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Anti-Rachel Thread

Guest emmasi

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I used to like Rachel, but these days I just get annoyed whenever she comes on screen.

I don't get why she keeps blaming Bridget for Tony's actions! It's really frustrating. Plus shes supposed to be a psychiatrist- I'm sorry, but you'd think she be more rational than she is.

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After this week I am on the hate train, she is an evil bitch!

I am glad I said that and now I feel sooooo much better :P She is turniing Tony into a spineless lump of nothing andits horrible to see. Kim escaped her clutches, who is going to rescue Tony?


I was shocked at her hypocrisy and two-facedness(is that a word? oh, whatever, it is now!) when she spoke to Bridget in the hospital the second time during the one-hour episode. She was all sweetness and light, telling Bridget she thought she was nice for being kind to Martha and sharing her experience with cancer and chemotheraphy, and then a moment later she is staring at her with evil eyes and seething with jealousy. What a nut-case! This is the kind of behaviour the writers create for characters like Dom, who are obviously meant to be "bad". But of course in Rachel's case she's one of the "good" characters, so she can do what she likes :rolleyes: . I seriously hope this is all part of an ongoing storyline in which Rachel loses her mind completely and realises that beviour like that is not normal, otherwise the writers are sending out a very negative message - namely that it is ok to be nasty towards people and act like the world revolves around you and there won't be any consequences because people like Alf and Tony will bend over backwards to make you happy no matter what.

I was also disgusted the way Rachel behaved during Martha's chemo. I can't believe she would dare to create such negative tension around Martha by getting rid of Bridget at such a sensitive time, and even worse to claim that Martha needed rest, AND THEN to spill her guts to Martha about Bridget causing Martha to worry, just after claiming Martha needed some peace.

The most ridiculous thing about Rachel's behaviour is that it has me worried about Martha of all people, because I am seriously unhappy with Martha's portrayal at the moment, but I won't even get started on that here.


Me, me, me, me, me. Blah blah blah. Whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge. Bitch, bitch, bitch, selfish bitch. This is all I hear when Rachel opens her mouth.

I finally saw Thursday's ep and I agree with everything DinerLandlord just said. I was shocked they way she behaved at Martha's chemo, it was really rude and unecessary. I really want Bridget to slap her. Heck anyone will do.

I hate how she's turned Tony into this weak man who'll do anything she wants. She's to blame for the sitaution just as much as he is. She's the one who's past has put doubt in Tony's mind about her true feelings for him. He knows what happened with Hugh and knew that if she had the chance, she would have gone with him last year. And what's the deal with her kicking him out of HIS house? Bitch, you find a place to stay if you want 'space'.


The woman is dreadful. I find her rude, self centered, and selfish. Tony should ditch her and get with some one else.She is destroying him.


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