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Great chapter!

Jack's conversation with his dad :o

Their parents are so not happy!

This reminds me of Dawson's Creek. Dawson and Joey used to sleep in the same bed for years and once they started dating, his parents didn't want them to sleep together anymore. I miss that show! :(

At least Martha and Jack still have their sense of humour. :lol:

Martha's thinking about moving in together, isn't she? :D

More please...


Pfft Martha and Jack aren't little kids for gods sakes. They're adults. What a bunch of uptight parents.

Yea, they should just move into together. Jack seems to have an alright job, so im sure they could afford it.

Then they could have all the sex they wanted. And wherever they wanted . lol.


Theyre going to get a place together? Thats the only option i can think of :P

That chapter was hilarious though. Im glad their parents were cool about them being together :P

Jack and Tony's fight was hilairous

More please :)


Ha, great conversations with their parents. :lol:

I think maybe Jack went just a bit over the line :P

I hope Martha's plan is that they could get their own place.

Great chapter!

Update soon!


Ciao peeps!

New chapter will be up later.

Just a question on what you think I should do next.

I was originally planning on ending this fic in a couple of chapters time, but I thought of something else I could include in it which would make it go on for a bit longer (not too long, I doubt it'll be in excess of 10 more chapters)

But I wanted to know whether you thought it would be dragging on for too long if I carry on with it, if it is, then I'll end it soon, if not, I'll carry it on for a while longer.

Bear in mind that I probably wont be doing another fic after this one, for quite some time (what with Uni work and stuff)

So please tell me what you think :D

Be honest aswell!



10 more chapters :) But if your going ot bring Lily back, which ive been having a horrible feeling about everytime i read this, they dont bother :P

Nah! 10 more chapters since your not writing anymore :)

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