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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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I thought I would have had heaps to catch up on, but what I did read made me fall even more in love with them . . .

You write everything so well and it's amazing to see Belle and Aden grow in this fic .. . :D

Well done, update soon ! !

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The ending of that chapp was gorgeous :wub:

snaps for this..

“So then we’ll be late” Aden retorted smiling at her, “Aww, come on, you know you want me…”

Love it :D so very Aden..!

Amanda was so harsh, "i've always wanted a baby girl of my own" or something to that effect, how horrible, she deserved Adens attack, though to her defence, if the situations the same as the show, she didn't really raise Belle...

update soon? :)


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So this is just a light and fluffy chapter...It's Aden's football match and I apologise in advance, I know squat about footy, so yeah lol

Chapter 31.

It was late afternoon and a large crowd was gathered around Summer Bay’s football oval, a buzz of excitement was is the air. It was the first game of the season, and the usual crowd was out in force to support their local teams. However there was a newcomer who had made an appearance, looking quite out of place Belle stood a distance away from the rowdiness of the crowd, sporting her camera round her neck, as she leant against the boundary fence.

Out on the field, the team was stretching and warming up, Aden grinned as he spotted Belle on the sidelines and jogged over to her.

“So you made it” he greeted her.

“You think I’d miss this?” Belle replied. “Actually, I’m covering the game, I’m the official photographer for the Summer Bay football club.”

“Really?” Aden asked, sounding impressed, “Well it’s lucky you know the star player, up close and personal”

“Yeah Geoff is amazing, isn’t he”

Aden scoffed, “I gotta go, win this game, see you after” he said as he winked at her and jogged back towards his team.

Belle grinned, despite having complained to no end about having to watch the football, a game which she never understood or liked, she was very much looking forward to seeing Aden in his element, this was his turf, his game.

As the siren went off and the players dispersed onto the field, Belle began taking shots, making sure she got some good ones of Aden.

“Not bad Jefferies” Belle teased as Aden retreated of the field to join her after the match.

“Told you I’d win it for us” he said confidently. “You get some good shots?”


Aden grinned, “Oh that’s right, I forgot, you only like to take pictures of me when I’m half naked…”he said, waiting for a response.

Belle rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “You’re unbelievable, you know that…some things never change”

“I would hope not” Aden replied as he held out his hand, “The guys are going to the Surf Club for a celebration drink, you in?”

“As long as you promise to behave yourself” Belle replied as she took his hand.

“I will if you do”

After spending some time with the footy crew, playing a few games of pool and having a few drinks, Belle and Aden decided to call it a night, Belle had work the next day and Aden had school.

“You know, despite the fact that I’m not a football enthusiast, I actually had fun today” Belle commented as they walked through the door, heading to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water.

“Told you you’d love it” Aden replied as he sat down on the couch, as Belle joined him.

He grabbed the glass out of her hand and took a sip, noting the disgusted look on her face, he skulled the rest of it, grinning.

“Hey! You can refill that, and get a new glass, I don’t want that with your slobber all over it…”

“Oh, so you don’t have a problem sucking my face off, but you can’t drink from the same glass as me?”

“Shouldn’t you be going home now?” She asked, raising her eyebrows and ignoring his last comment.

“Are you kicking me out?” he asked, pretending to look hurt.

“You know, I don’t actually remember the last time you slept in your own bed” Belle said, as she pulled away from Aden who was now playing with a lock of her hair.

“Well I don’t remember the last time you didn’t want me to stay over” Aden retorted.

Belle rolled her eyes.

“But if you’re getting bored with me…I’ll go” Aden said as he started to get up.

“Aden, that’s not what I meant” Belle replied, softening her stance as she gestured for him to sit back down.

Aden gave her a triumphant smirk as she leant back on the couch.

“Well, what do you mean?” He asked.

“It’s just, you don’t need to spend every moment with me, I’m not going anywhere, you know how I feel about you” Belle explained.

“I never had a teddy bear” Aden said.


“When I was a kid, I never had a teddy bear…you know in those clichéd movies with the little kids who drag around a battered looking stuffed animal…”

“Yeah…” Belle replied, unsure where Aden was going with this.

“Well, you’re like my teddy bear, I just like having you around, holding on to you, watching you sleep...”

Belle just smiled, a rare occasion where she was lost for words.

“I don’t need you around me constantly, I just like having you around, spending time with you.” He continued.

“Yeah, I know” Belle replied as she leant against him, squeezing his hand.

“So what was your favourite part, of your day at the football?” Aden asked.

“When you kicked that goal” she replied.

“Me kicking the winning goal was your favourite part?” he asked.

“No, coming home with you after the game was my favourite part, you kicking that winning goal was a close second”

Aden smiled as he leant in and kissed her, “I knew you loved it” he whispered.

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Now you made me cry, that was soooo sweet.

“I never had a teddy bear” Aden said.


“When I was a kid, I never had a teddy bear…you know in those clichéd movies with the little kids who drag around a battered looking stuffed animal…”

“Yeah…” Belle replied, unsure where Aden was going with this.

“Well, you’re like my teddy bear, I just like having you around, holding on to you, watching you sleep...”

favorite bit!

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