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Big Brother 9 UK 2008

Guest Cat3

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I can't believe the way Darnell treated Sara last night, it was really uncomfortable viewing :angry: Whatever she has done or however she has acted, she did not deserve to be called what her called her :angry:

I am however looking forward to tonights show, it should be good :P

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Originally I wanted either Darnell or Lisa to win BB. After watching tonight’s episode I can honestly say that I definitely do not want Darnell to win. People will say that it was Sara’s fault for leading him on but it doesn’t justify the way he has treated her tonight or over the past week. If he ever had a chance with her (which I seriously doubted in the first place), he most certainly doesn’t anymore. I don’t even think they will remain friends. More importantly he has totally wrecked his chances of winning Big Brother. Before this week, I would have put money on him winning it. Now after tonight’s display I’m not even sure if he’ll make it to the final week. The sad thing is I actually still like the guy.

Darnell, you’ve blown it mate!

I agree, he was totally out of order. It's like I said before, Sara hurt his male pride and he's lashing out at her because he's embarrassed. Darnell is massively insecure (unsurprising really as it can't be easy being albino, let alone as a black guy) and I do sympathise with him as he tried to lay his feelings for Sara on the line and basically got them thrown back in his face, but it's no excuse to treat her like that.

At the moment I have a horrible feeling that Mikey could win. <_<

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I quite enjoyed the nominations although even better would have been for each housemate to give frank reasons for their chosen person.

Did you see the look Kat was giving Rachel after she nominated Rex and Lisa? I guess that wasn’t part of her game plan.

Disappointed that Sara and Lisa are up but I knew it was coming. Oh well at least they won £25000 each. I think it will probably be Lisa who goes on Friday.

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