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Your First Episode

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I used to watch it daily with my gran and mum since I was about 4 years old lol, my earliest storylines I can remember were

a) when Selina was a part of the cult run by Saul.

b) when Irene first arrived with her blond hair can vaguely remember that lol...

c) and Angel Parrish I remember eppi's with her in it, and me and my friends from primary school playing HAA with me always insisting on being Angel lol, oh the memorys...

d) I also remeber when Tom drowned in the floods =(

e) Can rememember eppi's of Sally being at Summer Bay High too, but not of her being a child...

But I became a HAA addict around the Sutherland era, approx 2002 I think =D x x

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I used to watch it daily with my gran and mum since I was about 4 years old lol, my earliest storylines I can remember were a) when Selina was a part of the cult run by Saul.

b) when Irene first arrived with her blond hair can vaguely remember that lol...

c) and Angel Parrish I remember eppi's with her in it, and me and my friends from primary school playing HAA with me always insisting on being Angel lol, oh the memorys...

d) Can rememember eppi's of Sally being at Summer Bay High too, but not of her being a child...

But I became a HAA addict around the Sutherland era, approx 2002 I think =D x x

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I only watched regularly during the Mirigini and Kane/Kirsty era but I used to catch the odd episode here and there before that. One I remember is Selina (I remember her name particularly because she seemed a really good actress) drinking from a can of coke, being stung by a wasp or bee and collapsing. That stayed in my mind because the filming was kind of very vivid and I'm sure they cut out all sound too. It was very memorable and haunting. Another brief Selina scene - something about her boyfriend slapped her across her face and she was staring at him in shock.

My sister and i were just discussing this. This is the first and only storyline i remember of Home and Away.

Does anyone know when this episode is from? So i can work out how old i was when i saw this.

It has scared me for life and my sister too. It makes you think twice about having coke on the beach.

Also does anyone know where i can see this clip? I really want to.

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d) I also remeber when Tom drowned in the floods =(

Tom died of a stoke/heart attack it was Michael who drowned was it not?? Unless there was another Tom im forgetting about?

I can remember home and away when Shannon, Angel, Gypsy, Shane, Jessie, Travis, Rebecca and the likes where in it but i wouldnt imagine i would watch it then because i would only be young. Thats when my mum used to watch it! :lol:

The earliest scene i remember the best was when Michael drowned while trying to save his foster son Sam.

I cant remember exactally when i started to watch it myself. I watched it on and off for a few years but now i watch every episode. Have done for a couple of years now!

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I can remember the very beginning of the first episode - little Frank on the run - from when it first aired in Ireland.

I also remember the change of Pippa, I'm not sure how it aired in Australia but if I'm remembering correctly Vanessa Downing was there one day and Debra Lawrence the next. There wasn't even a weekend in between. I can remember wondering how no one noticed that she was a completely different Pippa.

I remember Carly's tortured era when she was attacked and became an alcoholic and Bobby's search for her birth parents.

It was Michael who died by drowning. Sophie was worried she would have to leave because of it iirc.

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