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Your First Episode

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I was never aloud to watch it when i was little but I was aloud to watch neighbours, go figure lol./ But when I finally convinced my mum to let me watch it my first episode was the mud slide, I can remember when Kirsty had like this twin feeling that Jade was in trouble, ironic since the weren't actually twins lol.

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The first one I ever watched was shortly after Angie died and Nick was having flashbacks of her threatening him. And then they were trying to get 'the girls' I think it was Jade and someone else to get DNA tests to show they weren't there but they wouldn't have them or SOMETHING like that. It was such a long time ago and I had no idea what tv show I'd just stumbled across so wasn't really paying attention.

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the first ever time when i watched Home and Away was around the time the Sunderlands were there, but after Kane assulted Danni, i was very confuse why everyone hated kane, but then slowly I found out...:D they were a very entertaining family

and from then on i've been hooked on H n A, totally addicted to it now, cant stop...hehehehehee :wink:

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My first episode of Home and Away was the pilot episode shown in UK in 1989. I was hooked on Neighbours and when rival channel ITV got this new Australian soap, myself and my mum decided to watch it and we both loved it. I particularly remember little Sally as she was a similiar age to me so out of all the original Fletcher clan, I identified with her more through her growing up and as the years progressed, it felt like I was growing up with her. From then on I watched it ALL the time until 2000 when it finished on ITV. The fact that it was not on for a year and also when it did come back on C5, it clashed with other programmes I was watching, I didn't really watch it so much. I did start watching it on and off but its only in the last few months that I've come back to Home and Away properly and now enjoy watching it all the time again and with the help of this website am able to really catch up with whats happened in the intervening years when I didn't watch!!

Watching old clips of the pilot episode and early episodes take me back to really happy memories of the show. The original Fletcher clan will always be my favourite family on the show! :) Tom and Pippa - Legends!!:)

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My first episode was 1995 when Dodge faked his death and made everyone think that Steven killed him.

Can anybody remember why Steven wasn't even questioned by police in connection with Dodge's disappearance? I know he was completely innocent, but nobody knew that for sure......apart from Steven...

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My first episode was 1995 when Dodge faked his death and made everyone think that Steven killed him.

Can anybody remember why Steven wasn't even questioned by police in connection with Dodge's disappearance? I know he was completely innocent, but nobody knew that for sure......apart from Steven...

Which disappearance are you referring to?If you mean when he faked his death then Steven was questioned and might even have been charged.If you mean his last disappearance when he fell off a cliff never to be seen again...well, there were a couple of witnesses.

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My first episode was 1995 when Dodge faked his death and made everyone think that Steven killed him.

Can anybody remember why Steven wasn't even questioned by police in connection with Dodge's disappearance? I know he was completely innocent, but nobody knew that for sure......apart from Steven...

Which disappearance are you referring to?If you mean when he faked his death then Steven was questioned and might even have been charged.If you mean his last disappearance when he fell off a cliff never to be seen again...well, there were a couple of witnesses.

I'm really confused now mate, really confused! I thought his last disappearance (as far as I was aware, the only time when he actually 'disappeared) was when he faked his own death. I thought him and Steven were brawling at the cliff top, they both fell off the cliff, Dodge disappeared and has never been seen since (making it look as if 'Stevo' murdered him by pushing him off the cliff) and 'Stevo' just swam to safety unhurt.

If what I have said in correct (and it probably isn't!), I was wondering why Stephen wasn't in more trouble than he actually was......he may have been questioned, but I can't remember too much more than that......I think this was a storyline that just got brushed underneath the carpet and never got properly resolved!

What else can you remember about it?

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