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Roman Harris

Guest Eli

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if Josh's hair was brown in that pic, he would have looked gorgeous. Even Conrad looks good :wub:

Conrad on All Saints re-runs?? Not on today, but hopefully he'll be there on monday :D


I just went on the official website and they seem to have got Roman all muddled up (timeline issues). It said under relationship status single, but interested in martha, so i thought okay it's a bit behind, not been updated recently. But then I scroll down and see living status, and it says that hes living with Morag and Aden, and I'm like what?! Thats in the future at the moment!Aden doesnt move in until next week. curious.


Sorry, it seems they've taken All Saints off to spite us all. I swear it was there last week :mellow:

I think maybe they don't want an M-rated drama running in the afternoon while all the children are home from school. I blame all of you for this -_-


Yeh, According to Jim is on at 2pm now, not All Saints. I noticed that today :P Hehe. Only 2 more weeks than holidays will be over, and we can see Conrad :wub:


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