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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Here's the next chapter, it didn't turn out exactly how I pictured it, but here it is anyway...:)

Chapter 27.

It was late afternoon and Irene was enjoying her evening off as she sat at the dining room table, flicking through a magazine, sipping a coffee. Aden walked through the door, dressed in his school uniform with his school bag hanging over his shoulder.

“Hey” Aden greeted Irene casually, looking around to see if Belle was in from work yet.

“Afternoon” Irene replied, politely, “She’s not in yet” as she continued to scan through her magazine.

“So, you and Belle seem to be going from strength to strength…”she continued, trying to make polite conversation to fill in the awkwardness of the situation.

“Yeah, things are going really well, she’s great…” Aden replied as he sat on the arm of the sofa.

“Mmmmm, by the sounds of things” Irene muttered.


Irene laughed, “Well, the two of you have been up late at night this last week, giggling and carrying on till the early hours of the morning…”

“Oh” Aden replied, clearly embarrassed, “I’m sorry…we-”

“It’s fine, just next time, you’ll let me know, if I have to go to a hotel, to get some sleep” Irene said, clearly enjoying watching a blushing Aden.

“Yeah ok, sorry” Aden apologized again, scratching his head as he bit his bottom lip.

“Oh, yeah and just a heads up, before I forget, It’s Belle’s birthday next Friday, just in case you didn’t already know, she doesn’t like a fuss, but I thought you’d want to know” Irene explained.

“Oh, yeah thanks, I didn’t know” Aden replied, a bit taken aback. How could he not know when Belle’s birthday was, he thought to himself. He made a mental note to himself to think of something special.

“What are you two gossiping about?” Belle asked as she walked through the door, with a handful of portfolios, which she dumped on the counter.

“We were just discussing appropriate noise levels, after hours” Irene hinted at Belle.

Belle grinned as she looked at the look of embarrassment spread across Aden’s face.

“Oh, sorry Irene, we’ll try and be more…quiet” she said trying to stop herself from laughing.

“You ready?” she asked Aden.

“Yeah” he said and quickly dumped his bag in her room, who looked like he couldn’t get out of there quick enough.

“Where are you two heading off to?” Irene asked, returning to her coffee.

“Oh, just the surf club, there’s a pool comp there” Belle replied as she grabbed Aden’s arm and pulled him out the back door, “See ya later Irene”

“Bye” Irene said as she giggled to herself.

“Ok, so that would have to be the most awkward conversation I have ever had with mother superior…” Aden said as they walked towards the Surf Club.

“Don’t worry about it, she was just teasing…” Belle assured Aden, grinning.

“Oh I get it, you find this hilarious” Aden replied.

“Awwwww, you are so cute when you’re embarrassed”

Aden shot her a dirty look.

“Oh ok, I’m sorry…I keep forgetting you’ve never done all this before”

“Done what?”

“The whole girlfriend/boyfriend thing…”

“Hmmmm” Aden replied in agreement.

“Well you’re lucky you have an amazing girlfriend, don’t worry, I’ll show you the ropes!” Belle said seductively.

“Really? Go on then” Aden said, looking at Belle expectantly.

“Well a good boyfriend should always listen when his girlfriend tells him to relax! Seriously though Irene was just teasing, trust me, you know I think she’s starting to like you”

“Really?” Aden asked, smiling slightly.

“Yeah, I would say so. Now come on, I’m gonna kick your ass in this Pool comp!” Belle exclaimed as pulled Aden along.

“Honey, no offence, but pool skills are something you either have or you don’t , and I hate to break it to you but you’re otherwise gifted.”

“Oh really? Come on then Mr. Hot Shot, let see what you’re really made of!”

It was Thursday, the day before Belle’s birthday, and Aden was still stuck on what to get Belle, he had thought about it all week, but couldn’t think of something special enough for her.

He sat in English, ignoring what Miles was saying, deep in thought. He looked over at Mattie, who was busy scribbling down every word that Miles was spewing.

“Hey, Mattie” he whispered, trying not to attract Mile’s attention. “Mattie” he repeated, after he didn’t get a reaction the first time.

“What?” she whispered back, glaring at him.

“It’s Belle’s birthday tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do, any ideas?”

“Don’t you think you’ve left it a bit late?”

“Well I’ve been thinking all week, I can’t think of anything, in my family, we don’t do birthdays”

Mattie felt a rush of guilt overcome her, Aden had no family, no happy memories… no birthdays, all he had was Belle.

“Fine, I’ll help you think of something, but not during class!”

“I don’t want a fuss, please Irene promise me, no surprises, I don’t want any surprises!” Belle pleaded with Irene.

Irene turned around and poured herself a cup of coffee, biting her lip.

“You told him didn’t you! You told Aden it’s my birthday!”

“Well how do you think he would have felt if no one told him, he would have felt terrible for not knowing!”

“Yeah, I guess” Belle said, “I have to go into work for the morning, I’m covering a wedding, I’ll see you later” she concluded as she headed out the door.

When Belle got home from work, Aden was waiting for her out the front of the photography shop, his car parked next to hers.

“Hey Birthday girl” He greeted her, giving her a big kiss and hug.

“Mmmm, thanks” she said, kissing him back.

“I’ve got a surprise for you” he continued.

“Really? And what would that be”

“Get in and I’ll show you” he gestured towards his car.

“You’re the boss” she replied as she obediently got into the car.

“Ok, Aden seriously, where are we going?” she asked.

“You’ll see, my God, you are so impatient!” Aden said as he led her up the path through the bush.

“Is this the part where you kill me and dump my body?” Belle asked suspiciously.

“We are almost there” Aden said as they approached the clearing.

They were on the edge of the town, on a hilltop, overlooking the whole town and the beach.

“Wow, this view is amazing!” Belle exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Aden. “It’s perfect!”

“It’s yours” Aden told her.

“What do you mean?”

“Well the council is sectioning off this land and selling it off, and this block here, it’s yours”


“Well, technically, not yet, but it will be, soon”

“You bought me a block of land?!”

“You don’t like it?”

“You bought me a block of LAND?!”

“Yeah” Aden said, starting to get scared.

“Oh my God! You’re insane! You can’t afford this!”

“Well yeah I can, Dad’s sold the house a couple of weeks ago, and he left it all to me, I didn’t want it at first, but now I can use it for something …”

“I can’t accept this, this is your, your future, I can’t take it”

“Well, I was thinking, it could be, our future, maybe, if you wanted it to be” Aden replied, looking at Belle hopefully.

“Aden” Belle said as her eyes welled up, “I love you” she whispered as she kissed him again.

“I love you too” he replied kissing her back.

“We should probably go now though,” he said looking at his watch, “or we are going to be late for the surprise party Mattie is throwing you at the diner”

Belle laughed, “You’re a real catch Aden Jefferies”

“Yeah, I know” he replied as he took her hand and led her back up the path to his car.

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Awww, How cute

“Ok, Aden seriously, where are we going?” she asked.

“You’ll see, my God, you are so impatient!” Aden said as he led her up the path through the bush.

“Is this the part where you kill me and dump my body?” Belle asked suspiciously.


Mattie felt a rush of guilt overcome her, Aden had no family, no happy memories… no birthdays, all he had was Belle.


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He bought her a block of land. When I read that I had Belle's reaction, although in my mind. Then he said it was for their future and I went Aww. That was the best gift ever. So sweet.

Loved Irene's teasing.

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from the chapter before...

“No, actually, it was kinda hot, not that I’m promoting violence…”

i can imagine it being hot, it is Aden..

and then

“Bye” Irene said as she giggled to herself.

Irene giggles? :lol:

great updates, Adens a big softy :wub:

update soon :D

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