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A Third Chance 2: Return to the Bay

Guest Roccoluver

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Thanks guys, its taking me forever to write this next bit so I hope its okay. Its certainly not long.

Video Bay-

Cassie slumped behind the counter of the Video bay, her lastest venture. It had been such a huge success that she decided to help Miles out and hire the new boy, Jai. He was quiet but deciated and she never had a problem with him.

She hear the door chime ring though the empty shop and sat up straight, only to feel slighty dissappointed to see Josh walk in. Slumping back down agains the wall, she turned her attention back to her magazine.

"You know, most people at least say hi" he complained before kissing her. It wasn't a very good kiss because he had caught her off guard but still, she didn't mind. She used all her effort to fight off temptation and shove him off her.

"Aren't you meant to be at work, not sexually harrassing me?" she asked.

"Yeah well" he said nervously, rubbing the back of his next with his hand "I sorta, kinda, maybe.."

Cassie sighed loudly "yes?"

"work doesn't want me to ever show up again....so I guess its not really work anymore..."

Cassie laughed before getting up to rearragne the lastest D.V.D.'s, Josh bit his bottom lip before slowly making his way over to her.

"Cassie.." he poked her gently and she just shook her head.

"No, I don't even want to know what you did"

Josh picked up a D.V.D off the shelf and looked it over, Cassie glared at him before snatching it off him and shoved it back on the shelf.

"Okay, so you get yourself fired" she paused to hold her hand up in a "Shut up, I'm talking" manner "And then you come here and bug me, I love you yes and yes I will meet you for lunch at the diner but for now bug off, in the nicest way possible."


"Oh my god" Nicole spluttered in disbelief and Nicky swore she was having a heart attack. Nicole pointed out to a young teenage girl with blonde hair and tan body who happened to being wearing a pink bikini.

"Fashion crime alert" she whispered loudly to Nicky before staring in horror at the chick "Seriously does she have no shame?"

"Maybe she doesnt, she should get a medal for it"Nicky said casually, lying back to soak up the sun,leaving Nicole sitting up straight and wondering out loud if she was actually the only sane person in Summer Bay.

Noah bar-

Rocco stacked a few crates up against the wall in the storage room before attending to Martha's yelling, he opened the storage room door and almost wished that he hadn't as he came face to face with a red face Martha.

"Rocco!" she shouted in despair. He waited for her to continue her rant but she just stood there. Not sure of what was going on he decided to give her a verbal prod.

"May I help you?" he asked politely, flinching in regret as Martha's face when purple. She opened and shut her mouth several times before letting out a huff of air and waved her arm over at the crowded bar.

"Just go give Tony a hand, I have to attend to a electrical problem at the Carvan park"

"Okay Martha, anything to help"

Rocco bit his lip as he realised how that had came out and raced over to help Tony before Martha had the chance to explode. He smiled dumbly as he saw Nicky walk in with a blonde chick he didn't know. Nicky smiled and waved at him and he waved back before he was interuppted.

"If your finished drooling, can you give me a hand?" Tony stated, giving the impression of asking. Rocco nodded, not taking his eyes off Nicky. Tony sighed, it was going to be a long day.

P.S thanks so much to everyone for not only taking the time to read this, but also to comment.


  maccaz said:
Good update. :)

Woah, that was quick :)

I got a comment before I went to bed, yay....P.S I read your updates, which were brilliant as always.

Anyway, thanks and there should be more soon


Heres what I have now decided will be part one of the two part final.


Sam dug her toes into the warm sand, watching with joy as Rory built a sandcastle with Annie and Ruby. She tilted her head back and kissed Jack as the sun beated down onto the beach.

"Ewww, look what your mum is doing to cop" Annie giggled, poking Rory. Rory covered his eyes and looked away in disgust.

"Adults are so yucky" he announced.

Ruby, placing a shell on the wall of the sandcastle, smiled and looked over at Sam and Jack.

"Awww, true love, Isn't it great"

Passing by, Aden chuckled and Belle raised a eye brow in response.

"As if they know what true love is, probably got their defintion out of a fairytale"

Belle lighty punched him in the shoulder, laughing "You are such a jerk, you know that?"

"Yeah, but you still want me"

"Yes, the doctor still hasn't found out whats wrong with me"

Aden laughed and pulled Belle close for a kiss.

-- later that night----------------------------

Rocco slipped silently out of the crowded bar, Alf and Ric were now on hand to help Tony with the after 6 rush. Tony hadn't said much to Rocco about why he had returned from Perth without Beth, Lucas or Matilda, let alone the babies so Rocco had just left that alone, besides he had other things to deal with.

Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulled out his faithful Ipod and not so carefully shoved the headphones in his ears before turning it on, giving it a few seconds to load, he then thumbed it on his favourite song at the moment, "Woah Oh by Forever the sickest kids".

With the music blasting away in his ears, he didn't hear Nicky shouts and was taken by surprise when she jumped on his back, causing him to stumble and turn around in shock. Recovering from the near heart attack he had, he glared at Nicky who was trying not to laugh.

"The dangers of the Ipod" she said, speaking around the out bust of laughter, Rocco just shook his head at her.

"Noooo, the dangers of having you as a girl friend" he corrected, which in turn caused Nicky to glare and cross her arms. She looked away from him and pretended to sulk. Rocco let a stupid grin fall into place on his face as he wrapped his arms around her.

Nicky smiled and let herself relax into the warmth of Rocco's body.

"I think you know" she said quietly "But I love you"

"That weird" he replied " 'cos I love you aswell"

Nicky laughed as she used her strenght to pull away from Rocco.

"Thats good or else what the hell are we doing having sex?"

Rocco's face went bright red at her very public out bust and she couldn't help giggling at his embarrassment. He pulled her close and shut her up with a kiss.


Sam dashed up the steps to Cassie's flat and banged on the door. She stood back and waited for a few seconds before she banged again. Josh opened the door and Sam looked away as she realised he wasn't wearing a shirt. Sighinh, Josh walked back into the house leaving the door opened for Sam to follow. He flopped down onto the couch and looked back at the T.V.

"Did you want something?" he asked, not really interested.

"Your shirtless" she said, stunned. He narrowed his eyes at the T.V before glancing over at her.

"And you wanted that?"

"No, its just.. never mind" she paused as she looked around the flat, it was tidy and clean for the most part. It was littered with photos of Cassie and Sally, Cassie and Ric, Cassie, Sally and Ric but there were no photos that had any sort of connection to Josh.

"I suppose that I will learn the reason your here before I'm thirty" Josh said mockingly, snapping Sam out of her observation.

"Its about Johnny" she stated, ignoring the pissed off on Josh's face.

"Everything is about Johnny, all the fu#king time" he snapped.

"Yeah, well this is about how to remove Johnny" Sam carried on, sitting down on a seat, carefully watching Josh's facial expressions.

He turned and for once gave her his entire attention.

"How so?"

"Well. I borrowed Jacks police files. Several old names popped up" she explained "You probably don't know them, but should I use my connections..."

"Jack" Josh interuppted, smiling at Sam's annoyance.

"Yes Jack" she continued " to get certain people moved to the same prison as Johnny and you use your connections to get them to feel the need to have a little moment with Johnny..." she smiled, letting the implication sinking in with Josh, who sat back in his chair.

He then amazed her by standing up and silently walking over to the door, he motioned for her to leave.

Sam got up out of her seat and walked over to the door and faced Josh.

"You'll regret not doing this" she whispered harshly as she walked out, he smirked at her and grab a hold of her shoulder.

"Who said anything about not doing this" he whispered back, causing Sam to tilt her head back to look at him.

"You do your bit and I'll do mind and Johnny will crease to be a problem"


Cassie stumbled down the sand dune and caught her self several times before tripping and crashing into the sand, she shoved her body up off the ground and rushed towards her best friend who was sitting alone on the beach with her legs tucked up under her head and her arms wrapped around them.

"Belle, whats wrong?" she asked, under the moonlight Belle's tears shone brightly, like rivers of silver down her face.

"I'm the worst girl friend ever" Belle cried, wrapping her arms around Cassie, who hugged Belle back, patting her back.

"What did Aden do?" Cassie asked gently, she just knew Aden was going to hurt Belle, when she got her hands on that jerk..

"He needed me and I ran off like some useless tart" Belle sobbed on her friends shoulder.

"Why did he need you?"

"I can't tell you" Belle said "But he needs someone strong, not like me"

"Belle you are one of the strongest people I know"

Belle pushed herself away from Cassie and stared at her, tired and worn out, "Not anymore, I can't deal with all this, Irene dieing." she stopped for a second before shouting "Cassie! she's dead! dead,dead,dead. Gone!"

Belle collected herself and wiped away the tears "And now I've dumped Aden when he needed me the most" she wiped away another tear "but at least he'll find someone stronger to help him"

Cassie ignore the over whelming sense of confusion and lack of understanding and just held Belle close to her.

EDIT- I also realized as I wrote this update that I had Tony back in the bay when he was meant to be in Perth, so now in the next update, as well as wrapping up of the Johnny storyline, the Belle and Aden one, I will also try to remember to wrap up the Tony one to XD.

Oh the dangers of writing at 12.00 am with no plan, lol


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