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When H&A had good quality, well written storylines

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  alexx said:
I These days there is a total lack of follow threw, nothing effects most of the characters, such as huge events in a persons life like being held hostage or kidnapped…etc these are very traumatic events, but H&A these days don’t bother with showing how it would realistically effect the character and change them etc, whereas back in the day, for the most part, they thrived on doing so.

Gypsy woke up in the middle of the night screaming for weeks. Belle's was never again mentioned.

That is one thing that really annoys me sometimes. If you're held hostage, kidnapped etc. I think it's pretty likely that you're not going to get over it that quickly...if at all. These days like you said, a traumatic event seems to shock the character/characters involved for about one episode and then they, and the viewers are supposed to forget that it ever happened! Belle's kidnapping is a prime example. She didn't seem to be effected by it at all afterwards. The point you made alexx about the lack of follow through is very true indeed...and back in the old days :P, I think the characters would have felt some emotion after going through something as horrific as being kidnapped or held hostage...but it appears that nearly everyone in Summer Bay doesn't mind if they are held captive by a stalker and a villien every now and then...because come next episode, they'll be in the Diner ordering a muffin and saying what a lovely day it is outside! :lol: That's a little OTT, but sometimes it does appear that way :P.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me too!

Its quite a complicated issue. Most stuff on TV today is pretty shallow, so why should Home And Away be any different? Once upon a time the rubbish was the exception rather than the rule, now the good stuff is the exception.They say we get what we ask for, what we deserve, but it seems like they are delivering to the lowest common denominator at times. I feel like its about money. They produce the stuff which will make the money regardless of ethics or quality.Thats OK to a point, but there has to be a line in the sand, and as a viewing society, a viewing public, it was crossed a long time ago. The question now is, is there a way back?

  • 1 month later...

I think the show has been great this year.

However I do agree about the big sensationalised storylines - it needs to return to storylines of a smaller scale that have a bigger impact, personal issues, family problems, and not stalkers and armed raids.


  Liz said:
The 'new' H&A, as I see it, has completely lost my interest. I don't watch it and nor do I want to, because there are now a very small amount of character left who I care about and even they are being wasted with sensationalised storylines, which fail to focus enough (or even at all) on the characters themselves. Of course, it's important to acheive good ratings, otherwise there wouldn't be a H&A, but as far as I know, the ratings have certainly been good enough over the past (is it 19 years now?) and the vast majority of those years didn't see a plane crash every week and an avalanche every other, interspersed with murders and infantile relationships aimed at eight year olds.

I may come across rude asking this, but if this is the case then why are you a member of Back to the Bay (and a moderator, of all people)? Please don't be offended, I'm genuinely curious. Look --> :D Happy face! See! Not angry :P


I don't know about Liz, but I'm rapidly losing interest in Home and Away, and the thing that scares me most is that I won't have the opportunity to talk with the friends (and enemies...) I've made here the way I used to. It was inevitable that my interest would deminish after Robbie and Kim left, but I was supposed to still be interested in my other favourites. Now I don't even recognise them or the show.

I started watching the show religiously in 2004 (saw most of 2003 as well), which I've heard a lot of people say is one of the best seasons, so maybe the show was misrepresenting itself to me from the get-go. I became acustomed to a certain level of quality, and I've seen that quality steadily decline over the past three years. I've seen the characters I love so badly betrayed by the writers that I can hardly stand to look at what they've become. I think it's a credit to Jason Smith that he got Robbie out of there alive, because Tasha was dead to me by the time she left. There were still a few sparks, Izzy trying her best to revive the character, but it just didn't work. Kim was still alive, but he'd been so badly abused and twisted that I just wanted him put down as soon as possible to keep us both from suffering. Again, Chris tried his best to hold on, but I think we were all in too much pain for it to work. It just needed to be over.

My other favourites have been Ric, Lucas and Dan. All three of them have undergone personality transplants... Ric held out longer than the others, but it's finally happened. Luc came back to me eventually, but I fear it's too little too late.

If the show continues down this path of wrecking great characters to suit storylines that are meaningless anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do.


  emmasi said:
I became acustomed to a certain level of quality, and I've seen that quality steadily decline over the past three years. I've seen the characters I love so badly betrayed by the writers that I can hardly stand to look at what they've become.

The show is VERY different now to what it was back in the days of 2003. Some things have changed for the better, some haven't. The characters are written very differently which is to be expected when different writers come and go, but i've noticed that the show has now gone back to being less character led. We've all got our own opinions on what we'd like to see happen in the show, but I think (from reading posts here, there and everywhere!) less drama, more character led stuff is more popular with fans. Some characters have changed considerably over the last couple of years...some for the better, some for the worst.

I don't think I would say the show isn't as good as it used to be, I agree that to some extent it was better years ago, I just think it's changed and become different now. Whereas a few years ago the show was primarily about foster kids, adoption and the life of the characters etc. Now it's about the storylines effecting the characters. In the last 3-4 years in particular there has been a big change in the 'theme' of the show. When it started back in 1988 it was very much what it set out to be...a half an hour daily soap, featuring the ups and downs in the lives of the characters living in Summer Bay. That's still what it is today...a half an hour daily soap featuring the ups and downs in the lives of the characters living in Summer Bay, BUT featuring less realistic characters and more drama/stunt based storylines. I don't watch 'Home and Away' to see explosions and car crashes every week, they can be parts of gripping storylines but they shouldn't take over the entire show...something that's starting to happen again.

Everything is extremly different now to what it was back in the days of, ''good quality, well written storylines''. There are good storylines but they are handled, written and executed differently.

For the show to improve...a more character led theme needs to be built up again. The storylines with the big, expensive stunts are great but that's not what most people want to happen in a soap...ALL the time! I'm not saying it does, but Home and Away has been known to have the odd car crash, now and again! Bevan Lee is fantastic at writing the more character led stuff and...he's back!!! So, i'm sure the show will start improving soon :D.


  emmasi said:
I don't know about Liz, but I'm rapidly losing interest in Home and Away, and the thing that scares me most is that I won't have the opportunity to talk with the friends (and enemies...) I've made here the way I used to. It was inevitable that my interest would deminish after Robbie and Kim left, but I was supposed to still be interested in my other favourites. Now I don't even recognise them or the show.

I started watching the show religiously in 2004 (saw most of 2003 as well), which I've heard a lot of people say is one of the best seasons, so maybe the show was misrepresenting itself to me from the get-go. I became acustomed to a certain level of quality, and I've seen that quality steadily decline over the past three years. I've seen the characters I love so badly betrayed by the writers that I can hardly stand to look at what they've become. I think it's a credit to Jason Smith that he got Robbie out of there alive, because Tasha was dead to me by the time she left. There were still a few sparks, Izzy trying her best to revive the character, but it just didn't work. Kim was still alive, but he'd been so badly abused and twisted that I just wanted him put down as soon as possible to keep us both from suffering. Again, Chris tried his best to hold on, but I think we were all in too much pain for it to work. It just needed to be over.

My other favourites have been Ric, Lucas and Dan. All three of them have undergone personality transplants... Ric held out longer than the others, but it's finally happened. Luc came back to me eventually, but I fear it's too little too late.

If the show continues down this path of wrecking great characters to suit storylines that are meaningless anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do.

I disagree with a lot that you've just said.. I personally thought that Robbie was the one who was "ruined" not Tasha. Tasha never made me cringe..but sometimes Robbie's constant shouting annoyed the hell out of me! Kim i never liked THAT much..and i knew he would leave Rachel eventually.

2004 was a very over-the-top year of home and away..and despite the fantastic Noah siege and aftermath...it was actually more over-the-top and stupid than 2007..so i'm not quite sure what ur getting at here? 2003 however i agree was quite character led. Alf's brain tumour being a particular highlight.


Nah, I think Emmasi's right, Tasha was the one who 'died' and Robbie still had life in him. Tasha's character made me cringe loads, probably more than Lucas. Her 'relationship' with Jack whilst Robbie was lost, was just so pointless, there was no indication of them being friends, neither before, or after the storyline and the amount of false labours was just ridiculous. I never really noticed or minded Robbie shouting, he always did it and it gave him sort of a vinnie-ness.

I think 2004 was a very charcater driven, emotional year, the first half wasn't, but as soon as Bevan lee arrived it was fantastic, Noah's death was handled fantastically, he moved Sally back into the caravn park where she belongs, he Made Sally's baby troubles very emotionally led and Pippa's birth was really emotional, instead of just the typical 'false labour per week' crap that DB threw at us whenever someone got pregnant. It was relly rich, like every loose end was covered and the storlyines were dripping in detail and hidden messages, whereas now it seems like they just make stories up as they go along. Hopefully Bevan restores the show to its former glory next year, and I've got no doubt he will :)


I think when you look at what made Tasha's character so lovable to begin with is that she was so naive and got herself into those kinds of situations. Coral did this, and despite what Coral said, I think Bevan carried this on throughout his stint and at least Dan B did for a short while. However, Tasha would soon have to come more world aware and I think part of the fun of that character is gone. Same could be said of Joey. I'd say as regards the Believers storyline was that perhaps it was sequeled too many times. Had that middle storyline been left out I think it would have been a more fulfilling storyline.


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