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Yay!! A reply *Claps and smiles*

:o Martha still didnt tell him!!! He had to find it out accidently... and he dosent even know the full story.... *Cries* Poor Jacky!!!!

Martha even had the perfect opportunity to tell him when they were led in bed.

Your Evil!!!

  vale4eva said:
“Were alright, aren’t we?” he asked; his voice displaying clear uncertainty as he spoke.

“Yeah, of course” she gave him a reassuring smile.

See the perfect chance but no!!!...

HaHaHa! They got caught.

Whats up with their parents though... Do they think they're still little kids?

Well there not!

They need to get over the fact there precous little children want to have sex!

  vale4eva said:
“MARTHA!” she gasped in horror.

Looking up at her mothers wide eyes she spoke the only words she could think of. “Erm, excuse me, its called knocking” she tried to be smart. But it failed to work as her mother just glared daggers at her, showing she was far from impressed with their behaviour.

Haha!!!^^^ Funnyy.... "Its called knocking!" Funny!

She's a checky one at times :lol:

  vale4eva said:
Martha looked apologetically across at her boyfriend, deep down knowing full well that this was mostly her entire fault. After all, it was her ingenious plan to sneak around. “Well, I don’t think there’s anything else that needs to be said. Except, Martha; I’ll be informing your father of the situation, and he’ll be putting bolts on your window from now on.”

Bolts... Whatever next???? They cant put bolts on her window... People will think they've gone insane or something...

Bolt... *Shocked face* They cant do that to them...

We wont get to read about Jacky and Martha sex if you put Bolts on her window!!!

  vale4eva said:
“Bolts!?” she scoffed through disbelief as she scrunched up her face, “Are you for real!? Why not just chuck us in a prison, it’d be so much easier!” she said with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes.

^^That bit was just funny!!!

:angry: Jackys going to get hurt... Why are you letting Martha hurt him (Unless he is cheeting on her than Martha can do what she wants to him...

But you're evil Jacky cant get hurt... He HAD to hear what martha said didnt he? *Sad Face*

  vale4eva said:
At that moment, Tasha’s face began to fall, “looks like you won’t have to” she hushed back, her head lowering to the ground.

Frowning, Martha turned around to face the door, to her horror she saw Jack, who stood on the spot with his eyes filled with tears; clearly trying to process the hurtful and unexpected words that his girlfriend had just spoken.

Placing her hand to her mouth in sadness, she cried, “Oh god, Jack”

Poor Jack *Cries*

  vale4eva said:
Preview: What now for Jack and Martha? And what is really going on between Jack and Laurie? Was Martha right to worry?

Jack and Martha should talk now!

Nothing is going on between Jack and Laurie is it... Right... Yeh good!!!

And No Martha was not right to worry....

But overall... although Jacky got hurt and was crying when he heard Martha it was very brilliant and amazing and everyother good word under the sun (I Just cant be bothered to type them all!!!)

More soon!!!


Oh and I now see you as an evil person for making Jack cry!!! (Well for you making Martha make Jack cry... Yeh... Hmmm that DOES make sence!)


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Just read all 38 pages of your fan-fiction and I really like it... You are a really good writer and I love your characters... I think Martha should trust Jack he's changed he's no longer sleezy (not that he ever was sleezy towards Martha) but he respects her, so I don't think he's cheating. Please update soon!

Channy Xx


Poor Jack! :( I hope that he is able to forgive her. It just can’t end like that!

Martha is just being silly. She needs to start trusting people! <_< I hope she can prove to him that she is able to trust him a 100%.

Bring in Tasha :P She seems to be the one person that can fix this(with a little help from Kim :P )

Great chapter!(apart from the fact that J&M is fighting <_< )

More please!

Posted (edited)

Great chapter. :) This chapter was quite realistic, i mean in real life if i heard my girlfriend saying she didn't trust me it would be a big deal so i like how you wrote it from both of their point of views so we can see each other's view on the situation.

Hope they get back together though. :)

Edited by aejdude


Poor Jack

Im glad he's not cheating on her :D Not that i ever thought he was

Martha really needs to start trusting Jack <_<

They need to get back together

Awww Jacky said he would be ready to marry her...

if only Martha hadn't of gone and stuffed things up <_<

please update soon.... with fluff :)

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