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I loved that chap! :D

You write Jack and Martha so well. :)

I really liked that it was just the two of them in the chap and i'm glad they had sex but i don't want martha to be pregnant as if the baby comes it'll get all the attention and the focus won't be on martha and jack's relationship. :P

Update soon! Can't wait for more.


I disagree wiv that comment i think if they did hav a baby it wud make their relationship alot stronger and bring them closer 2gether they wud be a family as they have wanted to be.

Update Soon its grt


Hi dee83 - I've noticed that you're relatively new to the board. Sorry to be a pain but there is a rule about SPAG on this forum and it includes the fact that you're not allowed to write in text speak. If you could just remember to write without using text speak abbrieviations next time you post then that would be great. Sorry to be so annoying :P it's just part of the rules, so I thought I'd alert you to it!

And Rach - brilliant fic as always. :D Please please update!!! It's been too long... :(


:o You made us wait???

For that I think you should update extra soon!

Oh and never make us wait again!!!

Brill as usual!

Bless them they were so worried! :wub:

Just lets hope that the pill works!!!

Jack and Kims talk... Funny!


Update soon? Please???... Pretty please with a cherry on the top?... Pleaseeeeee!!!... I'll even smile sweetly... *Smiles sweetly* :D



:lol: Tash is so funny

Poor Jack :(

Poor Martha

Once they get this all sorted out they can live happily ever after :D

that was a great chapter

but :o you made us wait <_<

please update soon

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