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Big Brother 9 UK 2008

Guest Cat3

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Loving this years BB so far! We have had nudity, a wedding and many fights and we are less than a week in! :P I should be studying but instead, I'm watching Big Brother :P Love Kat! :D She is so funny. On the first night, when everyone was in the bedroom and she got lost! lmao!!

Dislike Alex! Ugh! Get her out, pleaseeeeeeee. The other night during the fight with the knickers, she annoyed me so much and she was very unfair, I think. I think Steph will go this week. I think that she didn't try very hard during the exam. She wasn't very believable whereas Mario was trying his best during the task.

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Have to agree with you Laney Steph didnt try to do the task theBB set them and of couse thats why thut she kpt ey lost surely for just a couple of days she could have acted out the farse but she kept telling other house mates she didnt like Mario and that he repulsed her it no wonder thay failed she desreves to go.

Also that Alex she just one big bully and I hope BB really lets her have it in no uncertain terms.


Oh my, I'm watching tonight's BB now on Channel +1 and Alex, she is actually driving me crazy! She is always picking fights with people. Like a fight over CHIPS! :o Would she please just grow up! Arghhhh.


Also that Alex she just one big bully and I hope BB really lets her have it in no uncertain terms.

Completely agree - she is such a horrible person, so aggressive and so deluded she thinks she can never be wrong and doesn't need to listen to what anyone else is saying :angry:

Didn't want to start watching this series - but already it seems much better than last year - the wedding was a great idea.


its far more Interesting than last years so far more fights more aruments what a good BB so far.

Had to laugh at Mario and Lisa in the diary room with the Srawberrys and cream fantastic.


Im loving this years Big Brother.

But i hate 3 people: Alex, Mario and Lisa.

Alex is causing fights over nothing. It is just Chips.

So if she cant cook.

Also i think Mario and Lisa have the biggest game plan. All they do is bitch about Steph. Just because she didnt want to do the Stupid task. Shes like 19 and he is like 43 and thats just disgusting. I wouldnt kiss him either or sleep with him even though its not real. It shows that she wouldnt do something for a show. Even though its a Reality show some people go to some lengths to be a celebrity and stuff like that.

I hate Mario and Lisa. They annoy me and bitch all day.

Get Mario or Lisa out.


I dont agree Steph neqw what the task involed if she didnt want to do it she sould have voiced her oppion to BB or walked out all she had to do was to fake it so all in all I hope she gets the push this friday.


I've been trying not to watch BB this year, and failing because it's always on! It does seem to be better than last year (so far) but I think there are too many contestants - what happened to the days when there were only 10 of them?! I can't keep up with them all.

Regarding the eviction, Mario seems to be very unpopular, but I'd rather Lisa went. Luke I'm undecided on...is he funny or creepy? Or a mixture of the two?!


LOL @ the task last night! The poor housemates :( I wouldn't be able to deal with that. It was good TV though :P

I was watching BBLB last night. The phone in question was:

Is Mario smothering Mikey?

I was just wondering peoples opinion on this?

I think he isn't. Mikey is blind and therefore would need help with some things. Mario is there and he is helping him all he can. They are very good friends and have been since the day they went in. To me, it shows that Mario cares a lot for Mikey.


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