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Eurovision 2008: Belgrade, Serbia.

Guest Cal

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I didn't like the Russian song that much at all. It wasn't horrible, but it was really boring. My points, excluding Norway was:

Bosnia Herzegovina 1

Israel 2

Albania 3

Poland 4

Greece 5

Ukraine 6

Armenia 7

Iceland 8

Georgia 10

Sweden 12

By the way, this goes especially to you Swedish people who probably know who the guy is and have read Swedish articles on this... Was the Swedish voting guy drunk?!

LMAO, no that Swedish guy is the biggest comedian in Sweden right now. He's so freaking funny.

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Rant: Every country votes for their neighbour (well, most of them). But why does everybody boo when the West do it? That just p!5ses me off!!! <_< Eastern [insert swear word here] :P

Cal, I have one word for you: hypocrite. They boo'ed just as much when the easterners voted for each other. And if they didn't, we can't say we didn't deserve it. I know last year everyone in Western Europe were so whiny, just going on and on about the bad Easterners who voted for each other. Norway was one of them, everyone here was soooo anti this way of voting. Strangely when Finland and Sweden give us 12 points, and Iceland and Denmark give us 10 points we just say thanks and write nice newspaper articles about them.

Oh those horrible, horrible easterners I tell you! :rolleyes: (yes, sarcasm)


I didn't like the Russian song that much at all. It wasn't horrible, but it was really boring. My points, excluding Norway was:

Bosnia Herzegovina 1

Israel 2

Albania 3

Poland 4

Greece 5

Ukraine 6

Armenia 7

Iceland 8

Georgia 10

Sweden 12

By the way, this goes especially to you Swedish people who probably know who the guy is and have read Swedish articles on this... Was the Swedish voting guy drunk?!

LMAO, no that Swedish guy is the biggest comedian in Sweden right now. He's so freaking funny.

Haha, okay I just read the article about him at aftonbladet.se. He sure had us fooled though, I thought he was really nervous or something, but my dad was like "no, I think he's really drunk!" :lol:


I think this whole thing about it being so political is just ridiculous to be honest. I'm not saying that it isn't, but it is what we make it. It's not like everyone in Western Europe are completely objective and fair when they vote, whether we're aware of it or not there are a lot of things that influence us when we vote. It's not like there is one universal taste in music, and it definitely depends on area and culture. We might not like music from Eastern Europe, but a lot of Easterners might, and thinking that they're just voting for each other because of geography is about as much to the point as saying "Our music is better, everyone should agree on that. Period."

I very much doubt that there is some sort of alliance here, that all of eastern Europe has plotted out how to crush the Westerners once a year in the ESC, while everyone from Western Europe all innocently vote for the best song, solely music-wise, without letting any trivial things like culture, taste based on tradition and geography, and old habits have anything to say.

Plus, the more we make this an issue, the more of an issue it becomes because people start boycotting (Cal, that was not aimed at you, it has nothing to do with you don't liking Russia, I agree with you!) countries. I'm sure there are Westerners who deliberately chose not to like songs from Eastern Europe because of all the "The easterners just votes for each other!" crap last year.

I think it's time we stopped obsessing and making this an issue, and started focusing on the music again like we should.


It's no longer about the musical it's all about the clothes and the "show" they put on. If Wogan stops commentating i'll stop watching, it's no fun without him. Interesting what he said about western europe not taking part in the future.

Found the Danish entry on youtube so i'm happy


Dima pulled open his shirt to get the votes. Boycott I must! :P Seriously, though. Song was awful. Performance was dire. What the HELL was the deal with that dude on skates? Random much?!

I would have boycotted if Greece won too, though. Most countries send different types of songs each year, but Greece just keep pumping the same tune every year. I'm surprised people still vote for them. :P

I like countries that send different types of songs each year. Macedonia try. Bulgaria try. Turkey have improved immensely (Thank Christ!), so have Poland and Ukraine. Ireland tried something different, it didn't work. So now we know what to send next year. :D

Btw, I LOVED Portugal! :wub:


Russia shouldn't have won! :o I didn't like their song at all.

I really liked Latvia :P, Denmark and Greece, but France was just horrible!


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