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Love Will Never Die

Guest stephyrose4

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Poor Martha. The morning after :D

Never easy <_<

If you want steph I'll proof it for you...correct spelling and punctuation and everything. The offer's there :)

Yep, That would be awesome ! But what if your never on when I wanna post it :P


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Sorry I haven't updated this fic in so long, I just couldn't think of anything to write in it, and then I had all these things coming to me, so I wrote it down, and wahh-dah I made a chapter, And i have lots more so there will be way more updates!

And then I was looking back at how bad I was writing it, like the punctuation and stuff. So its much better :lol:

So here it is..

Chapter 7:

"I'll go, you guys need to talk." Tasha said, as she stood up.

"You don't have to, Tash." Martha said, as she looked up at her, basically urging her to stay.

"Its alright, I'm meeting Kim down at The Diner anyway." she said. "Anyways ill see you guys later, bye." she added, as she started walking off.

Jack and Martha nodded, and Martha waved good-bye.

"What do you want Jack?" Martha said, in annoyance, putting her hands to her forehead.

"What do you mean, what do you want, I'm here to tell you how i feel about you." he replied; shuffling over towards Martha.

"You haven't even thought about it, I've been sitting here for only 10minutes, you couldn't of made your mind up that fast, and even if you did, you haven't thought about it long enough.." she said, glancing over to Jack.

"Martha, I've been thinking about us, for like, the past few days. I have had time to think about it, why do you never let me tell you how i feel, you either run off, or just ignore me, and its starting to annoy me, so you either listen now, or nothing will ever happen between us." he replied, making it clear that he had thought about it long enough.

Martha sat there for a few seconds taking in everything he had just said, and decided to speak up..

"Well, go on then, start talking.." she said, putting all her focus onto Jack.

"Well first off, if your scared that I would cheat on you, you don't have to be, because I would never do that to you, just because I have quite a few chicks after me, doesn't make me a man whore Martha. Secondly I really like you and I want thi-" Jacks phone started ringing, what a excellent time for someone to ring him, right now when, he was telling Martha how he was feeling towards her.

"Oh my god!" Jack shouted, leaning back a bit so he could reach his phone out of his pocket.

. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .

"Hello." he said; in a annoyed voice.

"Hey mate, it's dad, hows it going?" It was Tony, Jacks dad ringing from the USA.

"Oh hey dad, I'm good how are you?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just ringing up to say, that me and Luc are coming back home."

"What? Are you serious? When?" Jack replied; excited that they were coming back, shooting 21 questions at Tony.

"Well our flight leaves at about 8pm here tonight, so we will be back in about a day."

"Oh my god, are you serious? I cant wait to see you guys." he said, looking over at Martha who was glaring out at the sea, trying to ignore Jack.

"Yeah you too mate, well I have to go and get packed, but I'll see you soon, Yeah?"

"Yeah okay, have a safe trip, cya."


. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .

Jack ended the call, and looked over at Martha who wasn't paying any attention to what Jack was talking about, or even who he was talking too.

"I can't wait." Jack said, digging his hands into the sand.

"Huh? You can't wait for what?" Martha asked, confused.

"Didn't you hear anything I was just saying to Dad?" he replied.

"No, I didn't even know you were talking to him, So what are you so happy about?" she said, looking over at Jack, who looked excited.

"Dad and Luc are coming back home, they'll be back in a day." he said.

"Really? Thats great, I cant wait to see them, It's been so long." she said, smiling.

"Yeah." Jack replied, feeling angry, because he got interrupted telling Martha how he felt.

"Whats wrong?" Martha sensed something was wrong, and grabbed Jacks hand.

"Nothing. I just wanna tell you the rest of what I was saying before Dad rang."

"Well go on then.." Martha added.

“I don't really even know what to say now, But I just wanted to say, that I would never hurt you, and that I really really like you, you may think I'm just saying this, but I'm not. I truly do like you, and I want this to work between us, well thats if you feel the same way.” he replied and glared into Martha's eyes.

Martha didn't really have a clue what to say, she was quite shocked to hear what was coming out of his mouth.

“You don't feel the same way do you, I should of known, I'm sorry.” he blurted out before Martha could say anything, and went to stand until Martha pulled his arm and he fell back down.

“I'm sorry Jack, But I don't feel the same way towards you, its just you have too many chicks after you, and I couldn't stand that.” she replied, while a smile was creeping on her face. She couldn't wait to see his face.

Martha, what do you mean I have too many chicks after me,and you couldn't stand that, I would never cheat on you, I would do nothing to hurt you. Please Martha just let me have a chance.” he blurted out, before he could even see the smile that was on her face.

Martha started laughing, and punched Jack in the ribs.

“What are you laughing at? I'm being serious Martha.” Jack replied, getting all nervous and wonky.

“Jack you are so easy to fool, of course i feel the same way towards you.” Martha said, putting a smirk on her face, before a smile appeared and she started laughing again.

“Yeah good one Mackenzie, that was so not funny, I thought you were being serious.” he said; rolling his eyes at her, before he folded his arms.

“You are so easy to fool, Holden, Did you really think I was being serious?” she said; before shuffling over towards Jack.

“Yes, I was gonna go home, and pack my bags.” he replied, and starting laughing and placed his arm around Martha's waist, and pulled her in towards his chest.

“Yeah, that would have been really mature aye, Jack.” she said as she leaned back a bit and looked at Jack.

“Yes of course.” he replied; and starting grinning.

“So now, can I have a kiss without you freaking out, and running off?” he asked, cheekily.

No, I want to take things slow.” she replied, smiling but he couldn't see.

“Oh fear enough.” he said, but was confused, why didn't she want a kiss? Like that was anything too big.

“Fooled again Holden!” Martha shouted out, and laughed.

“Of course you can get a kiss.” she added, and turned around, and captured a loving and passionate kiss, that both of them had been waiting for.

Preview: Tony and Luc arrive, Or do they?

Jack and Martha are happy, but does someone come into their lifes that will change something?

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You're evil, you keep teasing me and threatening to ruin their happy state. If you do I'll come after you.

But I don't mind if you kill Luc and Tony off.

Thats it Katie, I'm gonna kill J&M off :ph34r: Jokes.

Theres no way I'm gonna kill LUC and TONY off, you meany. gosh, only mean people like you would do that :P

And yes I am evil, i will make sure something bad happens to J&M now :lol: Nah only joking, or am i? :P

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