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Posted (edited)

Oh no Martha! Quick just get back up haha. :P Nar I hope she's alright!!!!! :unsure:

Great Chapter, Update soon please :)

  vale4eva said:
“Martha …” he paused for a moment, swallowing away the lump in his throat as he held her eyes. “Don’t make me hurt you” he threatened, but the pain in his voice was too weak to be menacing.

“Like you could possibly hurt me anymore than you already have Jack” she sobbed as she looked sadly into his eyes; her hand falling lifelessly down to her side.

*tear* That was so sad :( Everything is so sad at the moment...

Edited by KaiyaBlake
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Rachyyy... *Cries* My Poor Poor Jacky!

Bless him!

I'm very sorry I have not replied to either of your fics... I have had no time...

But I've been coming on to see if you've updated and if you have then I read them, so yeh anyways sorry!

THANK YOU for updating!

I have been waiting for an update of this for ever :)

Matha will be ok... she's just very out of breath and she just got a bit dizzy!!

Well I hope she'll be ok...

*Tear* As usual amazing

Such beautifully written!

Update soon!

Siany x


Great but sad chapter. :(

Jack can't leave Summer Bay. :( He should let Martha come with him. She's made up her mind. She loves him and wants to be with him.

I hope Martha will be okay. :unsure:

More please.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

If anyones still out there ...

I'm still here! *waves*

Aww Jack just couldn't stay away. Well, I'm glad he came back.

Alec is not so bad. He eventually let her go and be with the man she loves.

As the tears streamed down her cheeks, she tried to look back, but her weakened state was no match for Alec’s strength. So she relented, allowing him to take her away from the one person she had ever truly loved…

That part was so sad. :(

“Life is hard Jack; I know that … but we can get through anything if were together” reaching over she clasped his hand with her own; thankful that for once he actually took it, entwining her fingers with his own.

Taking the plunge she shuffled across, looking into his eyes as she smiled.

It was at that moment when the tears in his eyes spilled over; “I don’t know … what to do Martha” he sobbed helplessly. It was then that she saw how drained he truly was, mentally as well as physically.

Quickly taking him into her arms she held on tight. “I’m never going to let you go Jack … not ever”.

I loved that part. They'll be okay as long as they have each other. :wub:

“Martha, its ok” he smiled, “Don’t be so worried. I’m not going to take you far away from your family. I would never do that…

… “I’ve had time to think. And relationships are about compromise. And ok, I love the outdoors … but get this, I love you more”.

Jack is so sweet! :wub:

Well done for describing Martha's feelings so well! :)

You managed to finish this fic in 20 chapters! Just like you wanted. Nice work Rachel! :D

It was a great fic. I'm sad it is finished.

And happy New Year to you too.

Edited by Barbara
Posted (edited)

Oh god, I didn't even realise you had updated :lol:

That was such an emotional but amazing chapter!

I loved this story so muchhhh.

I could pick out all the bits that I loved, but I'd end up just copying down the whole story :P

  vale4eva said:
“Happy?” he mumbled, scoffing in just the slightest. “You honestly believe I can make you happy?”

“You already do” she emphasized. “… And I want to spend the rest of my existence showing you just how much you do,” she paused, not once straying from his eyes, “…If you’ll let me”.

“It won’t be easy.” He felt the need to conclude.

“Life is hard Jack; I know that … but we can get through anything if were together” reaching over she clasped his hand with her own; thankful that for once he actually took it, entwining her fingers with his own.

Taking the plunge she shuffled across, looking into his eyes as she smiled.

It was at that moment when the tears in his eyes spilled over; I don’t know … what to do Martha” he sobbed helplessly. It was then that she saw how drained he truly was, mentally as well as physically.

Quickly taking him into her arms she held on tight. “I’m never going to let you go Jack … not ever”.

That was my favourite though :) It showed Jack's character completely.

Loved your writing. ^_^

Oh and Happy New Year haha..

Edited by KaiyaBlake
Posted (edited)

*waves along with Barbara* I'm out here as well! :D

:( That was tearfully sad. I'm glad you decided to finish it, and with a moral as well! Congrats on the 20 chaps. :D

Awesome fic, I really love where the different surroundings of completely different yet similar people come from.

I really enjoyed this immensely. :P Jackles is a sweety:

… “I’ve had time to think. And relationships are about compromise. And ok, I love the outdoors … but get this, I love you more”.
:wub: Edited by Yankee White
  • QUIET ACHIEVER changed the title to Take Me With You (by vale4eva) - comments

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