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Big Brother 9 UK 2008

Guest Cat3

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^ Not Rex! :angry:

I was happy to see the back of Kat tonight... she is so annoying and the hysterics when she was evicted as well as the way she went on in the interview made me even more sure she needed to go. She is a 30 year old who act like a spoilt 5 year old!

And I never want to hear 'Happy happy happy house' again! :angry:



Tonight’s eviction worked exactly as I’d hoped. I’m kinda glad Mo didn’t get booed though because I don’t think he really did anything wrong, he just wasn’t entertaining so he had to go. I found Kat quite irritating during her interview with Davina and I just wanted it to be over. Getting her to answer the questions properly was like trying to get blood out of a stone.

The reaction of the housemates when they first heard Davina was classic. Even Rex looked visibly stunned.

I’m looking forward to Friday’s evictions and interviews. It will be interesting to see what kind of interviews Davina decides to give Rex and Darnell as I feel she can be quite biased. She will no doubt bring up the whole Sara/Darnell/Rex incident with all three.


Well last nights eviction couldnt have gone better but what with all the crying from Rachel surley she dosent know Kat that well and proberly wont see her again she really played well for the cameras.

Mikey to win I know at times hes like an old woman but lets face it he stood up to Rex and Nicole and wouldnt let any of the others sway him one way or the other. MIKEY TO WIN.


It’s a hard one.

Although I like Rachel I don’t really feel she deserves to win it because she simply hasn’t been entertaining enough. Again Sara winning it just wouldn’t feel right (although I would prefer her to win it than Rachel). I’m not sure Darnel should win because of the way he treated Sara last week, so that leaves Rex and Mikey. Mikey has had me in stitches with his ranting and raving about various housemates in the Diary room and I have especially enjoyed the arguing with Rex and Nicole and I wouldn’t have a problem if he won. I don’t particularly like Rex but feel he has made Big Brother this year. It just wouldn’t be the same without him but I’m still not sure. I have a feeling that Rachel could win this however.

I’m guessing Friday could be:

4th/5th - Darnell or Sara

3 - Mikey

1st/2nd - Rex or Rachel


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