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The Aden & Belle Appreciation Thread

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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I can't even begin to describe how I feel about that episode, it was incredible, even if I wasn't an Aden and Belle fan I would still say that. It was completely disturbing and heart-wrenching and I feel so affected by it. Todd needs an award, a big award, he was just so good.

At the moment I can understand where Rachel is coming from, she's angry, she thinks shes lost everything because of Aden. I think if or when Tony returns and they reconcile she'll be calmer, Aden truely was terrifying and thats going to affect her for a long time.

When Belle admitted that she rang the police, that look between her and Aden would have made me 'aww' if it wasn't for the situation they were in at the time!


I loved it when they hugged but then the moment afterwards was ruined because stupid Angeleo bursted it :angry:


WARNING: Mayjor rant ahread...Well, the only good thing about an episode like that is the amount of pages I have to catch up on once I have seen it. :lol: So, Todd and Jess were amazing. Outstanding acting by the both of them, simply the looks on their faces was enough to make me want to hug them. I was glued to the computer screen with my mouth hanging open in shock the whole time. And then the 'I love you' bits, so sad yet so good coz we got to see them say it and ou could tell they really meant it. Then Angelo comes bursting in...starting to like him a little less <_<

And Rachel, my god. I had always kinda liked Rachel. She was always nice and a docter which meant she helped people but after the promo I can't stand her. The other doc asked her about Adens breakdown as a prefessional but all she did was let her personal feelings get involved. As someone else said, it was completly superficial and self absored. It wasn't as if her life was over, unlike Aden's, whose life will not be the same for a long long time.

Anyway I can't wait to see where the writers go with this. Admitidly we were all abusing them for breaking adelle up, but they did an amazing job in doing so. Like everyone else I want to see peoples reactions to everything that happened, especially Romans and Nicole's and Irenes. But then Irene will hate Aden even more.

Argh, it's just so sad and exciting lol


At the moment I can understand where Rachel is coming from, she's angry, she thinks shes lost everything because of Aden. I think if or when Tony returns and they reconcile she'll be calmer, Aden truely was terrifying and thats going to affect her for a long time.

That's how I feel as well. I certainly would not like if more people just started to forgive Aden for his actions because of what he went through. That's what makes his reltionship with Belle and Roman so special, they are the ones who he relies on the most. I think if everyone just started becoming his personal saviour then it would take away from how important Belle and Roman are to him.


I can't believe we aren't at the top! I think it'll be interesting to see if the rest of the town

will know that Aden is going to a psychiatric clinic,

i'd assume they would because Rachel would have told them what happened but then you'd think everyone would want to know why Aden would do something like that. I think when he

gets out

life will be very different for him maybe cos everyones hates him or for other reasons. I want to know if he's going to go back to school afterwards cos i'd love to see the reaction of the other students, especially if

Melody goes back too, i could see them having a kind of silent bond at school from the sounds of what's coming up between them.

spoiler tags just in case people don't already know about some of that


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