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Todd Lasance/Aden Jeffries

Guest Perry

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I just found out that Aden was in the show before and never got on with Ric. What happened in the past with Aden, his brother, Ric and Cassie?

Aden was dating Cassie, Ric was jealous. Ric and Aden were playing rugby and Ric was a bit too hard on Aden, and Aden ended up in hospital. Aden's brother Sean, wanted Ric to pay and beat him up. Aden covered for him, but he eventually came clean. Then I think Sean went to prison and Cassie dumped Aden. That's the short version :P

I must just say that I'm warming up to Aden and Todd. I'm curious about Aden's past and Todd has proven himself as a good actor with a lot of potential ^_^

EDIT: I forgot to mention that because of Aden's accident back then, he missed an opportunity to play for scouts, so that's why Sean was so angry

^^Thank you for that. Some of it is comming back! :lol:

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Okay, I'm calling it:

Aden was raped by his grandfather, which is why he hates him so much, and why in the recent spoilers he's so freaked out about Cassie contracting HIV. The Vietnam War, as I understand it, was rife with STDs, and it's possible that Aden's grandfather has one, which is why he's such a bitter old man who keeps to himself... Aden may have been in denial about contracting anything himself, until hearing about Cassie, who is the same age as he is... He may even be worried that she got it from HIM since he's never been tested before, and may have slept with her when they were going out...

I don't think he will be HIV+, but I do think that this will open up a can of very nasty worms regarding his sexual abuse. Which is why I hope he gets the opportunity to talk to Cassie about it, seeing as she too was sexually abused by a relative.

Having a homosexual experience - especially one that was forced - may also explain Aden's apparent need to overcompensate. He may not actually be gay (sigh) but he might think that if anyone found out about what happened, they'd think he was gay, or he might even think it himself for letting it happen (like he had a choice...) It would also explain why he's so angry at people like Geoff and Annie who appear to live in a fantasy world where bad things don't happen to good, God-fearing people. Maybe Aden did believe in God once, but that didn't save him from someone he was supposed to be able to trust... It stands to be a very impressive storyline, if any of it is true, and if anyone can pull it off and do it justice, it's Todd. He's very much in the same league as Sharni in that respect. (Only better, cause he's a cute boy to go with it :P).

Right, I've been constantly wrong about this sort of thing before, and I am right in the middle of a fic that deals with this sort of thing, so it's obviously on my mind... but if the writers, and the sensors did have the courage to go there,

to show young boys that they've got just as much right to speak and be heard when something like this has happened to them, as any girl like Cassie or Rachel does

then I'll already be impressed, regardless of how it turns out. Though I can't imagine that anything with Aden at the center could possibly be done badly at this point.

My insane ramble for the day :rolleyes:

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Okay, I'm calling it:

Aden was raped by his grandfather, which is why he hates him so much, and why in the recent spoilers he's so freaked out about Cassie contracting HIV. The Vietnam War, as I understand it, was rife with STDs, and it's possible that Aden's grandfather has one, which is why he's such a bitter old man who keeps to himself... Aden may have been in denial about contracting anything himself, until hearing about Cassie, who is the same age as he is... He may even be worried that she got it from HIM since he's never been tested before, and may have slept with her when they were going out...

I don't think he will be HIV+, but I do think that this will open up a can of very nasty worms regarding his sexual abuse. Which is why I hope he gets the opportunity to talk to Cassie about it, seeing as she too was sexually abused by a relative.

Having a homosexual experience - especially one that was forced - may also explain Aden's apparent need to overcompensate. He may not actually be gay (sigh) but he might think that if anyone found out about what happened, they'd think he was gay, or he might even think it himself for letting it happen (like he had a choice...) It would also explain why he's so angry at people like Geoff and Annie who appear to live in a fantasy world where bad things don't happen to good, God-fearing people. Maybe Aden did believe in God once, but that didn't save him from someone he was supposed to be able to trust... It stands to be a very impressive storyline, if any of it is true, and if anyone can pull it off and do it justice, it's Todd. He's very much in the same league as Sharni in that respect. (Only better, cause he's a cute boy to go with it :P).

Right, I've been constantly wrong about this sort of thing before, and I am right in the middle of a fic that deals with this sort of thing, so it's obviously on my mind... but if the writers, and the sensors did have the courage to go there,

to show young boys that they've got just as much right to speak and be heard when something like this has happened to them, as any girl like Cassie or Rachel does

then I'll already be impressed, regardless of how it turns out. Though I can't imagine that anything with Aden at the center could possibly be done badly at this point.

My insane ramble for the day :rolleyes:

It would be an excellent storyline if it were to come true and i agree Todd would be the best possible choice to do justice to this type of dramatic storyline... the guy can really act and he has great range!

I do have my doubts though about it actually happening as i don't think the Producers would ok it but here's hoping i'm proven wrong! :D

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I do have my doubts though about it actually happening as i don't think the Producers would ok it but here's hoping i'm proven wrong! :D

So do I, BUT...

Like I said, it's a really unfair and horrible double standard to be presenting. They can talk about girls and women getting raped 'til the cows come home (in the short time I've been watching, I've seen stories on Dani, Cassie, Tasha, and Rachel) but it if it happens to a boy - and it DOES - oh no, we don't want to talk about that! Keep it to yourself! EW! So it sends the message to young girls that, although it's awful, you need to talk about it and get help, but to boys it says, we don't even want to acknowledge you exist, let alone encourage you to get help.

It would be so excellent (yes, I am watching Wayne's World - what of it? :unsure:) if they finally got over themselves and spoke to the audience as a whole, rather than one side of the demographic.

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I do have my doubts though about it actually happening as i don't think the Producers would ok it but here's hoping i'm proven wrong! :D

So do I, BUT...

Like I said, it's a really unfair and horrible double standard to be presenting. They can talk about girls and women getting raped 'til the cows come home (in the short time I've been watching, I've seen stories on Dani, Cassie, Tasha, and Rachel) but it if it happens to a boy - and it DOES - oh no, we don't want to talk about that! Keep it to yourself! EW! So it sends the message to young girls that, although it's awful, you need to talk about it and get help, but to boys it says, we don't even want to acknowledge you exist, let alone encourage you to get help.

It would be so excellent (yes, I am watching Wayne's World - what of it? :unsure:) if they finally got over themselves and spoke to the audience as a whole, rather than one side of the demographic.

Truer words have never been spoken! It is so damn unfair that they both cannot be treated the same! :angry:

It's exactly the same with relationships on this show... they have so many straight "supercouples" that consist of permanent characters and are longterm, yet in their whole 20 year history they have not had one gay/lesbian relationship involving a permanent character and that too for a long period!

How is that a true reflection of soceity and relationships... same sex relations are just as "normal" and common as are those between opposite sexes!

Don't even get me started on the rehashing of the same old reformed male rapist/female victim storyline, that is so boring and repititive and doesn't send out the right signals in more ways than one!

I really do hope the producers have the guts to take this direction with this storyline.

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Okay, I'm calling it:

Aden was raped by his grandfather, which is why he hates him so much, and why in the recent spoilers he's so freaked out about Cassie contracting HIV. The Vietnam War, as I understand it, was rife with STDs, and it's possible that Aden's grandfather has one, which is why he's such a bitter old man who keeps to himself... Aden may have been in denial about contracting anything himself, until hearing about Cassie, who is the same age as he is... He may even be worried that she got it from HIM since he's never been tested before, and may have slept with her when they were going out...

I don't think he will be HIV+, but I do think that this will open up a can of very nasty worms regarding his sexual abuse. Which is why I hope he gets the opportunity to talk to Cassie about it, seeing as she too was sexually abused by a relative.

Having a homosexual experience - especially one that was forced - may also explain Aden's apparent need to overcompensate. He may not actually be gay (sigh) but he might think that if anyone found out about what happened, they'd think he was gay, or he might even think it himself for letting it happen (like he had a choice...) It would also explain why he's so angry at people like Geoff and Annie who appear to live in a fantasy world where bad things don't happen to good, God-fearing people. Maybe Aden did believe in God once, but that didn't save him from someone he was supposed to be able to trust... It stands to be a very impressive storyline, if any of it is true, and if anyone can pull it off and do it justice, it's Todd. He's very much in the same league as Sharni in that respect. (Only better, cause he's a cute boy to go with it :P).

Right, I've been constantly wrong about this sort of thing before, and I am right in the middle of a fic that deals with this sort of thing, so it's obviously on my mind... but if the writers, and the sensors did have the courage to go there,

to show young boys that they've got just as much right to speak and be heard when something like this has happened to them, as any girl like Cassie or Rachel does

then I'll already be impressed, regardless of how it turns out. Though I can't imagine that anything with Aden at the center could possibly be done badly at this point.

My insane ramble for the day :rolleyes:

I am totally in agreement with you emmasi. I firmly believe that they are going to tread this deep, new, dramatic area with this story. Wow! After 20 years, a whole new story area with a young character that the show has never touched. It was done with a female character - Cassie - but not a male.

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