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Yay an update !!

I was so excited, after two whole hours of studying, when I found you had updated :D

Brilliantly written chapter :)

Poor Martha :(

She needs to start opening up to Jack...

Jack better not be cheating on her otherwise i will not be held responsible for my actions :ph34r:

Take that as a warning...

Martha’s face fell even more and her heart began to break, as she watched them share a hug.

Why was this happening? Why was he suddenly all over his ex girlfriend?

I am asking the same questions.

Great descriptions about Martha's feelings. I could really feel her insecurity.

Jacky is soo cute

Even if he is cheating...

I will still love him anyway :P

I don't want to study more...

Im procrastinating now...

So i'll just end with please please update soon *smiles sweetly*

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Poor Martha. Sh'e totally freaking out.

But Jack had better not be seeing Laurie again. I'll hurt him if he hurts Martha.

Great chapter Rach. Cant wit for more.


Well...not surprised she's losing it really, what with his track record... But Jacky wouldn't do that to Martha. I have to believe that that's true. lol Great chapter - you described Martha's feelings really well. Please please update. NOW.


Yay an update... *Claps*

But... There... There... There was no sex or sexual content or anything in this chapter :o ... You feeling alright?

Haha!!! Joking!!! Dont beat me up for saying that!!! Sorry...

Well firstly, that was not crap neither did it suck!!! So stop thinking it does!!!! Ha! Im right!

Jacky was all worried about his girlfriend!!!!! Bless him he's so caring... I want a boyfriend like Jack!!! :wub:

Actually I want Jack!!!

I couldn't be bothered to quote every single bit that I liked because it would take me about 24 hours (Unless there is some fast way to do it and I just dont know how... Hmmm) so i'll write the bits I like out instead in italics! Haha!.

“Can I have a hug?” he asked following a brief pause."

Haha!!!! Dont Worry Jacky I woul have hugged you if Martha had said no!!!

See thats because i'm a nice and caring person!

:lol: Everyone thought Martha was pregnant... Well everyone being Jack and Kim Haha!!!

Bless her... Men they just don't understand our hormones!!!

“I’m sure you can do it Mac, if you love Jack as much as you say you do, then you’d want to do anything to make sure your relationship survives, and hey, if Jack is being a two timing little slut, which I’m sure he’s not” she quickly added, “he’ll have me to deal with” she placed a comforting hand on her friends arm for support."

:lol: Haha Tasha attacking Jacky now that I would love to see!!!!

I worry for Jack with Tasha being around sometimes, you make her sound quite violent!!! (In a good way of course!!!)

But it just shows what a good friend Tasha is!!!!

"No, you are not fat, you’re just normal Martha size” he smiled sweetly.

Awww how cute... "Normal Martha size"... Haha Martha fat!!! That'd be the day... shes like a rake... a gorgeous rake though (Is Jelous of Jodi!!!)

So overall a very amazing chapter... yet again! And there you were complaining it was "Crap" Ha! Well I told you it wouldnt be!

So.... Hmmm Now You've read the new spoilers do you feel like writing some fluff next time?

*Gets down on knees and beggs for fluff... or JnM Sex :ph34r: *

More soon!


Hmmm Pretty please... If you write some more really soon i'll make you a Jack sundae (An Ice creme thing) with lots of Cherries on the top!!!


Yeh I'll Shut Up now

This is like longer than your chapter sorry!!!

Siany__x (Ha... I laugh at myself)


^^ :o

Lmao Siany :lol:

I think that breaks Jades record of the longest comment in the history of the world! :P

I'd watch your back, Jade wont be too happy :ph34r:

Joke :P

Thanks for your extremely long review, made me smile *big grin*


Great chapter. :) I really liked that, Kim was funny in it :P and Martha 'why does everyone keep asking me that?' :P

Cant wait for more. :)

Martha should have just told him.


Nice chapter!

Kim was funny in this chapter. And Tash made me laugh too. Jack'd better not cheat on Martha because Tash is going to hurt him! :D

Jack :wub: He's so worried about Martha. He can't be cheating on her if he loves her that much, right? Especially if they have sex (almost) every night!

Martha, open up to him! You know you can trust him. At least I hope so. <_<

More please...


Jack is so sweet! :wub:

Martha should just tell him and get it overwith!

Ha ha! I loved Kim in this chapter, Tasha too! :lol:

I loved this comment: Why does everyone keep asking me that :P

More please!

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