valli Posted November 20, 2007 Report Posted November 20, 2007 Aww, thanks you guys Have a feeling that you’re not going to like me too much after this Anyway, enjoy Content not suitable for younger readers Chapter 5. Party, party Jack was getting dressed when one of the nurses came in. She had fetched his stuff for him. She put it by his bed, gave him a quick smile and left the room. ‘I knew it! I haven’t lost my touch!’ he thought before he realised how childish that was. He wasn’t interested in some nurse; he wanted Martha, and no one, but Martha. He picked up his stuff and left the hospital together with Tony, who had been waiting outside his room. ********* When he got home, there was a message for him from Kim. “Yo mate. There’s a party at Robbie’s place tonight. Hope you can make it. Bye. Oh, and Martha’s going to be there,” Jack giggled. Did Kim actually think that just because Martha was there, he was going to be there? Well, it was a good opportunity to get to talk to Martha… Damn it, Kim was right! Tony looked curious at him. He didn’t get why Jack was giggling. Tony took Jack’s stuff up to his room and went in to the kitchen to make dinner. *********** A few hours went by and Jack was in his room, getting ready for the party. He had put on the finest shirt he had, a black jacket and black pants. He thought he looked nice, he just hoped that Martha thought the same. He put on some cologne and was ready to go, when Lucas turned up at the door. “Yuck, what is that smell?” he asked while putting his hand on his face, covering the nose. “It’s my cologne. Does it really smell that bad?” he asked nervously. Lucas nodded. “Do you think it’ll wear off?” “Yeah, sure,” Lucas answered, before he mumbled “in a couple of days,” “Damn!” Jack swore and tried to smear it off. Lucas put on a serious face. “Jaack…” “What?” Jack snapped. “Please stop using the bad language. There are kids in the room,” “Really? I can’t see any kids. I only see a very annoying brat,” Lucas faked a laughter. Jack ignored it and went back to trying to get the cologne off. It was hopeless. He just hoped that Martha wouldn’t notice, or that she liked the smell. ********** At Robbie’s place, it was full of people. They were dancing and making out, some did both at the same time. Robbie saw that Jack had arrived and fought his way over to him. “Hi. I’m glad you could make it!” he yelled, since the music was so loud. Jack thought his ears were going to explode. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Jack yelled back. He looked around and saw Tasha and Kim at the bar. Robbie headed back to them and Jack joined him. He smiled to them both when he came over. “How are you feeling?” Tasha was desperately trying to scream louder than the music. “I’m fine, thanks,” Jack replied. He looked around. He couldn’t see Martha anywhere. “Looking for Martha?” Kim asked with a grin. “As a matter of fact I am. Do you know where she is?” “Over there,” he said and pointed towards the middle of the crowd of dancing people. At first, Jack thought Kim was just playing games, but then he saw her. She was standing alone in a corner, trying to avoid the dancers. Jack fought his way over to her. “Hi,” he said as he reached her. “Hi,” “Could we maybe go somewhere more private? The music is so loud in here,” She nodded and Jack showed her the way to Robbie’s room. He closed the door after them and sat down at the bed. She looked uncomfortable. “Hey, I’m not going to try to sleep with you, or anything. Is just a lot more quiet here,” he said to calm her down. “I knew that,” she said, but she didn’t sound very convincing. Jack laughed. “Calm down, I just want to talk,” “I am calm!” she complained, shaking. “I can see that,” Jack grinned. She shook her head and sat down next to him. “Thanks for saving me. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t showed up…” she said and looked down. “No worries. I save girls all the time!” he bragged. She looked up and laughed. “Just one question,” Jack said while looking at her with a glimpse in his eyes. “What?” “What do you really think of me?” he asked with puppy eyes. “You don’t want to know,” she giggled. “Yes, I do! Tell me!” “Ok,” He waited patiently. “I think you’re creepy,” Jack almost fell off the bed. “You think I’m what?” he asked in shock. “Creepy. You watch me all the time and you follow me around,” she replied, as if this was no big deal. Jack got up from the bed and dragged his fingers through his hair. He felt as if someone had taken his heart and ripped it out of his chest and was now stamping on it. He could feel how the tears wanted to fall down his cheeks, but he refused to let them. He looked at Martha; she looked confused, as if she didn’t know why he was acting so weird. “I have to get some air,” he said and went out the door, leaving Martha confused and sad on the bed. *********** He got downstairs and sat down on the couch. Someone had vomited on the left side on the couch, but Jack ignored it. He felt more like adding some more to what was already there. ‘She thinks I’m creepy…’ Out of all the things she could have said, why did she have to say creepy? Even though he could understand why she thought so. And this was supposed to be a great night, So much for that! ********** Mary sat down next to him. She was the school’s biggest slut, and someone believed that she had a hidden agenda to sleep with all the guys before she graduated. She put her hand on his knee. “Not feeling too good, are we?” she asked with a flirting tone. Jack was so depressed that he didn’t notice. He shook his head. “Then I have a suggestion for you…” she whispered in to his ear, and slowly moved her hand closer up to his crotch. Preview: Oh Jacky
Barbara Posted November 20, 2007 Report Posted November 20, 2007 Have a feeling that you’re not going to like me too much after this Yes, valli, I don't like you that much right now! Poor Jack! He's so in love with her and she thinks he's creepy! But I can understand her: he is always trying to run into her and talk to her. But Jack is not a creep! He's sweet! Mary, go and find someone else! Jack, don't go there. Think about Martha. She'll change her mind! Lucas is such an annoying brat! Please update soon.
vale4eva Posted November 20, 2007 Report Posted November 20, 2007 Message to Jack Holden: Keep your pants zipped for once Creapy What a compliment
matticus01 Posted November 21, 2007 Report Posted November 21, 2007 i so agree,Martha will change her mind and Mary had wanna rack off and find som other cute, extremely, toned, sexy, smouldering man...oh i can see why she wants him but no Mary no...Jack boy is Martha's...she just dont know yet!!!
Zetti Posted November 21, 2007 Report Posted November 21, 2007 I have just read the whole fan fiction and I have gone from to in the space of 10 minutes. Its not good for me to be upset. Please make it better or I will come after you....
valli Posted November 24, 2007 Report Posted November 24, 2007 Well, Zetti, if you want me, come and get me! I’m not making it better yet. Just be patient. It will be worth the wait Enjoy Content not suitable for younger readers Chapter 6. The past always comes to bite you in the ass Jack woke up and looked confused around. Why did his room look like Robbie’s room? Oh God, he was in Robbie’s room. He prayed that Robbie wasn’t in the same bed as he turned to see who was next to him. He sighed relieved as he saw that it was Mary who was next to him, not Robbie. Then he got scared as he realised that he was naked. ’No way! I did not just sleep with the school’s biggest slut! That’s low, even for me!’ he thought before it hit him that he was in Robbie’s room. ’Oh my God! I just had sex in Robbie’s bed!’ He got up and started searching the room with his eyes, to see if he could catch sight of Robbie. Fortunately, he couldn’t see Robbie. But what if Robbie had entered while he was at it?! He fell back in the bed, looking at Mary, before turning to the other side for an even bigger shock. There was another girl. He thought her name was Lucy or something. Why was he trying to figure out her name? He was in big trouble! He had slept with two girls at the same time! He carefully climbed over Mary and started looking for his boxer shorts. “Where is the damn boxer?” he hissed with a low voice. Then he saw it. Mary had used it as a pillow. “Yuck!” he whispered in distaste. He carefully moved her hand and grabbed the boxer. As he was about to take it on, Robbie entered. Jack looked shocked at him, before he realised that he was still naked. He used his boxer to cover his crotch and tried to smile. Robbie was covering his eyes. “Please, would you take on that boxer? My eyes are burning!” he silently exclaimed. None of them wanted Mary and Lucy to wake up. Jack did as he was told, and got the boxer on. “Have you got the boxer on now?” “Yeah,” Robbie removed his hand and went over to Jack. He grabbed him and pulled him out of the room. They went down to the living room. The entire room was a mess. There was beer everywhere, even places where it shouldn’t be possible to get beer. Jack looked around and felt disgusted by his classmates. He saw Tasha, who was desperately trying to clean up the couch. He looked back at Robbie, and he didn’t look happy. “You used my room for your little love game!” he angrily exclaimed. “Look, I’m sorry…” Jack started to explain. “You better be! I’m traumatized for life! Do you have any idea what it’s like to find your mate having sex in your room?! And with two girls?!” Jack blushed. He had hoped that Robbie hadn’t seen anything. Tasha gave up trying to clean the couch and came over to them. She looked more disappointed than angry. “I wouldn’t know. But I do know that I’m very, very sorry. I had a weak moment,” he said to Robbie. Robbie got a milder look on his face, but he was still angry. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with Martha, would it?” Tasha asked. “Yeah, it would,” “What happened?” “She called me creepy. I was really sad and angry and then Mary came. I just couldn’t resist,” Tasha looked surprised at Jack. Her mouth was wide opened, so were her eyes. “She called you what?” “Creepy,” Jack replied and realised this was almost the exact same conversation as the one he had with Martha. “Oh, poor you!” Tasha exclaimed and gave Jack a hug. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it, though,” Robbie said, now with a more understanding expression. “No, she meant it,” “But still. You should talk to her. Give her a chance to explain. Not have sex with two sluts in your friend’s room!” “I know! You don’t have to rub it in!” “If you’ll learn that way, I will!” Tasha saw that a fight was about to start, so she placed herself in the middle. “Break it up, guys! Fighting isn’t going to solve anything!” “Yeah, you’re right. The first problem we need to solve, is how we are going to get rid of Mary and Lucy,” Jack said and tried to come up with a way to get rid of them. “Leave that to me,” Robbie said with a smile that suggested that the girls had no idea what was about to hit them. ********* Next day at Uni, everyone was staring at Jack. They all knew what had happened. Mary came up behind Jack, and everyone started to laugh. Everyone knew how Robbie had yelled ’FIRE!’ so the girls had ran outside, naked, where their parents were waiting. Mary ignored them and tried to get in front of Jack. “I need to talk to you!” she said and blocked the way for Jack. “No, you don’t. You used me, you only got what you deserved,” he said and pushed her away from him. “You wanted to be used! I only gave you what you asked for!” “I didn’t ask for it! Now, would you just leave me alone?” Jack said and walked away from her. “You and I are meant to be! That’s what I wanted to tell you! So no matter how hard you try not to, we are going to end up together!” Mary yelled after him. “Whatever!” he replied and went in to the classroom. Martha wasn’t there, so he couldn’t talk to her today, because he didn’t know her number. He sat down on his seat and tried to pay attention as Mr. Beckley came in. ********** Later the same day, Jack went over to visit Kim. His little sister let him in, and he walked up to Kim’s room. Kim turned around as Jack entered the room. “Hey, if it isn’t the little sex-lover,” Kim teased as Jack sat down on the bed. “Very funny!” Kim giggled. “You should talk to Martha, though,” he said when he stopped giggling. “I know, but I don’t know where she lives. So I have to wait to she comes back,” Kim nodded before he returned to his computer. They sat like that for a while, not saying anything before Kim’s little sister, Angie came in. “Oh my big loser, where is my cell phone?” “What the hell? Why would I know where it is?” Jack giggled and Angie gave him a quick look before she concentrated on Kim. “Because when something that is mine goes missing in this house, it’s always your fault,” “Okay, maybe I accidentally dropped it in the toilet, but it was an accident!” Angie screamed before she ran to the bathroom. Jack knew that Kim had dropped it on purpose and that made the whole situation hilarious. Kim saw Jack laughing and started to laugh himself. They laughed even more when they heard the scream from the bathroom. Jack was definitely in a better mood now, so he was ready to talk to Martha again. Preview: Jack talks to Martha. Will she understand?
matticus01 Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 oooooo NAUGHTY JACK, NAUGHTY NAUGHTY NAUGHTY!!!!!! but funny lol...great chapter, i hope Martha understands
Barbara Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 OMG! Jack! How could you do that? With 2 girls and in Robbie's bed! Poor Robbie! He's traumatized for life. Mary's crazy and I don't like her at all! Kim and Angie fighting... More please.
amz89 Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 Good last 3 chapters thats funny "I think you creepy" lol More soon please
valli Posted December 3, 2007 Report Posted December 3, 2007 Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been really busy. I will update as soon as possible, but I only have the name of the chapter
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