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Packed to the Rafters

Guest Dan F

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Packed To The Rafters was good last night. Carbo and Warney were so funny when they were drunk and how Carbo signed that form so Warney could move in while he was drunk. That man who Mel and Ben met on their honeymoon was in Home & Away he was that cop who shot Jack before Angelo did when he was with Sam. Only 2 more episodes to go :(

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Nathan's a tool.I can't believe he took his grandmothers money and put it back in the pokies.I hope Sammy leaves him for good this time,it's about time he see's some consequences for his lack of self control.First Layla,now this.

I'm thinking Jake might have a mild form of Epilepsy.It will be interesting if he does.

As said,the baby is gorgeous!

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Baby Ruby is SO adorable! :wub:

yeah Nathan is such an idiot! it's like he can never be happy with what he's got, he always wants more! It says in new idea that in the 3rd season he grows up alot, so hopefully this will be the end of his stupidness lol I wonder if Sammy will go back to him again? I like them together but Nathan always has to stuff up :(

Poor Jake, I wonder why he had a fit, hopefully it was just because of his football injury. I wonder what he was going to say to Rachel before her phone rang? maybe he wants them to move in together seeing he wasnt going to propose lol

Cant wait till the 3rd season :) but apparantly it wont be back till July next year, thats ages away :( season 1 is out on dvd next week though, so im looking forward to watching that again!

scans from new idea's packed to the rafters special :)









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