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Anti Christine Jones

Guest jackholden

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Whoever created this thread, congratulation for using your brain. She Devil unnecessarily put a restraing order on Geoff. I think she's Mumma Rose's sister, why else would SHE be acting like she is. She's not a mother, SHE is the result of the mistake that her parents sadly made, a mistake that has come back to haunt the bay after all these years, if she doesn't want to be squashed for the insect she really is, she is to butt out of Geoff's life, once and for all, HAVE YOU GOT THAT, CHRISTINE JONES?! By the way (edited line from Prisoner Cell Block H), forgot to tell her, we've got a new nickname for her, it's all her hubby's idea, wanna know what it is? Vinegar Tits. Haaaa , how's about that hey Christine Jones, Vinegar Tits! :lol::lol: Soz, had to write out me favourite line from Prisoner (Cell Block H), it suits her perfectly.

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^ hahahaha. i can't stand this woman! its like shes living in the 1920s! she just needs to deal with the fact that its now 2008 and times have changed!! she is such a hypocrite aswell like with the whole miles incident and how horrible she was like with burning the book, yet she claims to be part of a religion which practices being good to others. she is just horrible and the sooner she sees it the better.


I do sort of understand why she's behaving the way she is. Up until now, it appears Melody has always been the perfect child in her eyes. Stayed away from boys, kept her head down and had a bright future ahead of her. Geoff coming along has changed things and she's worried it's going to screw up the perfect path she's made for Melody. We all know Geoff's harmless, but chances are, Christine will just see it as 'Some boy who WILL ruin her daughters life'. Probably not the first parent in the world to feel that way.

Don't worry, I'm not saying I agree with her actions, and taking out the AVO against Geoff was completely unnecessary, and will make things a million times worse. I think she just needs to open her narrow mind and see that not all boys are like that. Geoff has just a bright a future as Melody. He's not a bad boy. If Christine gave them the chance, she might realise Geoff is just what Melody needs. But instead, she's handled it all the wrong way and by trying to - in her eyes - keep her daughter on the right path and away from what she thinks is harm [Geoff], she's only going to push her off.

Overall, I can't stand her. Even if Geoff was a bad boy [ :rolleyes: ], isn't it better to let her make that mistake herself? At least she'll learn from it! But no, she has to have things her way. I hope she gets slapped with a wet fish.

Must say, I do like the actress though :P

For an ANTI thread, I sounded like I was defending her there, didn't I? lol.

Just to clarify: I DO NOT LIKE THE WOMAN! If she isn't willing to even try, then please get lost!!!!


  maccaz said:
To MasterHolden - I thought Martha was the shedevil!! :lol: :lol:

Martha recently lost that title to Christine Jones due to her erratic ways, after she unnecessarily slapped an AVO against Geoff! :lol::lol:


I love Christine Jones. Its always good to have someone as mean as her and she thinks she is always right. Back in the 90s, it was Diana at war with Chloe and Irene. When I think back on Home and Away, those storylines bring a smile to my face because they were fun to watch so I'm all for Christine Jones!!


Does Christine remind anyone of Mama Rose? She seemed to have that quietly amused but in control expression on her face when Annie was trying to talk to her. And there is the religious nuttery. At least Christine doesn't think that she's God...

Although... if Melody is pregnant... Christine might claim immaculate conception and decide that her daughter is going to bare the second coming of Jesus :blink:

It's late... I don't mean to be offensive... just trying to draw a possible parallel with the storylines... Mrs Jones does keep Melody locked up and separated from the outside world as if she were leading a 2 person cult anyway... and if Geoff and Annie continue to keep trying to break Melody out of it... well, I just hope there's no raging rivers for them to "fall" into nearby...


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