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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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"You bought me a block of land?!"

"You don't like it?"

"You bought me a block of LAND?!"

"Yeah" Aden said, starting to get scared.

"Oh my God! You're insane! You can't afford this!"

I could have so imagined her actually saying this, the dialogue was perfect! Loved the whole chapter too, please update soon!! :D

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So here's the next chapter...enjoy, let me know what ya think :)

Chapter 28.

It was early evening, and the rain was hammering down on the roof. Belle sat at her desk, cropping some photographs as Aden was sitting on her bed, finishing off his assignment, typing away furiously on his laptop.

“You know, you really shouldn’t leave your assignments till the last minute” Belle said as she watched Aden.

“I haven’t left it to the last minute, it’s not due for another week. It’s called time management sweetheart.”

“Right” Belle said as she grinned. “Since when have you ever done homework in advance?”

“Since I got a girlfriend who takes up practically all of my time… talk about high maintenance”

“Well if you’re got some place you’d rather be?” Belle started, raising her eyebrows.

Aden grinned, which made Belle even angrier, so she threw a pillow at him. “Okay, okay,” He said, backing down, “I was just teasing, no need to get violent”

“Honey, I haven’t even begun to get violent” Belle said seriously, as she got up from her desk, attempting to retrieve the pillow. But Aden beat her to it, and pulled her down onto the bed in the process.

“Let me go Aden! This is not funny!” she screamed, as she tried to free herself from Aden’s clutches.

“Aden!” Then she burst into a series of giggles as he tickled her. “Aden, stop it!”

He gently let her down on the bed next to him, and the closed the lid of his laptop, setting it aside.

“Now, I’m letting you go, only on the condition that you promise not to throw things at me, hit me or attack me in any way!” Aden said, as he held his hands up in defense as Belle eyed him threateningly.

“Fine, but you take back what you said!” Belle replied.

“What did I say?”

“You said I was high maintenance! Take it back!”

“Okay, okay, fine you are not high maintenance”

Belle just glared at him as she sat up straight, next to him on her bed.

Aden continued, realizing that he hadn’t been fully forgiven yet, “You require the least maintenance of any girl I know, you don’t even need to be maintained, you’re just, unmaintained…”

Belle raised her eyebrows, “Unmaintained!?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! You make me sound like an overgrown shrub!!” her voice rising.

Aden sighed, “I knew I should have stopped at the, you’re not high maintenance part…”

Belle continued to glare at him, “You got that right!”

“Ok, don’t you think you’re over-reacting? Just a little? Look I’m sorry, I’m a brainless, insensitive male, now am I forgiven? You can’t blame a guy who tries to make time for his beautiful girlfriend…” He asked, giving his best puppy dog, please forgive me look as he slowly reached over and rubbed the side of her face gently.

Belle sighed, “I suppose so” she said as she let Aden reach in and kiss her, “but you’re my brainless and insensitive male” she said as she kissed him back, rolling over till she was lying next to him.

After a few minutes, Belle pulled back, “You should probably finish your assignment, I wouldn’t want to distract you…”

“It can wait, it’s not due till next week…” He said as he kissed her again.

“What happened to managing your time?” Belle asked.

“This is me managing my time, right now is girlfriend time” he said, brushing the hair out of the side of her face. She smiled and leaning back in, pulling off Aden’s shirt as she kissed his neck.

Just at that moment, Aden’s phone began to ring, Belle groaned, “Are you going to get that?”

“Nah” he replied, as he continued to kiss her. His phoned started ringing a again. Aden sighed and looked at the number, “It’s Roman, Hello?” He answered.

“Hey Aden sorry to bother you, I know it’s your day off, but could you do me a huge favour, Irene’s had to go off to the hospital with Oliver, he’s got a virus, and apparently Coleen has a migraine, I’m down two staff, I need you to come in”

“Yeah… sure, whatever” Aden replied running his fingers through is hair.

“I’m gonna need Belle too, is she with you?” Roman asked.

“Ah, no I haven’t seen her” he replied, looking down at Belle, “But I’ll let her know...”

“You’re in bed with her right now, aren’t you?” Roman asked, half amused.

Aden laughed, “Ah…yeah”

“Alright, well, when you’re ready, come in, if it’s not a problem.”

“Yeah, sure, bye” Aden said as he hung up.

“What was that about?” Belle asked.

“Our services are required in the Diner, Roman’s down two staff and by the sound of it things are flat out busy…”

“Perfect…so much for girlfriend time” Belle muttered, as she buttoned up top, getting out of bed.

“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to play catch up later” Aden replied as he affectionately rubbed her chin with his thumb.

As expected the Diner was fully, with customers nosily enjoying their meals, and avoiding the storm brewing outside.

“Thank you for coming in on such short notice, I know you were busy…” Roman said, as he cleared a table, juggling a handful of dirty dishes.

“Yeah sure” Aden replied as he followed Belle into the kitchen grinning.

“What was that about?” Belle asked as she started to load the dirty dishes stacked in the sink into the dishwasher.


“That look, from Roman, it was like he knew that we were…”

Aden grinned, “So he may have guessed while I was on the phone”

Belle grinned,” Oh, so it’s alright if Roman knows about our sex life, but the minute Irene mentions something, you go red in the face…”

“That is completely different, the woman hates me!”

“Oh yeah right, she does not hate you”

“You two are like an old married couple” Nicole commented as she entered the kitchen, “What are we fighting about anyway?”

“That would be none of your business, Nicole” Belle said as she began to chop up some carrots.

“Was there something you wanted?” Aden asked Nicole as he watched Belle chop up the carrots.

“Nope, just passing by, things to do, people to see, you know how it is…” She said as she pranced out of the kitchen.

“I think somebody’s got a little crush…” Belle commented as she continued to shop veggies.

“Who? Nicole? Nah…really, you think so?” Aden asked, slightly confused.

“Yeah I think so, she’s been drooling all over you since the minute she stepped foot in Summer Bay”

“Well you’ve got nothing to worry about, I’m not the slightest bit interested in her”

“Yeah I know” Belle replied as she smiled at him.

Belle stacked the last of the clean dishes on the surface area, and began to put them away, one and a time. Aden came in with a handful of dirty dishes and dumped them in the sink.

“Belle, there’s somebody here to see you” Aden said, as he wiped his hands on his apron.

At that moment, a young blonde woman walked into the kitchen with her son, Belle was stunned.

“Amanda? What are you doing here?” Belle said, shocked to see her mother appear without warning.

“Can’t a mother visit her daughter without a reason” Amanda said as she pulled Belle into an embrace.

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