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Just A Flicker of Hope

Guest matticus01

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great updadte!!

loved it!!!

Wonder who Mattie "secret admirer" is?

No she can't like Aden!!!!!

She has to stay with Lucas :angry2:

Update soon!!

:) :) :)


Warning - Slight sexual content

Ok guys so you have all been warned, its not too bad but I thought I would put the warning up just so you all knew, also so I didn't get into trouble lol . . .


Chapter 10

Walking along the waters edge of the beach he took in the news that had literally changed his future, his life. Running his fingers through his hair he sighed, trying his best not to let the tears that were threatening to escape his blurry, teary eyes fall. Sitting down in the sand he looked out over the water, it was calm, unlike him, however was a storm brewing, just waiting to escape and hurt everyone around him.

Closing his eyes he remembered what the doctor had told him.

“Ric I’m sorry, the cancer has spread right through your bones now, I’m afraid there is nothing more we can do. Ric! You will die!”

Ric shook his head, how could he die, he wasn’t even twenty yet, he was in love with the most amazing girl and he had finally sorted himself out, and now he was going to die.


Beth hung up the phone and sighed before sitting at the kitchen table. Sitting her phone on the table she looked around the empty house, knowing her daughter was at school and walked into her room and opened her wardrobe, reaching up the top she pulled down a box and sat on her bed and looked at it a minute before opening it.

Inside she pulled out 6 months worth of letter’s that had been written to Matilda and looked at each one and sighed. She knew how much Matilda was hurting but she also remembered what Kate had said before she dragged Lucas back off to where ever it was they went.

Sighing she replaced the letter’s back into the box until she picked up one letter and felt something else inside it apart from a letter. Felling the contents inside she decided to open it and when she did she gasped when she saw a beautiful gold love heart necklace inside it with a simple silver diamond in the middle of the love heart.

Resealing the letter she replaced the rest of them back into the box and replaced it back in the top of her wardrobe and made her way back out into the kitchen. Reaching up on top of the fridge she pulled down an envelope and placed the necklace inside it and sealing up the envelope she wrote ‘Matilda Hunter’ on it along with the address and grabbed a stamp out of the drawer and stuck it on the envelope.

Walking into Matilda’s room she sat the envelope on her bed, sighed once more before turning around and leaving again, hoping that it didn’t hurt her daughter more than Matilda was already hurting.


Looking in the mirror she saw her reflection staring back at her, red faced and embarrassed. Sighing loudly she turned on the cold tap and splashed some water over her face, instantly feeling refreshed, cooler. Reaching over she grabbed onto the paper towel and ripped it forcefully pulling two pieces from the rack and patting her face, careful not to ruin her luckily water proof make up.

Taking a deep breath she pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ears and left the girls bathroom. Walking down the hall she heard the bell ring for lunch and suddenly students started pushing out of classrooms and pushing each other just to get to their lockers. Matilda pushed her way through the ever growing crowd of over excited, loved up, snobby students and finally found the classroom where she left her books.

Making a swift turn she walked in and pushed the door shut, not even recognising Aden standing up against the black board. Walking over to the desk she leant her hands on it and lowered her head and sighed.

“Ok Mattie, keep it together!” she said to herself as she took another deep breath.

“Talk to yourself much?” Aden asked as Matilda spun around and gasped, frightened that he was in the room, that they were alone, that she didn’t know he was there.

“Aden what are you . . .’

“Doing in here, oh just waiting for you!” Aden replied as he took a step toward her as she instantly went to move back but fell on the desk as Aden approached her, a grin bearing over his face, instantly giving him away that he was enjoying himself way to much.

Matilda felt as her cheeks started to flush a crimson red again as Aden neared her. She wanted to move but it was like her body was frozen on the desk and finally Aden was so close that she could smell him, see the emotional, sexual, passionate charge that was now present in his eyes.

Resting his hands either side of her he started to lean forward as she slowly cowered toward the desk until he was now leaning over the top of her and she was almost in a laying position on the desk, both eyes locked on one another and finally he started to move one hand toward her inner thigh once more.



Mattie what are you doing???!!!!!!!!

Stupid girl as if you would choose Aden over Lucas!!

And poor Ric, can't believe he has cancer, so sad :(

Update soon!!!

:) :) :)


Great update

I feel so sorry for Ric :(

Mattie had better choose Lucas - although Aden wouldn't be such a bad catch :P *remembers this is a Lucas and Matilda fic* :lol:


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