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Dancing on Ice

Guest Kateritchiefan

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And actually, I thought the real star of last night was Michael Underwood! :lol:

It was hilarious when he came onto the ice! :P

Well, as I've said a number of times... I didn't mind who won. Although, I have to say that Chris didn't perform as good as Suzanne... but his performance did still deserve to finish runner up. :)

Zaraah looked quite upset when it was announced that she was out and wasn't able to perform 'The Bolero' and so did Chris, but I would say that he looked rather gutted than upset. They are definately all winners. :D

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I’m going to keep this short as it’s really annoyed me! Yes Suzanne was great last night; however I’m sick about Chris’s unfair advantage! Did everyone else know Suzanne went to dance classes when see was younger? I only found out yesterday! Now to me that’s more of an advantage than Chris, but did we heard about it every 5 minutes, no. Now if that didn’t have a problem with that, why talk about Chris Ice hockey past.

I agree with you Amy a saw a few small mistakes. And her Music one I thought was better the first time around. And the flying one, of course she’s going to be better than Chris at that. How was Frankie supposed to ground him, when he’s 14 stone and she’s only 8. You could see every time she tried, she when started to lift of the floor with him! I think they always seem to forget how hard it is for the male celebrity Not only do they have to learn the routine but they’ve got to learn how to lift safely and if any mistakes are made have to rectify it, so know one gets hurt.

Also I agree with Foxy! Chris is the only person who didn’t do it to further his career. He’s the only one that I’m aware of was working 8-10 hours 5 days a week, as well as learning the routine and fitting in all the publicity that goes always with Oaks and DOI.

Suzanne was better on the night, but overall Chris should of won!

Anyway I’ll stop ranting before I get too carried away!


They all did fantastically. I certainly wont deny that. Even Zaraah has been good. Granted, she's had a few off weeks, but not tragic. The final 4 were all brilliant. They all deserved to get where they did and they should all be so proud of themselves for it. I've always felt that - overall - Chris was the best. I've stood by that since the beginning. Chris has been brilliant every week and Suzanne has been the one that's come along the most. And they both respectivally would have deserved it. We're all entitled to our own opinions and I have no problems with those that supported Suzanne. Thankfully, this is the one forum that seems most supportive of both the couples. Every other forum I've been on has favourited one or the other.

What has wound me up is - on a few other forums - there are people slagging Chris off for apparently not looking happy enough for Suzanne. I must have missed that because I thought he looked quite pleased for her myself. Yes, he looked gutted, but why shouldn't he? I can imagine it'd have been a huge kick in the guts whoever was the runner up [i don't want to call him a loser - he's far from it.] but he went over. He congratulated her. What more could he have done?

And now I've ranted, I have to say: I do wish Chris Fountain would stop participating in these reality TV shows. I'm quite attached to him so it's gutting when he doesn't win. :rolleyes: And he still can't put all his time back to Hollyoaks, because of the tour. :rolleyes: I have a lot of respect for him though because, if any of you are aware, he's got a pretty major storyline going on in the Show right now and what's airing now was being filmed during DOI. So he did work extremely hard and I'm thrilled for him getting that far and he should be too.


I find it quite laughable that the first perfect score to be given out on Dancing On Ice was for a routine in which there was minimal ice contact on the celebrties part.

And Chris Fountain was robbed! I'm sure if he'd won he wouldn't subject the nation to numerous 'OK' and 'Hello' shoots which is was I envisage Suzanne doing....she was there solely to further her career, whereas seemed to be doing it purely because he enjoyed it, which I think would've made him a far more deserving winner!

I agree about Suzanne, as obviously she was there to further her career, but I don't agree about Chris. I think if he'd won he would have done just as much publicity as Suzanne - he's just posed naked in Cosmo for goodness sake! He seems very ambitious and was definitely in it for more than just the fun side. But then I think they all were to an extent, that's just the nature of this sort of show.


I don't think Chris was doing it for selfish reasons. Anyone who enters these type of shows will be doing it for the sake of their careers. Everyone knows that. However, if this is going to have any advantage for Chris, it's for Hollyoaks as a whole. Chris didn't go into it purely for his OWN career, because his main focus is Hollyoaks and he isn't leaving that any time soon, he said so himself. Whereas I'vce already heard of 3 different projects Suzanne has lined up now. Chris wouldn't have had time for that because of filming for Hollyoaks as well as practising (sp?) for the tour. As for the posing naked, it's no different to when the girls strip off for the newspapers. Plus, it's hardly shocking when someone from the Hollyoaks cast strips off is it? They seem to be more famous for that then they are the show! :rolleyes:


I totally agree Amy. Chris wouldnt of signed a new 2 year contract if he was planning to use the show to help further his career. He's said throughout the show, he's happy and isn't planning on leaving any time soon. Everyone else I'm not so sure about! I read somewhere Suzanne didn't even want to do the show, it was only untill her agents said about needing something to get her some publicity so she agreed to do it and it was the same with Sam.

LMAO all you need to do is open a magazine and theirs a different female celebrity every week. It's about time the girls got a bit of eye candy! lol


I don't think Chris was doing it for selfish reasons. Anyone who enters these type of shows will be doing it for the sake of their careers. Everyone knows that. However, if this is going to have any advantage for Chris, it's for Hollyoaks as a whole. Chris didn't go into it purely for his OWN career, because his main focus is Hollyoaks and he isn't leaving that any time soon, he said so himself. Whereas I'vce already heard of 3 different projects Suzanne has lined up now. Chris wouldn't have had time for that because of filming for Hollyoaks as well as practising (sp?) for the tour. As for the posing naked, it's no different to when the girls strip off for the newspapers. Plus, it's hardly shocking when someone from the Hollyoaks cast strips off is it? They seem to be more famous for that then they are the show! :rolleyes:

My point was just that everyone who goes into a reality show does so to get something out of it career-wise. Even if it's just the money! And the exposure (literally, if you've seen Cosmo!) won't have done him any harm. He might not be leaving Hollyoaks, but there will be lots of other offers coming in for things that he can do alongside it. And I wouldn't be surprised if they give him a pay rise after the publicity he's given them for the past couple of months! Not to mention a heap of major storylines, I'd imagine.


I'm not bothered anyway. DOI or no DOI, I remain a firm Chris fan and a fan of Hollyoaks. If he does get major storylines out of it, great. He's one of the finest actors they have and I'd be more than pleased to see him on screen more. But I'm expecting to see more Suzanne than I am Chris.


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