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Purple Haze (Sequel to DC)

Guest Luc

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Thanks :D! Now this chapter is nothing amazing, it's full of terrible jokes and very little story. This chapter is what I did with a bad case of writers block, and I had to re-write it a few times to get something I like a little, but I still detest it :P.

Chapter Six – Dagger Through The Heart

“Jake!” A man was calling. Jake stirred as the man let out a laugh, “Jake!” He called again, again letting out a laugh.

“What?” Jake yelled without opening her eyes. She was trying to place the voice, though it didn’t help that she was hung over. After a few moments, she realised it belonged to Lucas Holden.

“You know, I've just realised something,” Lucas began; Jake could hear he was still sniggering.

“What’s that?” Jake asked, her eyes still closed, her head resting on the hard sand,

“You, my friend,” He began in a serious voice, “Have a guys name!” He exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably, Jake opened her eyes,

“Get over it,” She informed him sternly. Lucas became silent, “Thankyou,” She said grumpily; she sat up and looked around. She could tell she was down at the beach, but she couldn’t place where. There was a lot of sand and a lot of rocks, and that was about it.

“Who’s that?” Jake said in shock, noticing a teenage girl passed out close by, Lucas looked at her in confusion, so she jerked her head towards the motionless brunette, Lucas looked over,

“Oh, that’s Lisa Duffy, you remember Lisa, don’t you? You were drunk, but...” Lucas began; Jake began replaying the previous night’s events.

“Oh...” Jake whispered, “Your girlfriend...”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” Lucas corrected her. He began lowering himself to the Tennesseans level; Jake’s heart began to beat rapidly as Lucas placed his hand on her cheek,

“You are...” Lucas began, moving closer to Jake’s face, “So... hot!” He sniggered; Jake hit his shoulder as their lips met. The kiss wasn’t gentle, but it wasn’t rough. Lucas pulled away after what seemed like forever.

“That was...” Jake muttered, pausing to think, “Wow!” She said, thinking back on her other kisses – all had been with Max, and compared with Lucas, he was a terrible kisser,

“Just ‘wow’?” Lucas teased, Jake hit his shoulder again, and Lucas raised his hands in defence as a large smile crossed his face. Looking at his smile, a grin started forming on Jake’s. She couldn’t recall the last time she had genuinely smiled, but could remember it had been at least two years ago.

“It was amazing!” Jake squealed, throwing her arms around Lucas’s neck.

“For the record, you weren’t that bad either,” Lucas said, returning the hug, Jake looked around; the sun was beginning to appear through the dark clouds.

“I better get doing,” She whispered into Lucas’s ear, “Before the sun rises,” Lucas released her from the hug, he leaned in and kissed her again.

“Meet me at school,” He called out as she began rushing up the beach.


“Geoff! Geoff!” Belle Taylor’s shrill voice rang out across the hall of Summer Bay High, Geoff sighed, prompting Aden to chuckle,

“Can’t that girl take a hint?” Geoff moaned, Aden gave his good shoulder a pat,

“Listen, mate...” Aden began, but was interrupted by the arrival of the brunette, Aden broke into a fit of laughter, and Belle looked at him, slightly confused,

“What’s wrong with him?” She asked, turning to Geoff,

“Oh, he just forgot to take his medication this morning,” He replied, holding back a laugh as Aden’s face fell,

“That wasn’t funny,” Aden said, crossing his arms and turning his back on his best friend.

“Anyway,” Belle began, “Didn’t you hear me calling you?”Belle asked,

“Oh, that was your dulcet tones we heard,” Aden said, his back still turned on the blonde and brunette,

“Listen, Taylor,” Geoff began, taking a deep breath, “I like you, I really do, but not in that way. I’m with Mattie,” Geoff finished, raising his hands in defence and turning his head as he waited for the girl to explode,

“I know,” Belle told him. She watched as he slowly turned his head back towards her and lowered his hands, his mouth open in surprise,

“Well, um, yeah, um... okay,” Geoff stammered in surprise, “I’m glad we, kinda, sorted that out,” He told her, looking up at Aden, whom was now standing behind Belle, he was pointing his index finger at her mouthing the word ‘psycho ‘ over and over again. Geoff chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” She asked, Geoff began to cough,

“Oh, um, nothing, nothing at all,” Geoff told her, trying to keep himself together, failing miserably,

“Yeah, sure...” Belle said sarcastically, turning to Aden. She leaned against a set of lockers,

“Someone’s just a little paranoid,” Geoff said, Belle turned back to him and Aden resumed his silent insults,

“Who’s psycho?” Belle heard Matilda call out from down the hall; she looked around, confused.

“Belle! Hi!” Matilda said, as she walked up to her boyfriend, her arm linked with Cassie’s. Belle turned around just in time to catch Aden pulling a face.

“Very mature, Jeffreys,” Belle said, scoffing and walking away.

“Finally!” Geoff moaned as soon as the brunette was out of earshot, “She’s been bugging me all day,”

“And I bet I’ll be next, we have history together!” Matilda moaned.


“Farris!” Lisa Duffy called over to the Tennessean, Jake turned around and saw Lisa pull out a container filled with a green-purple substance enough for her to see. Lisa then motioned her head towards the exit. Jake nodded.

Next chapter:

Geoff opens up to Belle about the nigh he was shot

Lucas tempts Jake into using drugs

Cassie and Aden have a major fight

A couple breaks up!


yey!!! I'm sooooo glad there is a new update on this fic, i love it!!!

i'm going to go back and read it all again now so i can get used to the characters again.

please update again soon, and i thought the chapter was good! :D


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