was kind of a jerk to Ric behind Cassie's back, and then he lied about Ric to keep his brother out of jail - understandable, but not particularly good. My theory is that he did the right thing by telling Cassie the truth in the end, which made her reject him and got his brother put away, so what's the point in being good when it only makes bad things happen? He got progressively worse each time we saw him, so I think it was a gradual thing and makes sense when you look at everything together, rather than seeing now and then. You have to look at the middle too. He was only ever mean to Geoff because Tony gave him special treatment, and Aden didn't think it was fair. Think about that in the context we have now, and you do have to wonder how Aden would have felt, watching Geoff treated with kid gloves because his grandfather was mean to him - but who was there to care about Aden and what his grandfather did? No one, except Sean, and telling the truth got him taken away... Aden's life sux. I don't blame him for being an angry young man.

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^ You make very good points. I can undestand it better that it was a gradual process. And thanks for letting me know about the whole Geoff and Tony thing, plus Geoff's grandad, everything with Aden is making more sense by you guys filling in on all the stuff I've missed.

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I still remember when a certain someone refered to Aden as scum on haac, wayyyyyyyyyyy before he became a regular. Look how times change. :P

Anyway these were posted by Adelle_fan so credit to them. Aden and Tam on Blue Water High! :o


And Axel and the chick Max liked once.





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He wasn't exactly good when he was around the first time. He was kind of a jerk to Ric behind Cassie's back, and then he lied about Ric to keep his brother out of jail - understandable, but not particularly good. My theory is that he did the right thing by telling Cassie the truth in the end, which made her reject him and got his brother put away, so what's the point in being good when it only makes bad things happen? He got progressively worse each time we saw him, so I think it was a gradual thing and makes sense when you look at everything together, rather than seeing now and then. You have to look at the middle too. He was only ever mean to Geoff because Tony gave him special treatment, and Aden didn't think it was fair. Think about that in the context we have now, and you do have to wonder how Aden would have felt, watching Geoff treated with kid gloves because his grandfather was mean to him - but who was there to care about Aden and what his grandfather did? No one, except Sean, and telling the truth got him taken away... Aden's life sux. I don't blame him for being an angry young man.

Also, the whole Annie getting drunk thing and Aden trying to help her, then getting charged with assulting her- he was trying to be good and then another bad thing happened. He just keeps getting delt these blows.

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