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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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This didn't turn out exactly how I planned, but here it is anyway. I actually cried when I wrote the last scene and it was meant to be a happy scene lol oh well...enjoy :)

Chapter 30.

It was mid morning, and as the sun was filtering through the window a loud ringing came from Belle’s phone woke both Aden and Belle, who were sound asleep in each other’s arms. Belle reached over Aden to pick up her phone and saw there was a message from Amanda.

“Meet at Diner at 12, love Amanda” Belle read out to Aden, who was still trying to sleep. “Come on, up you get Mr. we’ve got an exciting afternoon in store…” Belle said as she sat up, yawning.

Not wanting to get out of bed, Aden pulled Belle back down, wrapping his arms around her, “Or we could just stay here…” he said as he pulled her closer.

“I would love nothing more”


“We already agreed to have lunch with Amanda and Ryan…I know she’s not exactly the perfect mother, but she is trying”

“Hmmmm okay then” Aden replied, still half asleep. Belle pulled the covers down and tried to get Aden out of bed, but to no avail, he was simply too strong for her delicate arms to move.

“Come on, you need to get ready too, you promised, remember?”

“Yeah, okay, okay, just give me five minutes to wake up, you kept me up all night…”

“I kept you up?! I think it was you who kept us both up all night”

Aden grinned, “You weren’t exactly complaining…”he commented as he pulled her even closer, attempting to kiss her.

“Aden no, stop, not now, we are going to be late!”

“So then we’ll be late” Aden retorted smiling at her, “Aww, come on, you know you want me…”

Belle laughed, shaking her head. “Come on now…get out of my bed!”

Within an hour they had both showered and gotten dressed, Belle was sitting at her dresser, fixing her hair.

“How do I look?” She asked Aden.

Aden just smiled at her, “For the record, that’s a question you never have to ask”

The Diner was unusually quiet for a Saturday afternoon, the absence of a noisy crowd made the place much more inviting. Belle and Aden were seated at a table, in deep conversation, laughing and enjoying each other’s company, as usual.

Rushed off her feet Amanda entered the Diner with Ryan in tow, quickly spotting Belle and Aden and joining them, apologizing profusely for their late arrival.

“I’m so sorry Belle, we got a little caught up, but were here now” Amanda said as sat down, gesturing for Ryan to sit next to her.

“Is everything alright?” Belle asked, still slightly suspicious of her mother’s motives.

“Well, actually there is something I wanted to talk to you about, in private” Amanda said, eyeing Aden.

“Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Aden” Belle replied, her suspicions growing.

“Come on Mum, spit it out, it can’t be that bad…”

“It’s not bad, I just don’t know how you’re going to react…I wanted to tell you in person, I only just found out a couple of weeks ago, and I was going to tell you last night, but I couldn’t find the right time”

“Found out what?” Aden asked, intrigued.

“I’m pregnant, Pete and I are having a baby” Amanda replied, looking at Belle for a reaction.

“That’s, that’s great! Ah congratulations! Why would you think I would take that badly?” Belle asked, completely bewildered by this new development.

“I don’t know…I just don’t want you to feel like you’re not part of the family. So you’re ok with this?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be, I’m really happy for you” Belle replied.

“There’s something else as well, I was wondering, if you would like to come and live with us, I thought it might be a good opportunity for us to be a family, a proper family and with a baby on the way we could use all hands on deck” Amanda explain, looking at Belle hopefully.

“Oh” Belle responded, “I, uh, I don’t know…”

“Well just think about it for a while, I don’t expect an answer straight away, just promise me you will think about it”

Ryan becoming increasingly bored by the conversation disappeared into the Den after spotting VJ.

Belle glanced at Aden, who was also taken aback by Amanda’s request. From his expression it was clear he didn’t want Belle to leave.

Sensing the tension, Amanda tried to change the direction of the conversation. “Peter and I are so excited, Drew and Pete are fixing up the nursery this weekend, all shades of pink, it’s a girl. I’ve always wanted to have a baby girl of my own-”

Aden interrupted her, “Ah, you might not have noticed, but you already have a daughter” he said, gesturing at Belle.

“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that-“Amanda replied, looking slightly crestfallen.

“Well it’s not like you’ve ever been much of a mother to her, you never call her, you don’t even know what going on in her life, and you show up out of nowhere pretending like you care. It just sounds to me like you just want a babysitter.”

“Aden” Belle warned.

“That’s not true!” Amanda defended becoming increasingly upset. “I just want to have my daughter with me, I need her, I need you Belle”

Belle remained silent, trying to take in what her mother was asking her to do.

“What about when she needed you? Have you any idea what Belle has been going through the last couple of weeks with that scumbag Dom? Or how hard she worked to get her new job, you expect her to give all that up?” Aden said angrily.

“Aden, just leave it…” Belle began, “Amanda, look, what you’re asking me to do, drop everything and leave Summer Bay, my friends, my job, Aden, I, I don’t think I can do that”

“Who’s Dom?” Amanda asked concerned.

“No one, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it” Belle replied. “I’m getting hungry, let’s just order some food”

It was early evening and after bidding farewell to Ryan and Amanda who were heading back home to the city, Belle and Aden were went to the Surf Club, joining Ric, Mattie, Geoff and Annie.

“So what did you’re dear old mum want?” Ric asked as he took a swig of beer.

After noting the expression on Aden’s face, Ric quickly regretted asking.

“Oh nothing much, she’s pregnant and she wanted me to move in with her to help her with the baby…”

Mattie snorted, unsurprised by Amanda’s selfishness.

“You’re not going are you?” Annie asked anxiously.

“No, of course not” Belle replied, “I’m just surprised she actually had the nerve to ask… and she was going on how she’s always wanted to have a girl, what am I, the next door neighbour?”

Mattie rolled her eyes, “Don’t worry about her, here the first round is on me!” Mattie said as she bought the first round of drinks.

After another seemingly exhausting day, Belle crawled into bed, with Aden not far behind her.

“You staying over?” She asked, glancing back at him.

“Yeah, if still you want me too… after I verbally abused your mum”

Belle laughed, “Well you said it yourself, she never really been much of a mother…”

Aden smiled weakly as he climbed into bed next to her.

“I’m sorry…” Belle said as she leant against him.

“What for?” Aden asked, confused.

“Here I am complaining about my family, but my problems are nothing compared to what you’ve been through…”

“Hey, that’s not true, you haven’t had it easy either” Aden assured her as he brushed the hair out of her face.

“You know, you’ve never told me about your mother before…what was she like?” Belle asked, looking up at Aden.

“I was just a kid when she died, I don’t remember much…but I do remember she was beautiful and always smiled, she always had a smile on her face, her smile would just light up the room. Just like you do, your smile”

A single tear traced down the side of Belle’s face, “Your mum would be so proud of you” she whispered.

“Proud of what?”

“Are you kidding me? You are like the most amazing person I know, and I am, I feel so lucky to have you in my life, I’ve never felt this close to anyone, ever”

Aden smiled, “I’m the lucky one” he said as he kissed her forehead.

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Awwwww..... XD

“You know, you’ve never told me about your mother before…what was she like?” Belle asked, looking up at Aden.

“I was just a kid when she died, I don’t remember much…but I do remember she was beautiful and always smiled, she always had a smile on her face, her smile would just light up the room. Just like you do, your smile”

A single tear traced down the side of Belle’s face, “Your mum would be so proud of you” she whispered.

“Proud of what?”

“Are you kidding me? You are like the most amazing person I know, and I am, I feel so lucky to have you in my life, I’ve never felt this close to anyone, ever”

Aden smiled, “I’m the lucky one” he said as he kissed her forehead.

Awwww.... XD

Update asap

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Awwwww and more tears from me especially that last scene and my fav bit

“How do I look?” She asked Aden.

Aden just smiled at her, “For the record, that’s a question you never have to ask”

If someone said that to me my heart would melt how sweet.. why are there no men like this in the world????

anyway clearing the tears more updates please!!!!

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