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Well i can tell them why everything is awkward... It's because they like each other more than friends... Hmmm well I hope thats why!! :P

Poor Jack missing Martha :wub:

Brilliant as usual!

Update soon please!!


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Sucked in Jack. That's what happens when you put others before the one you love. So you can just eat it. LOL.

He He. Im rather looking foward to the next few chapters; coz ive been told whats going to happen LOL. Can't wait Rach.


I wanted Jack to realise the error of his ways but now that he's all alone, I feel so sorry for him :( I hope this 'separation' starts to make him realise the importance of Martha in his life. Perhaps some feelings will be disclosed in the near future...*hopes*

This Summer Ball sounds good though :D Perfect opportunity for jealousy, intimacy and a reunion :P I just hope Billy doesn't get too attached to Martha :blink:

Let the party commence! More soon please!


Great chapters!

Jack and Martha need to realise they love and need each other.

Jack is so jealous. He scared me when he grabbed Tasha.

Tasha is not nice, she's happy Martha doesn't spend time with Jack anymore even if Martha is sad about it. :angry:

I hope Billy will be nice to Martha. If he's not, Jack has to save her. :angry:

Please update soon...


This is for Krystal, cause I love her and she rocks

Best part of the chapter! lol. :P

Is it wrong that Jack completely scared me?! Freaky stuff...

But I loved when he saw her walk in. Soo cute! :wub:

Awesome update Rach. :D

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