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Todd Lasance/Aden Jeffries

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I know, it's weird isn't it? I can't think of anyone who doesn't like Aden at the moment, which is weird because, on paper, he's not a likable character :huh:. Such is the greatness of Todd, I guess. (It feels so strange to be speaking so highly of him now after months and years of him being in the background, and considering he's only new to a main cast role.)

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I know, and characters we are supposed to like, who are written as romantic lead types -Jack and Martha, are so unlikeable, in my eyes anyway. Or rebellious characters like Drew, who should be championed because rebels usually are, but he is just vile.

I wish I could hate Aden because, last year at least, he was a complete bully, and I detest people like that. However he's extremely charismatic, which makes him hard to not like. I can totally see why Tam was drawn to him, besides his good looks, just for his charisma and the air of danger surrounding him. I would usually sympathise with victims of bullying, and during Ric's bullying storyline in 2006 I was totally on his side(even though I like Dom now :wub:), but with Geoff and Annie and even Lucas, when Aden was harrassing them, I just couldn't identify with them or feel any sympathy. Maybe that makes me cruel, but all I could think was something is up with Aden to make him act that way.

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Aden's an intelligent bully, which is why I think he's fun. He can and will punch you in the stomach to get what he wants out of you, but he'd much rather find your insecurities, pressure them, and play your own faults (your nativity, your paranoia, your rage) against you. It's like an art.

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Did anyone else find it really funny when Aden stuck up for Bartlett when Mattie, Annie and random girl were complaining about him? That guy knows how play games with your mind. :lol:

I think it's awesome that everyone likes this character even though he's not the typical character that you're meant to like. It makes a good change from what we're usually given to watch.

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I just realised that one of the old cryptic spoilers is about Aden:


The war theme representing his veteran grandfather, and the "what lies beneath" representing Aden's secret about him.

I think if it's being included with the likes of Sally seeing Tom, Dan dying, Miles' tsunami story, Johnny living in Tony's house, etc, then that points to it being something pretty important. I'm almost certain that I'm right about this one, and I cannot WAIT to see how it plays out.

I can't believe I have to wait TWO WEEKS for it to really get going!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Todd's portrayal of Aden so far has been fantastic and I’m sure it will continue to be so. I love the fact that so far Aden still is that bad boy. Yeah we've seen him on the edge a bit like when Miles was talking to him but he still rejected him. I hope they keep that bad boy attitude as he changes and his past comes out.

Today/Yesterday (depends where you are) episode with the HIV scenes I felt were portrayed really well. Watching those scenes about three times obviously helps. But I love the change of facial expressions on Aden’s face as Cassie is speaking.

The fact that we are slowly learning about his past also keeps me intrigued because it’s not all revealed at once.

The next few weeks we’ll be getting plenty of Aden so I’m really happy about that.

One thing that annoys me is how many people can't spell Aden it's not Aidan or Aiden. It's just frustrating well for me anyway.

Plus I'm sure that now we're getting more Aden scenes this thread will pick up again.

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I just realised that one of the old cryptic spoilers is about Aden:


The war theme representing his veteran grandfather, and the "what lies beneath" representing Aden's secret about him.

I think if it's being included with the likes of Sally seeing Tom, Dan dying, Miles' tsunami story, Johnny living in Tony's house, etc, then that points to it being something pretty important. I'm almost certain that I'm right about this one, and I cannot WAIT to see how it plays out.

I can't believe I have to wait TWO WEEKS for it to really get going!


Well I was half right. That spoiler turned out to be about the time capsule underneath the war memorial, BUT the discovery of that did give Aden and Morag an excuse to bring up his grandfather's involvement in the military, and the secret that Aden is keeping about him. Close enough :P

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