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Two In A Million

Guest PINK

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The days continued to drift by, day turned to night and before long it was day again.

It had been three days since the bathroom incident and Jack was struggling with what he was feeling.

He was confused about where he stood with Martha these days. Did she know see him purely as a friend figure completely out of bounds? Or did she still think of him in a romantic way? So many thoughts whizzed around in Jack Holden’s mind as he stood with the water lapping around his feet. It was times like this when you needed a little home comfort.


Unbeknownst to Jack back at this apartment as he wondered about Martha she was wondering the exact same things.

Martha was sitting on her bed, in a daze she picked at the sheets that were beneath her.

Lately she had begun to feel things again and it terrified her. She thought she had buried them, she thought that she could just be Jacks friend, that she could help him get through his rough patch and at the end she would once again have a best friend in him. But nothing ever seemed to be that simple for them, nothing was cut and dry, there always seemed to be confused feeling and mixed signals amongst there relationship.

She didn’t know how to act around him anymore. Just weeks ago they were hanging out, laughing, just enjoying each others company but once again there relationship had gone down the same road it always seemed to. They no longer could just have a conversation, talk and laugh like normal friends. Every time they were together there seemed to be an intense silence wash over them that made he feel awfully uncomfortable. The fact that she had no idea how Jack was feeling just added to her confusion, she just wish she could have some time out to think but for another week and a half she was stuck with him, Him and her confused feelings.


The sudden noise awoke Martha from her day dream, snapping her head up she quickly pushed herself up. Jumping off the bed her feet came into contact with the soft carpet beneath her.


“Hey” Martha said from her doorway as she watched as Jack placed his jacket over the chair at the table.

“Hey” Jack said greeted her back.

“Where did you go?” Martha tried to make small talk,

“Just down to the beach, needed to clear my head” he told her.

“Oh” Martha said softly “Ok”,

“You up to anything today?” he asked her,

“Um I thought I might go and catch up with some old friends” she told him,

“Oh that sounds nice” he said smiling,

“Yeah” Martha smiled back “I better get ready” she said gesturing to her room,

“Ok” Jack answered simply,

“Yeah” Martha murmured as she began to turn around,

“Martha” Jack called out to her,

“Will you be home for dinner?” he asked her,

“Um I dunno, why?” she asked curiously,

“Oh I was just thinking we could get some Chinese, rent some movies” he offered,

Martha’s face turned into a smile,

“Yeah” she nodded “I’ll be here”,

“Cool” he said a little too enthusiastically,

“Cool” she said as she turned and made her way into her room. Shutting the door behind her she leant up against it. Her face began to break into s toothy grin as she thought about the night. Mixed with her excited feelings were those of complete dread, she didn’t know what tonight was. Was it just a friendly dinner? Was it a date? She shook her head furiously. Angry she mentally cursed herself.

‘He just lost his wife, you’re being a good friend and that’s all you’ll ever be…. A friend’ the thought made her frown, she bit her bottom lip as she came to the realisation that they would never be anything more than that.


Later that evening Martha stepped from the elevator.

Making her way towards her apartment she fumbled in her bag for her keys.

Pulling them from there place she tried several times to get it into the hole.

Finally she managed to turn it and stumble through the door.

Jack jolted from his place on the couch where he had began to doze.

“Where have you been?” he asked taking in her clear state of drunkenness,

“Out” she answered grumpily as she threw her bag on the table while making her way to the couch.

Jack rolled his eyes as he watched her take her shoes off.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” he asked her,

“No and I don’t care” she told him defiantly,

Jack looked at her as she tried to stand but quickly fell back down into a lying position.

“Martha” Jack said as he moved towards her,

“Martha” he tried a little louder but it was no use, she was out for the night.

Sighing deeply he leant down and carefully wrapped her delicate form around him.

Straightening his body he carefully made his way to her room.

As he reached the bed he cautiously lay he down causing her to slightly stir.

“It’s ok, go back to sleep” he said as he stroked her head,

“Mmm” she murmured “I love you Jack” she said softly,

Jack looked at her longingly,

“Just go back to sleep” he told her again as he watched her body settle for the night.

Making his way to the door he was half out the door before he turned around.

Looking across at her he said softly,

“I love you too” and with that she shut her door and prepared himself for another cold and lonely night.


Will Martha remember her confession?

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awwwwwwwwww :wub:

Martha said the 'L' word

and Jack said it back...I hope Martha remembers it...

this is amazing PINK you are a great writer keep up the amazing work :)


Jack walked in on her when she was naked. :lol: She's right; it's nothing he hasn't seen before. :P

They both have feelings for each other. And they said 'I love you'. :wub: I hope Martha remembers it. :unsure:

More please.


awwwwwwwwww :wub: :wub: :wub:

First Marthas stood Jack up, came home drunk (<33) and then confessed her love for him.

I loved that chapter

More please


Jack heard a groan coming from the direction of Martha’s door moments after he had heard her opening it.

Making her way towards the bench she flopped down onto a stool and dropped her head into her hands.

“Headache?” Jack questioned sarcastically,

Martha looked up at him and gave him a look which said ‘I’m not in the mood’,

Jack looked down at the coffee he had just poured himself and realised that it would do her a lot more good than him.

“Here” Jack said as he pushed the mug towards her.

Martha looked back up at him,

“Thanks” she said softly as she brought the hot liquid to her lips.

Thinking for a few moments she decided to say something,

“I’m sorry bout last night” Martha’s aid regretfully,

“It’s fine, I’m kinda getting used of it” Jack said smirking at her.

“Mmm” Martha groaned, “One of my less attractive habits” she admitted,

Suddenly Martha frowned causing Jack to become curious,

“What?” he asked cautiously,

“Did I say something last night?” she asked him curiously,

Jacks heart skipped a beat, ‘Did she remember?’

“Like something really stupid?”,

“Um…” Jack thought for a minute,

“No, I don’t think so” he said mentally kicking himself for lying to her,

“Oh, Good” Martha said relieved,

“Yeah” Jack said softly, saddened that she hadn’t remembered,

“You ok?” Martha asked him as she saw him drifting to another planet.

“Yeah” Jack told her, “I just need some air” he told her,

“Oh, ok” Martha agreed worried that he was mad at her. She was certainly mad at herself for missing their… whatever it was.

Jack had almost reached the door when Martha called out to him,

“Jack” she called,

“Yeah?” he asked whizzing around,

“I know I was the biggest idiot last night but could we maybe do a retake on the Chinese and movies?” she asked hopefully,

Jack thought for a minute, deciding not to let his pig headedness get in the way he agreed,

“Yeah sure” he told her “How’s 7?” he asked her,

“I’ll be here, really this time” she assured him,

“Ok” Jack smiled at her “Seeya” he farewelled her as he walked out and shut the door behind him.


“Hey” Martha said happily as she waltzed in happily through the doors.

“Hey” Jack said as he walked around the corner to find Martha with, Chinese in a plastic bag in one hand which was also holding A movie and in the other hand she had a bottle of wine.

“Ahh finally” Jack said rubbing his hands together as he walked up and took the food.

“I’m starving” he told her,

Martha chuckled to herself as he rushed to get to his food.

“Here” Martha said pushing a movie under his nose “Put this on, I’ll get this ready” she offered,

Jack scrunched his nose up,

“Titanic?” Jack asked her,

“Of course did you expect anything else?” she asked him

“No, not really” Jack shook his head,

“Just put it in” Martha said shoving it into his hands, smiling she turned to the food.

“Have you ever heard of, thriller or…. Horror?” Jack asked her sarcastically,

Martha chuckled,

“Jack you know as well as me that you get worse nightmares than me when we watch those kinds” she told him knowingly,

“Shut up” Jack sulked as he bent down to the DVD player and gently slipped the disc inside.


“You remember that?” Jack said whilst laughing hysterically,

“Yes” Martha replied laughing equally as hard,

“I can’t believe I did that” she told him,

“Oh I think Alf and Morag enjoyed the show. You running down the beach… butt naked” he told her trying to add to her embarrassment.

Martha took another sip of her wine, she felt as his eyes began to burn on her; quickly she decided to advert his attention.

“Oh the good bit” Martha said quickly adverting her attention to the television where the sinking was taking place.


Martha watched on in awe as the pair on the TV kissed.

Jack looked down at the precious woman lying with her head on his lap.

Angling her head around she looked up into his dark brown, loving eyes.

Pushing herself into a seated position.

Gazing into each others eyes there minds ticked over a million things. Mainly everything that had happen over the last 2 month, they had grown close again, things were almost like they were before, Almost until…

Leaning in cautiously she looked into his eyes, searching for answers all she received was a smile but it wasn’t just any smile, it was ‘her’ smile, the one he had reserved completely for her.

Slowly he brought his shaking hand to touch her cheek.

Closing her eyes she felt as his hand on her cheek allowed her to drift into a completely different world.

Fluttering them open again just moments later she was met by his face smiling at her, he was showing a mixture of emotions through his eyes which included, hurt, confusion and many others but most of all what she saw was… love.

Leaning in further there foreheads touched together, opening their eyes they looked directly into the others.

Pulling her head closer to him he captured her lips with his.

A surge of excitement and anticipation ran through each of there bodies and for once in a long time they didn’t feel numb anymore. They felt alive again and full of love. Holding the back of her head firmly he lowered her down on the couch.

Sliding on top of her gently being careful not to crush her delicate form. Memories rushed back into his mind as he kissed her soft lips, memories of them and how they used to be.

Pulling away ever so lightly he stared into her eyes only to have her staring straight back up at him.

“I love you” He let the delicate words escape his lips.

Martha smiled, looking directly into his love filled eyes she murmured back,

“I love you too”,

Smiling a smile that spoke a million words he leant down and sealed with her their undying love for one and other.

Minutes passed and the kissed became more intense, Martha stopped suddenly as she felt his hand move to the first button on her shirt.

Pulling away from his kissed she placed her hand over his, bringing it away from the button she looked up and him, with a flustered face and pink swollen lips.

“Wait Jack” she said softly,

“What?” Jack asked petrified that she had changed her mind,

“I don’t want to rush into ‘that’” she told him,

“Oh ok” he said slightly taken aback and confused whether or not she was serious about ‘them’,

“I want this Jack” she quickly assured him which earned her a smile from his direction.

“I just want to wait to go further, it’s been so long wince we’ve been together that I want it to be perfect” she told him,

“I can do perfect” he told her,

“I know you can” she whispered as she angled her face up to kiss him once again lightly on the lips.

This time Jack pulled away, sitting up he pulled her in close to him, she snuggled her face into his chest, wrapping his arms around her she looked up looking into each others eyes they placed one last kiss into the others lips before she dug her face back into his chest as they quietly jumped around inside as to what they had finally gotten back. True love.


The next morning- Does anybody regret the night before :unsure: ?


A romantic night :wub: , will it go according to plan? :unsure:


Jack turned around in bed, hearing the birds chirp had awoken him from his amazing dream, he and Martha had… his thoughts stopped in there tracks as his mind drifted back to the night before, it had really happened, after all this time, it had happened they had gotten back together.

Pushing the sheets from his body he quickly pulled himself from the bed.

Walking towards the door he quickly got a hold of the handle and pulled it open.

Walking as if he was on air he made his way to the end of the hall.

Watching on in awe he saw as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

Walking up behind her he wrapped his arms around her back.

“Hey beautiful” he whispered to her,

Martha jumped at the sudden presence behind her.

Once she realised that it was just Jack she turned around so he had her pinned to the bench.

“Hey” she said as she leaned up and planted a small kiss on his lips.

A cheesy grin broke out on his lips.

“What?” Martha asked smiling back at him,

“I can’t believe it’s not a dream, I can’t believe it’s real” he told her as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Martha let out a long sigh.

“Neither can I” she told him honestly,

“What do you say to hanging out together all day?” Jack asked her “Catch up on some lost time” he offered,

“Sounds nice” Martha told him smiling,

Jack looked at her intently before leaning in and kissing her on the lips, wrapping her arms around his neck, neither of them could fathom how they went without it for so long…


Jack and Martha spent the next couple of days just getting to know each other again. Hanging out together, things finally started to feel normal again.

It was the day before they were scheduled to make there way back to Summer Bay.

“Boo” Martha tried to frighten Jack as she came up behind him as he stood on the balcony overlooking the water.

“Can you believe its home tomorrow?” Jack asked her,

“No, not really” she told him,

“So much has happened since we’ve been away” as he recalled the past two months.

“Like us” he said smiling lightly,

“Yeah” she said softly,

“You ok?” he asked her,

“Yeah” Martha assured him “It’s just… Going back there” she stopped,

“You don’t want to?” he asked her,

“No it’s not that” she told him “It’s just everything’s going to change, we’re going to go back to work, you’ll be going back to Rory… We’ll be going back to our family and friends” she stopped,

“But none of that will change anything if we don’t let it” he assured her “Nothing can come between us now, I’m sure of it” he tried to tell her,

“Jack that’s what you used to say” she reminded him “And things did come between us… I don’t want to lose you again” she let a single

“Hey, hey, hey” Jack said shaking his head as he scooped her into his arms.

“You’re never going to lose me” he assured her, “Because I’m never letting you go again” he said sincerely,

“I love you” Martha said smiling as she looked up and him,

Smiling back down at her he captured her lips with his and the pair moved inside the apartment together.

Falling down to the couch they continue with there passionate kisses before Martha pulled away,

“Jack” she said breathlessly,

“Yeah” Jack said equally flustered,

“I want to be with you” she told him seriously,

“What?” Jack asked hoping he had heard right,

“Yeah, tonight” she said defiantly,

“I want to be with you too” he told her,

“Tonight?” she asked him,

“Yeah” he smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear,

Martha smiled like a small school girl as she leant in and kissed him on the lips, tonight was going to be a night neither of them would ever forget.


Martha opened the door to the apartment.

Jack had insisted that she go out and be home by 7 sharp.

Walking into the apartment her mouth dropped at the rose petal scattered room that was dimly lit by candles.

Walking out behind her he put his hands on her shoulder.

“Hey” he said softly,

“Hey” Martha said turning around “You didn’t have to do all this” she told him,

“I wanted too” he told her seriously “I want tonight to be perfect, reaching to the table beside him he picked up two Champaign glasses and handed one to her.

“Tonight’s about new beginnings” Jack told her,

“To new beginnings” Martha agreed with him as they lightly tapped their glasses together and took a sip.


“Mmm” Martha sighed as he popped another spoonful of chocolate cake into her mouth,

“Good?” Jack asked her smiling,

“Good” Martha agreed as she swallowed the last piece.

“Better than the diners?” Jack asked her,

Martha thought for a moment.

“Nah… nothing will ever beat Irene’s choc cake” she told him,

Laughing together the moment fell silent as the pair gazed into each others sign each of them waiting for a response from the other that now was the time to move forward.

Placing the plate down next to him on the coffee table he turned back around to kiss her.

Leaning in he placed a small kiss on her lips. Pulling away he looked lovingly into her eyes as he watched her move forward. Kissing him the passion intensified.

Pulling away Jack said quickly “I’ll be right back” and with that he rushed of towards his bedroom.

Minutes later he returned to find Martha standing in the middle of the lounge room.

Rushing up to her he grabbed her in his arms and kissed her passionately as he lifted her up allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

They continued kissing as he walked backwards towards the bedroom.

His back hit his bedroom door, leaning towards the handle she quickly turned it making Jack stumble slightly backwards.

Martha’s mouth fell agape at the sight before her as she dropped from his arms and her feet touched floor.

Jack had scattered rose petals from the door to the bed, there were little tea light candles dimly lighting the room and to top it off he had soft romantic music playing in the background.

Martha turned to Jack who was standing a step behind her.

“You did all this, for me?” Martha asked him.

Jack nodded “For us, for new beginnings”,

“You are sooo sweet” Martha told him smiling.

“I love you” he told her seriously “I know these past two years have been…” he stopped slightly “And then these past couple of months with…” Martha rose her pointer finger to his lips and slightly shook her head.

“It’s the past Jack, tonight like you said is to new beginnings, to the future”,

Jack smiled down at her,

“You’re right” he smiled,

“I’m always right” she told him smirking before her sweet smile reappeared in her lips.

Jack just smiled back at her, looking at her he saw more than what all the other guys saw. All of her boyfriends had just seen a hot ‘chick’ on the outside that was an easy target but he saw past her outside image he saw into her soul. He saw what he had seen since the moment he had walked into the apartment that cold night in August to interrupt Tasha and Robbie’s house warming party. He remembered her look, he remembered her voice, and he remembered that since that night, since he had heard her, since he had looked at her, his whole life had never been the same. He had changed and even before he really knew her he felt different. He put it down to the fact that he was no longer half a person anymore. It was meant to be, they were meant to be. She had the key to the other part of his heart. She gave him the ability to feel true love.

Martha looked at him as he just stared into her eyes with that smile that she loved so much. Deciding that she should break him from his thoughts she brought herself closer to his so there bodies were touching.

Looking down as her body on his quickly got his attention.

Smiling he leant down and kissed her softly on the lips but as the kisses continued they became more passionate and urgent and before long they were backing towards the bed.

The back of Martha’s knees knocked on the edge of the bed causing her to fall into a sitting position but quickly manoeuvred herself into a lying position. Jack quickly positioned himself above her. Bing careful not to crush her he leant down and kissed her ever so gently on the lips.

Slowly they removed each others clothing. They had no hurry and they wanted to savour this moment.

Once they were finished with that task they wriggled their way under the covers.

Jack straddled her. Looking down he stared at her.

“What?” Martha asked him noticing his stare.

“Is this really happening?” he asked her,

Martha smiled up at him, no words were needed as she lifted her hand around his neck and pulled his face down towards her.

Kissing passionately he pulled away,

“I love you” he reminded her,

“I love you to” she said smiling excitedly through anticipation,

“Now kiss me” she ordered,

“With pleasure” he told her as he leant down and placed one sealing kiss on everything.


Minutes had passed and the distinct sound of heavy breathing was the only noise that filled the room as they slumped into the pile, Martha lying with her head on Jacks chest.

Both of them were grinning from ear to ear. Running her hand across his stomach she reached his hand. Sliding hers into his, he gratefully took it and gave it a gentle squeeze as he looked down at her.

“I love you” he reminded her once again as he leant down and gave her one more gentle kiss on the lips before she snuggled in closer to him and closed her eyes to dream. Dream of happily ever after with her and her true love. Jack Holden.


Here I am - this is me

There's no where else on earth I'd rather be

Here I am - it's just me and you

And tonight we make our dreams come true

It's a new world - it's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day - it's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Here we are - we've just begun

And after all this time - our time has come

Ya here we are - still goin' strong

Right here in the place where we belong

Chorus X1

Here I am - this is me

There's no where else on earth I'd rather be

Here I am - it's just me and you

And tonight we make our dreams come true

Chorus X2

Here I am - next to you

And suddenly the world is all brand new

Here I am - where I'm gonna stay

Now there's nothin standin in our way

Here I am - this is me


The pair return home, Is Martha starting to have doubts? :(


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