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Your First Episode

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My first episode was 1995 when Dodge faked his death and made everyone think that Steven killed him.

Can anybody remember why Steven wasn't even questioned by police in connection with Dodge's disappearance? I know he was completely innocent, but nobody knew that for sure......apart from Steven...

Which disappearance are you referring to?If you mean when he faked his death then Steven was questioned and might even have been charged.If you mean his last disappearance when he fell off a cliff never to be seen again...well, there were a couple of witnesses.

I'm really confused now mate, really confused! I thought his last disappearance (as far as I was aware, the only time when he actually 'disappeared) was when he faked his own death. I thought him and Steven were brawling at the cliff top, they both fell off the cliff, Dodge disappeared and has never been seen since (making it look as if 'Stevo' murdered him by pushing him off the cliff) and 'Stevo' just swam to safety unhurt.

If what I have said in correct (and it probably isn't!), I was wondering why Stephen wasn't in more trouble than he actually was......he may have been questioned, but I can't remember too much more than that......I think this was a storyline that just got brushed underneath the carpet and never got properly resolved!

What else can you remember about it?

Okay...as best as I can remember, Dodge came back to town to get revenge on Steven.They were both up on deck alone during a boat cruise when Dodge jumped aboard, making it look like Steven had pushed him, and then disappeared for several weeks with the police thinking Steven had killed him. (He nearly gave himself away by accidentally leaving Steven an answer phone message but silly Travis erased it.)He then kidnapped Kelly(off screen, oddly)and left her tied up in his car then rang Steven and said he'd hurt her if he didn't meet him alone, intending to fight and probably kill him.Then, as you said, they ended up falling off a cliff with Steven surviving and Dodge presumably being swept away and drowned.

So, Kelly could confirm that he kidnapped her and Travis and Shane turned up just as the pair went over the cliff so they could confirm Steven didn't deliberately push him and all three of them could confirm that Dodge wasn't dead before but probably was now.And all that seemed to be enough to convince the police.(The police were running around achieving very little throughout the episode so there might have been some over evidence of Dodge's temporary survival as well, I'm not sure.)

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My first episode was 1995 when Dodge faked his death and made everyone think that Steven killed him.

Can anybody remember why Steven wasn't even questioned by police in connection with Dodge's disappearance? I know he was completely innocent, but nobody knew that for sure......apart from Steven...

Which disappearance are you referring to?If you mean when he faked his death then Steven was questioned and might even have been charged.If you mean his last disappearance when he fell off a cliff never to be seen again...well, there were a couple of witnesses.

I'm really confused now mate, really confused! I thought his last disappearance (as far as I was aware, the only time when he actually 'disappeared) was when he faked his own death. I thought him and Steven were brawling at the cliff top, they both fell off the cliff, Dodge disappeared and has never been seen since (making it look as if 'Stevo' murdered him by pushing him off the cliff) and 'Stevo' just swam to safety unhurt.

If what I have said in correct (and it probably isn't!), I was wondering why Stephen wasn't in more trouble than he actually was......he may have been questioned, but I can't remember too much more than that......I think this was a storyline that just got brushed underneath the carpet and never got properly resolved!

What else can you remember about it?

Okay...as best as I can remember, Dodge came back to town to get revenge on Steven.They were both up on deck alone during a boat cruise when Dodge jumped aboard, making it look like Steven had pushed him, and then disappeared for several weeks with the police thinking Steven had killed him. (He nearly gave himself away by accidentally leaving Steven an answer phone message but silly Travis erased it.)He then kidnapped Kelly(off screen, oddly)and left her tied up in his car then rang Steven and said he'd hurt her if he didn't meet him alone, intending to fight and probably kill him.Then, as you said, they ended up falling off a cliff with Steven surviving and Dodge presumably being swept away and drowned.

So, Kelly could confirm that he kidnapped her and Travis and Shane turned up just as the pair went over the cliff so they could confirm Steven didn't deliberately push him and all three of them could confirm that Dodge wasn't dead before but probably was now.And all that seemed to be enough to convince the police.(The police were running around achieving very little throughout the episode so there might have been some over evidence of Dodge's temporary survival as well, I'm not sure.)

Thanks very much for that mate......it's very strange, now you've reminded me of all that, I can remember the storyline crystal clear, all of it......yet it's been sitting at the back of my mind for the past 13 years.

Here in the UK, it all took place around very late 1995, early 1996...

The reason I remember that is because on Christmas Eve 1995 (I remember because I was watching Home & Away and stuffing the turkey for the next day at the same time) there was a scene with Steven and Dodge that I remember vividly.

If you remember, Dodge booked a caravan at the caravan park......he'd just been released from prison for murdering Steven's uncle.

Anyway, he used to live at the caravan park years earlier as a foster child of Pippa and Tom......I think when he booked the caravan in 1995, he booked it with Michael, who wasn't around when Dodge first lived in the Bay.

Anyway, when Pippa first saw Dodge when he returned, she knew she remembered seeing him somewhere, but couldn't quite place it......then she remembered.

They then ordered him to vacate his caravan, which he refused to do because he had the legal right to stay there as he was paying rent/served his time......but he was of course staying there to get right up Steven's nose. He wanted revenge because he blamed Steven for the time he spent in jail for murdering his uncle.

On his return to the Bay, he was taunting Stevo at every opportunity, making threats...I can hear him calling him 'Stevo' in my head now! The fact that Dodge was living at the caravan park and Stevo could do nothing about it just made his ego even larger!

Anyway, the scene that I remember so vividly is when Dodge was lounging outside his caravan with a beer in his hand......Steven is walking past in the distance and looks over at Dodge......Dodge then mimmicks an imaginary gun and pretends to pull the trigger......the episode ends!

The way he did it was just so chilling, as if he was signalling his intention that he wanted revenge on Steven and the revenge he wanted was murder!

Do you remember it?

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I think I do vaguely remember that scene now you mention it.I remember him turning up and Michael booking him in and Pippa saw him down in the register as Brian Forbes and thought she recognised the name but because he'd been calling himself Brian McKnight when he was last in the Bay she didn't make the connection until she saw him.Then Alf told Steven he was back and he went storming round to the caravan and demanded that he leave which he refused.I hadn't been watching the show when he was first in it but I thought it was explained very well, I remember Pippa giving Jack and Shannon a brief recap of who he was.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't see the pilot episode myself but I remember in school people talking about it and how good it was, so I started watching the show then, so yes more or less from the beginning. I remember things like Matt going out with Carly and their school dance, Carly's evil twin sister, Carly being "raped" although they called it "attacked" and her going to the city and becoming an alcoholic. I remember loving Bobby and Frank, and wanting them together so much and Roo out of the picture. I remember Brett and Stacey Macklin, Martha being born and Stevo's uncle Philip moving to town and going out with Stacey. I know the timing of these things are all garbled but those are my earliest story line memories that come to mind at the moment.

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  • 1 month later...

anyone remember this?

I have been watching H&A since the year dot. For some reason i only always remember the one episode clearly in my head. This is I think late 80s when there was a shark attack. I have probably made all this up lol but, I vaguely remember the last scene(S) a lad was on the beach fishing with a mate. The mate went off to buy an Ice-cream (or something) as you do. Then, If remember rightly, it cut to the fishing line bobbing up and down in the water quite fast. Then this lad fishing got dragged into/towards the sea as the rest of the fishing line got wrapped round his legs. This lad fishing was calling out to his mate who conveniently (albeit 10 yds away :unsure: ) didn't hear this.

WHat is everyone else first memory of the show?

Oh my god how weird is this. This is the first episode I ever saw of Home and Away too. Mat Stevenson (Adam) being dragged out to sea by a shark. I only caught the end few minutes of the episode but I was hooked instantly. I've been watching ever since.

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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone remember this?

I have been watching H&A since the year dot. For some reason i only always remember the one episode clearly in my head. This is I think late 80s when there was a shark attack. I have probably made all this up lol but, I vaguely remember the last scene(S) a lad was on the beach fishing with a mate. The mate went off to buy an Ice-cream (or something) as you do. Then, If remember rightly, it cut to the fishing line bobbing up and down in the water quite fast. Then this lad fishing got dragged into/towards the sea as the rest of the fishing line got wrapped round his legs. This lad fishing was calling out to his mate who conveniently (albeit 10 yds away :unsure: ) didn't hear this.

WHat is everyone else first memory of the show?

there was a lad that came to live with the fletchers, who was a compulsive liar...he went for a swim and was eaten by a great white...carlys husband ben caught it in the end...thats about all i can remember.

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my clearest memory of when i started watching again [i had a couple year break in between!] was of Lucas at home, and Tony told him something that upset him [i think it was Tony?] Anyway Lucas runs out of the house in tears, and sits on a bench overlooking the beach and then a woman came up; pretty sure it was Beth, and it was the first time that Luc & Beth managed to see eye to eye, and then he ended up in her arms, sobbing his wee heart out. :wub:

I've seen every episode since then; that was about 1.5 years ago I think.

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anyone remember this?

I have been watching H&A since the year dot. For some reason i only always remember the one episode clearly in my head. This is I think late 80s when there was a shark attack. I have probably made all this up lol but, I vaguely remember the last scene(S) a lad was on the beach fishing with a mate. The mate went off to buy an Ice-cream (or something) as you do. Then, If remember rightly, it cut to the fishing line bobbing up and down in the water quite fast. Then this lad fishing got dragged into/towards the sea as the rest of the fishing line got wrapped round his legs. This lad fishing was calling out to his mate who conveniently (albeit 10 yds away :unsure: ) didn't hear this.

WHat is everyone else first memory of the show?

Oh my god how weird is this. This is the first episode I ever saw of Home and Away too. Mat Stevenson (Adam) being dragged out to sea by a shark. I only caught the end few minutes of the episode but I was hooked instantly. I've been watching ever since.

I so remember that, I wasn't very old and I had to hide behind a cushion lol! I have watched H&A for years, we had a break here in the UK when it moved from ITV to 5 but other than that I'vr always watched.

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I think the first one I remember is the one where the Sutherlands move in!

I know I watched the first episode of Home and Away but I dont remember it. I remember my mum sitting me down with a tray of dinner in front of the tv saying she wanted to watch a new programme. I remember Lyn and Carly and Bobby having a fight and from what Ive read Lyn was not in many episodes and was at the begining. I remember bits and pieces of all the stories listed above.

Didnt Adam pull a shark out of the sea? The man had been killed by the shark and it was in the sea and Adam wasnt liked by anyone at that point he had done something wrong to annoy them all and then when he caught the shark they all liked him again

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