HeavenForbid Posted March 10, 2008 Report Posted March 10, 2008 Last two chapters were fab! I actually feel bad for Sam Poor Jack! Martha is there to support him, hopefully Update soon.
EmmaLovesJack Posted March 10, 2008 Report Posted March 10, 2008 just read the whole fic and i love it i can't wait for more xx
Channy!!! Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Great updates... Gee I wish this would hurry up and happen on the tv lol.. Please update soon
PINK Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 Jack walked up the drive ways to his house in a bit of a daze. He had spent last night with his dad while some people tidied the place up a bit after the tragic events that took place two nights ago. Martha who was walking at his pace next to him reached out and opened the door. Reluctantly he stepped inside; taking note of the mostly empty shelves he guessed most of his stuff had been too damaged by the deadly earthquake. “You ok?” Martha asked him softly as she placed a comforting hand on his arm. “Yeah” Jack said softly, nodding he continued looking around the room until something caught his eye. Frowning he walked over to it, he noticed it had his name on it, then suddenly he realised it was Sam writing. Jacks mouth dropped open, “Oh my God” he gasped, “What?” Martha asked walking up beside him looking at what he had his hands, “It’s from Sam” he said softly, “What?” Martha asked confused, “She planned this he gasped” choking on his tears. Martha noticed him bringing the letter into a tearing position and quickly intervened, “No” she said softly as she took the envelope from his hands. “I don’t want to read it” Jack insisted angrily, “Just calm down Jack” she told him sternly “It doesn’t matter if you read it now, tomorrow, next year or years after that but if you rip it up you’ll never get the chance to hear what she wants to say and I’m sure you’ll regret that” Martha said softly, “Why?” Jack asked her softly, “Why would she do something like that, there’s more to this Martha I know there is” he said as a gentle tear rolled down his cheek, “Come here” she said brining him in a hug she whispered “I’m going to help you get through this” she whispered to him “It’s going to be ok”, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was four days later; Jack had been staying at his dads place as he didn’t want to go back where all of Sams things were, he didn’t know whether to be angry, mad, upset, sad? He wanted to find out what happened, what would push her so far but opening the letter was something he couldn’t do, not yet. “Yes thankyou ok bye” Martha said hanging up the phone, “The flowers are all organized” Martha said as she tried to get everything organized for tomorrows service. “You don’t have to do this you know” Jack told her, “It’s ok” Martha smiled as she flipped through the yellow pages. “No seriously thankyou” Jack told her, “It’s fine” Martha told him sincerely, “So when’s Sams sister arriving?” Martha asked him, “Um” Jack said looking at his watch, “Soon, along with her mother, brother and some other people, some kids” Jack said softly, “You ok?” Martha asked him, “Yeah” Jack said “It’s just tomorrow everything will just become somewhat more real” he said deep in thought, As the moment went quiet Jack felt as though he had to act strong, “Anyway I have to take the mattress off Lucas’s old bed and take it next door for Michelle’s (Sam’s sister) daughter to sleep on. “Ok, would you like some help?” Martha asked him, “Yeah thanks” Jack said as the pair stood up and walked into the next room. They got to the door when suddenly Jack stopped, “What’s wrong?” Martha asked him, “This was Sam’s studio” Jack said trying to hold back the tears. “We don’t have to go in, me and your dad can do it later” Martha told him, “No” Jack said “It’s just a room” he tried to shrug it off. “Jack” Martha said placing her hand on his arms as he reached for the handle “Are you sure?” Martha asked him, Jack took a deep breath, “Yeah” he nodded and in one swift push the door was open, Standing sill for a few moments Jack put on a strong front and quickly made his way to the bed, “Come on it’s not going to move itself” Jack said sarcastically, Martha looked at him, she knew he wasn’t coping but she decided that when he was ready he would open up to her. Moving towards the bed the pair lifted the mattress from its surface. Martha’s face fell into a frown as she noticed a small envelope lying innocently on the bed frame. Leaning down she picked it up, “It’s for you” she told him reading the scribbled ‘Jack Holden’, Jack looked at the envelope inquisitively before reaching over and taking it from her hands. He hesitated for a minute but decided he was far to curious to leave it so in one quick rip it was open, he reached inside and brought out the small letter, Opening it from its quarters he began to read. ‘Constable Jack Holden’ it started, ‘If you’re reading this it means something has probably happened to me and I haven’t had the chance to tell you myself, well lets start off like this, I’ve been bunking here for a few weeks courtesy of your good little wifey, Kylie Deeks, oh sorry she goes by Sam these days doesn’t she., “What the hell” Jack murmured causing Martha to glance over his shoulder, she skimmed the letter, “Oh my God” she imitated his shocked face as the pair continued writing, ‘You see I’ve known of Sam for quite a while, I’m sure she’s told you the little sob story of how her husbands out to kill her and she’s on the run because she couldn’t live with her conscious, knowing that Shane killed a man blah, blah,blah, NO. Most of Sam testimony was of things she had in fact done herself, Shane loved her too much to let her go down for it so he told the police he did it but when Sam testified against him his heart broke, he was never the same again. So here’s a list of all the things your wifey’s been up to in her life. • She was addicted to Heroin The list started. • She cheated on her husband • And the best one of all, she killed a man. Oh and don’t let me forget I've been bunking here because she let me stay in your fathers house, she put all the people you love in danger, betrayed you, lied to you. All to protect her dirty little secrets safe’ Suddenly the letter stopped, Jack froze, slowly the letter drifted to the ground, shaking, everything he believed in, everything he love about her was gone, she was a liar and a manipulator, she was a KILLER and he had fallen in love with her. Falling to the ground, his legs were no longer strong enough to hold his body, anger fill his eyes, As he stood up Martha became worried, “What are you doing?” She asked him worried, Ignoring her question he made his way out the door and storming next door, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ripping open the desk drawer he scurried through some papers before taking Sams letter in his trembling hands he tried to rip it, “Don’t Jack” Martha said softly behind him, “I don’t care what she has to say” Jack told herm “Yes you do” Martha told him softly as she tried to get the letter from his hands, “You’re just angry and confused” Martha told him, “It’ll get better” she told him, “No it won’t, you read the letter she has been lying to me since day one, our entire relationship was lies” Jack told her “How could I have been so stupid?” he asked her, “You’re not stupid you just let love blind you” she told him, “I shouldn’t of” he told her, Martha smiled at him, “You can’t blame yourself” she told him seriously “I’ve done that before and guess what” she asked him, “What, you’re the one that told me it wasn’t”, Jack smiled at her “So what this is like you paying me back?” he asked he chuckling lightly, “Kinda” she said smiling “Also, I want to help you, I want to help you get through this” she finished and was met by his still glum face “Come on” she said “Give us a smile” “Not much to smile about” he said glumly, “Come on I know you’ve got one in there somewhere” she told him smiling as an idea formed in her head, she knew how she could make him smile. Reaching out she touched his side making him jump instantly, Using her fingertips she tickled him. “Stop it” Jack said as a smile tried to break onto his lips, “Not until you smile” she told him, “Fine” Jack surrendered outing on a fake toothy smile, “A proper one” Martha insisted, Jack looked at her before he eventually broke into his famous Jack Holden smile that Martha loved, “That’s the one” Martha smiled at him, “I’m sorry” Jack said “I’m being an idiot” he told her, “Stop it” Martha insisted “You’re are not being an idiot, your just emotional, that’s normal”, “If I’m emotional now what will I be tomorrow?” he asked her, “I have no idea” she said before smiling “I’ll be right there for you whenever you need me” she told him, “How’s Rory?” Martha then asked, “He’s ok considering, emotional, but he’s coping surprisingly well but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just a tough front, when I lost mum I tried to convince everyone that I was ok, I started believing it myself for a while but you can’t bottle your emotions up forever, they’ll eventually get the better of you” he said softly, feeling a hand on his back he heard her start to talk, “Which is why I’m here whenever you need me” NEXT CHAPTER- The funeral, Sumerbay say one final goodbye to a friend but will they ever discover who she really was? Martha makes a suprising suggestion Will Jack ever read Sams final wards? PLEASE REVIEW
Tasha Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 im glad he got angry. Sam's an evil *itch Great chapter. Love Martha for making him laugh and smile More please
PINK Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 Martha sighed, looking in the mirror she pulled her hair into a tight bun, funerals gave her the creeps, everyone in black, crying. But no one particularly liked funerals she guessed as she stuck one last bobby pin in her hair and took one final look at herself, She had a black dress on and a pair of black stilettos, she had a creamish top underneath and sticking out the arms of the dress so she didn’t look completely like a black widow. Turning around she grabbed her bag off the bed and made her way to Jacks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Hello?” Martha called as she entered Tony’s house, “Hey love” Tony said coning out from the kitchen dressed in a pair of black pants and a white tucked in shirt and a black tie, “How’s Jack?” Martha asked concerned as Tony reached her, Tony sighed, “I’m not sure love he’s hardly said two words this morning I get the feeling he has something other than this on his mind but I could be wrong”, Martha thought for a moment about their discoveries late afternoon but decided against saying anything instead she just played dumb. “Well I’m sure when he’s ready he’ll talk to us” Martha assured him, “Yeah I hope so” he said slightly distracted, “What about him?’ Martha asked gesturing to Rory who was sitting on the couch playing a video game. “It’s been a pretty quiet household this morning no ones really saying anything, to tell you the truth he kinds of reminds me of Jack when his mum died” he said looking saddened by the memories, funerals always seemed to do that to people, “Where is Jack anyway?” Martha asked breaking the silence, “In the spare room love” Tony told her, “Thanks, do you mind if I go through?” Martha checked with him, “Of course not Love” he reassured her, “Thanks” Martha said smiling as she made her way down the hall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Jack” Martha said softly as she tapped on the door, “Come in” She heard a small voice croak from inside, She slowly pushed the door open, noticing Jack on the bed she noticed him looking at something small in his hand, Walking over she noticed it was his wedding ring, “You don’t have to take that off you know she’s still your wife” Martha told him, “I know” Jack said softly as he twirled it in his fingers, “I’m so confused” he told her, “I know” Martha said moving closer to him, “It’s alright to wear it today” she assured him, “But I don’t even know if I want to go” Jack told her, Slightly taken aback she said “What do you mean?” she asked him, “I don’t know how I’m feeling” he continued “She lied to me Martha everything we had was a lie, people are expecting me to get up there and talk about what an amazing person she was and how much I love everything about her but I don’t even know who she was anymore” he said as a tear rolled down his cheek, Sitting down next to him on the bed she said, “Yes you do, you know the Sam you fell in love with and that’s all that matters” she told him, “You don’t have to get up you know” she said “People aren’t going to think any less of you if you don’t”, Martha noticed as his eyes fell to the ring, she sighed and started taking again, “Jack it’s up to you whether you go of not but just remember that this is your last chance to say goodbye to Sam, the Sam you loved, the Sam you married, not the other Sam you didn’t know, she doesn’t matter” she told him, A tear fell down his cheek and his whole body began to shake with tears, “I did love her, I do love her but I’m just so mad at her, I’m so angry about everything” he told her, “I know” she said “I know” as she rubbed his back and tried to soothe his tears as he had done for her many times before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting at the kitchen table Martha had given Jack a little time to think things over, he was deciding if he would go to the service or not and Martha seriously didn’t know what he would decide to do. Suddenly Martha and Tony’s heads jolted up at the sound of creaking floorboards coming from across the room. Martha smiled at the small golden band that was wrapped neatly around his ring finger. “Shall we go?” Jack asked the three people in front of him in including Martha, Tony and Rory, “Yep” Martha and Tony said in unison, Reluctantly pulling himself of the couch Rory made his way silently out of the house to the car. The three adults exchanged worried glances and the young boy. “We better go” Martha broke the silence, “Yeah, let’s do it” Jack sighed, grabbing his Jack he followed Martha out followed by Tony who shut the door behind them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Will anybody be saying anything about Mrs Sam Holden today?” The priest asked, “Martha squeezed Jacks arm to assure him it was alright if he didn’t, he looked over at him, He could feel a whole room full of eyes staring straight at him. “It’s ok” Martha said softly, noticing he wasn’t strong enough to do it she took a deep breath and rose to her feet and made her way up the front of the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “That was an amazing speech, thankyou” Jack told her as they walked from the church, Jack had bloodshot eyes from his tears but apart from that he was staying together quite well considering. “It’s ok” Martha told him as they got in the car making their way to the wharf for the final step. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ashes took to the air as the wind picked it up dropping it in the ocean after a few moments. Jack placed the lid back on the container, Tears once again threatened to spill from his eyes as he placed it on the small table beside him which also contained a picture of Sam and a couple of things that made up who she was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack looked on as people mingled amongst themselves as the wake at Noahs went on, he hadn’t said much, he would thank the people that offered their condolences with a simple ‘Thanks’ and walk away, the only person he had had a real conversation with since her death had been Martha, he was truly grateful for her support and didn’t know what he would do without her right now. Suddenly he felt the need for some fresh air, standing he made a subtle exit hoping not to attract any attention. He breathed a sigh of relief as he made it outside undetected. Making his way to the wharf he sat down, dangling his legs over the edge, he frowned as he reached into his Jacket and placed neatly in the interior pocket lay Sams letter. Bringing it in front of him, He thought for a minute, taking a deep breath he turned it around and undid it, carefully he lifted the note out and began to read it. ‘Dear Jack, By the time you read this I will no longer be with you. Please understand why I had to do this, I pray to God that you don’t find out about what happened to push me this far but if you have I’m so sorry for everything. Please don’t be angry with me and remember this isn’t your fault, please remind Rory of that too, everyday. I will miss you both forever. As I write this letter I realise I will never see either of you ever again. So please let me take this opportunity to say this, be happy jack, don’t hold onto the past, make every day count because life is precious and should be treasured always. I love you now and forever. Sam. Meanwhile- Hey Tony have you seen Jack?” Martha asked as she walked out of the bathroom, “No love, haven’t seen him for a while now” he told her, “Oh ok” she said frowning as she made her way to the wharf. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the distance she could see him he was sitting down reading a piece of paper, Sam’s letter she guessed. Walking up behind him she placed her hand on his back she could feel him shaking, sitting down she took him into her arms as he let the letter slip from his hands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “If you’re sure that’s what you want” Jack told Rory as he told Jack Aunt Emily’s suggestion that he go live with her for two months to get away from everything. “Yeah” Rory told him “It is” “Ok” Jack to ld him “But whenever you need me just ring any time” Martha smiled; he sounded just like a real parent these days. “I will” Rory told him, “When are you leaving?” Jack asked Emily, “Tonight” Emily told him, “So soon?” Jack asked her, “Yeah I have to get back to work” she explained, “Yeah, that’s understandable” Jack agreed with her, “So we better get home and get you packed” Jack said as he began to make his way from the room before turning around, “Are you guys alright here?” Jack asked Alf and Martha who were packing up, “Yeah, go” Martha told him, “Thanks, I’ll see you later” he told her, “Ok” Martha agreed “Seeya”, As she saw them leave the room Alf noticed that Martha had an idea forming in her head, “What are you planning?” Alf questioned her. “Nothing yet” Martha told him slyly, “Ok” Alf said unconvinced. Martha smiled to herself; she needed to speak to Tony. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You think he’d go for it?” Tony asked her, “It’s worth a try, he needs some time away I think, Emily has Rory for two month so it’s the perfect time for him to just get away and clear his head” she told him, Tony nodded his head, “It’ would be good for him” he agreed, “So you think you could talk to McGrath?” she asked him, “I’ll see what I can do” Tony told her, “Thanks Tony” Martha said excitedly as she left his house smiling like a schoolgirl who had just come up with the perfect plan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KNOCK, KNOCK. “Come in” Jack called as he heard his father’s voice on the other side of his bedroom door. “What’s up?” Jack asked looking up from the sheets that he had somehow been finding fascinating for the past hour and a half. Frowning, he noticed Martha with two suitcases, a huge overnight bag and a Make up bag. “Where are you going?” he asked her curiously, “I’m not going anywhere, at least not with out you” she told him, “Huh?” Jack asked not getting it. “Come on pack” she insisted, “Huh?” Jack asked again, Martha sighed “I’m taking you away for a while to get your head clear” she told him, “What? Where?” he asked her “But I have work” he insisted, “To the City and works sorted you have two months off” she told him, “I just can’t up and go” he told her, “Come on Jack, you need this” Tony intervened in the conversation, “Dad” he tried to argue but it was no use, it was two against one, and those two against him weren’t going to take no for an answer. NEXT CHAPTER- Jack and Martha leave for the city. Jack takes the first steps to moves on from his past.
Tasha Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 first steps towards Martha i hope Martha spoke at the funeral? Now thats something new More please
martha-jack Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 Jack and Martha leave for the city - sounds interesting. love this fic so far please update soon.
KaitieL Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 Martha talking about Sam at her funeral? Jack and Martha off to the city, wonder what will happen? Update soon.
vale4eva Posted March 12, 2008 Report Posted March 12, 2008 Just read the whole thing. Great fic. I hope Jack and Martha get closer She can help him through his grief More please
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