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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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“No, it’s just that... I don’t want anyone else’s hands on you” Aden said, affectionately brushing the hair out of her face.


that was so cute.

i can;t believe i missed so many chapters!

keep it up :D

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Here's the next chapter :)

Chapter 26.

Aden watched Belle sleep, her head rested on his chest breathing so softly that it was barely audible. It was mid-morning, but the previous day’s events had obviously taken its toll and Belle, being completely exhausted was still fast asleep.

After several minutes, a smile crept across Belle’s face.

“Mmmmm, you’re watching me sleep” she said, her eyes still closed.

“Yeah, I think it’s time to get up sleeping beauty” he said resting his head against hers.

Belle groaned, “I’d rather stay right here”

“Hmmm me too” he said, kissing her forehead.



“What am I going to do about Dom?”

“Belle you can’t keep letting his hassling you, I won’t let him, you didn’t do anything wrong, it was Drew driving, if anyone should take the fall, it should be him, not you”

“So what you’re saying I should turn him into the cops?”

“Well maybe we should talk to Morag, and see where you stand, she might be able to help out”

“Fine ok, alright…just promise me you will stay away from Dom, I don’t want you getting into trouble over me”

“I’m not promising anything, and you shouldn’t be worried about me, it’s about you this time”

“Oh, you’re enjoying this aren’t you?” Belle said, now smiling as she got out of bed, rummaging through her draw looking for something to wear.

“What do you mean?”

“Getting to be my knight in shining armor” Belle replied, teasingly.

Aden grinned, “Aw, You love it”

When Belle and Aden arrived at Roman’s to see if Morag was in, they were surprised to see Irene and Roman both there, with their heads together, looking quite serious.

“What’s going on?” Belle asked nervously, sensing that something was wrong.

“Why don’t you tell us girly?” Irene asked. “Had a really interesting conversation with Drew, last night”

“What? Belle said.

“He was worried about you, he didn’t go into any details, but he did mention something about Dom showing up at Amanda and Peter’s, he seemed to think that Dom might have paid you a visit too”

Belle looked at Aden, as if she was asking him what to do, he gave a slight encouraging nod.

Belle sighed ,”Do you remember how Drew and I went on that road trip, and we got separated, well…that’s not exactly what happened” she said as she sat down on the couch.

Morag, Roman, Irene, Belle and Aden sat around the dining table, still at Roman’s.

“Well, you should have reported the incident to the police straight away, but if Dom neglected to seek medical attention for weeks after being hit, then their severity of his injuries would have been his own fault. Sided with the fact with the kidnapping, assault, trespassing and attempted blackmail, he hasn’t got a leg to stand on” Morag concluded. “I still think it would be wise, to get in first and file a police report of the initial incident”

“Ok, then that’s settled then” Roman said, “I’ll go deal with Dom, he’s working at the Diner at the moment”

“Roman, I’m so sorry, I should have never given him the reference…” Belle began.

“It’s fine love, don’t worry about it, just next time something like this happens you need to tell us, you shouldn’t have to deal with everything on your own” Irene said as she hugged Belle tightly.

“So that wasn’t so bad was it?” Aden asked Belle as they walked along the beach, holding hands.

“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting the cops to be so understanding” Belle replied, looking very relieved.

“So, are there any more skeletons in your closet I should know about?” Aden asked as he glanced at Belle, who then smiled.

“Hmmm, let’s see…” Belle started, “…nope, none that I can remember anyway”

“No more secrets?” he asked.

“No more secrets”

“Good” Aden replied.

“You know, we make a pretty good team” Aden continued.

“Ya reckon? You with your daddy issues and ability at act like a complete moron, and me, with my suspended criminal charges and tendency to attract inappropriate guys, I’d say so.”

“Mmmmm” Aden agreed, laughing.

“Come on you big screw up, let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving!” Belle said as she pulled Aden back up the beach towards the Diner.

“Screw up?” Aden asked, pretended to be offended.

“Yep, and I wouldn’t have it any other way”

Just beyond the shoreline stood a figure lurking between a couple of trees, watching Belle and Aden make their way up to the Diner. He began to approach them from behind.

“Belle” he called out, jogging up to them.

Belle and Aden turned around, to be greeted by Dom.

“Dom!” Belle said alarmed, “You have some nerve showing your face around here!”

“I’m giving you 2 seconds to walk away” Aden threatened as he clenched his fists tightly.

“I just want to talk to Belle, alone”

“Not a chance in hell, now how about you go, and you don’t come back!” Aden said aggressively.

“Why don’t you let Belle speak for herself mate” Dom replied, the right side of his face twitching slightly.

“I’m not your mate, and Belle, wants nothing to do with you, you ever go near her again I will rip you apart”

“You threatening me?!” Dom asked, now becoming annoyed scowling.

“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise!” Aden replied, stepping forwards until he was in his face.

Belle grabbed Aden’s hand and tried to pull him back, but to no avail.

“Aden, don’t he’s not worth it!”

Aden ignored Belle, refusing to back down. “Get lost” he told Dom.

Dom pushed Aden back, and Aden retaliated with a swift punch, smashing the side of his face and thrusting him onto the ground, crouching in pain.

Dom staggered as he got up, “This isn’t over, Belle one day, you’ll see” he said as he managed to steady himself, recognizing defeat, he turned around and walked off clutching his face.

Belle turned to Aden, “You punched him”


“You punched him” she repeated.

“Yeah, I’m sorry”

“No, actually, it was kinda hot, not that I’m promoting violence…”

“No, of course not” Aden agreed grinning as they continued walking towards the Diner.

“Still, kinda hot, like a, cowboy” Belle said, trying to keep a serious face as she put her arm around his back.

Aden laughed, “You just can’t keep your hands off me, can you”

Belle just laughed, “Come on, let’s get something to eat before I starve to death!”

“You’re the boss”

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OMG! That was just so cute! You have to update! I want to know what's going to happen! Surely in Summer Bay, Aden can't go without seeing Dom for one day... I wonder what will happen then?!


EDIT: And you did update... just as I finished the last chapter lol!

Aw he's her knight in shining armour!

“No, actually, it was kinda hot, not that I’m promoting violence…”

We all agree with you there Belle! What I would do to actually see that!

Update once again please!

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yay another update!! you are soo good at updating!

Belle turned to Aden, “You punched him”


“You punched him” she repeated.

“Yeah, I’m sorry”

“No, actually, it was kinda hot, not that I’m promoting violence…”

“No, of course not” Aden agreed grinning as they continued walking towards the Diner.

“Still, kinda hot, like a, cowboy” Belle said, trying to keep a serious face as she put her arm around his back.

Aden laughed, “You just can’t keep your hands off me, can you”

Belle just laughed, “Come on, let’s get something to eat before I starve to death!”

“You’re the boss”

i loved that bit. :wub:

i love this fic!

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