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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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me to^^ lucky i'm the only one home, cause i'm sure i looked stupid :P

“Oh, so you don’t have a problem sucking my face off, but you can’t drink from the same glass as me?”

"Well, you’re like my teddy bear, I just like having you around, holding on to you, watching you sleep...”

loved it :D really really loved it!

think you should update soon =]

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Aw, thanks for all the lovely comments :)

Here's the next chapter, its not so fluffy...the first bit is a bit graphic, blood and guts kinda thing so yeah, just warning you now...

Chapter 32.

It was late afternoon and a pale blue station-wagon was swerving in and out of the white lines, ignoring the speed limit, the driver heaved down on the accelerator, desperate to make it to his destination.

Unaware of a young school girl walking along the side of the road, dragging her feet along with her school bag slung over her shoulder, the car swerved and hit her with such force, she went soaring across the road, and landed lifelessly a couple of meters away from the car.

Restrained by his seat beat, the driver lunged forwards, as his head collided with the steering wheel blood splattered across his face and he was knocked out. After regaining consciousness a few minutes later, he managed to free himself from the car to examine the damage he had caused.

He let out a soft cry when he looked over the bloodied face of the girl, he recognized her.

“My God” he whispered as he realized she was dead, she had no pulse or showed any signed of life.

After quickly looking around to see if there were any witnesses, he hobbled away down the road, and out of site.

After a relatively good day at work, Belle entered the Diner and sank into the arm chair picking up a magazine to flick through as she waited for Aden, who was due to arrive from school any minute.

Geoff came in and approached Belle, looking slightly worried.

“Hey Belle, have you seen Annie this arvo? I can’t find her anywhere”

“Ah no, I haven’t seen her, why is everything alright?” Belle asked, as she set down the magazine.

“Oh, it’s probably nothing, she was a bit upset earlier, she must have gone for a walk or something, can you just let me know if she shows up?”

“Yeah, sure” Belle replied smiling as Geoff headed towards the door.

As Geoff was leaving through the door Aden walked in, bumping into each other.

“Sorry, I’m sorry” Geoff apologized, unsure if Aden was going to yell at him, “Hey, have you seen Annie, I can’t find her” he continued.

“No, I haven’t” Aden replied as he spotted Belle.

“Thanks anyway, if you see her tell her I’m looking for her” Geoff finished as he hurried off.

“Yeah, ok” Aden replied as he sat down next to Belle, pecking her quickly on the lips.

“Hey, how was work?” He asked as he dumped his school bag on the ground.

“Yeah, it was great, hey do you know what’s going on with Annie, Geoff seems worried about her for some reason…”

“Oh, yeah some kids at school were hassling her and Jai at lunch time, I told them to get lost, but she seemed pretty upset” Aden explained.

“Oh, that’s horrible… but now that’s she’s got the former school bully standing up for her, I’m sure she won’t have any more problems.”

Aden let out a laugh, “So, what did you want to do this arvo?”

“Oh, we could just hang out here for a while, if you like?” Belle suggested.

“No offence, but the last place I want to hang out on my day off, is at work…how about we go for a walk along the beach, I could do with some fresh air after being stuck in a classroom all day” Aden complained as he looked across at Belle.

“Alight, come on you big baby, let’s get you some fresh air then…” Belle said as she rolled her eyes as she got up.

Aden laughed, “You know some girls love the whole, long walks on the beach romantic thing”

“Yeah, well I’m not just some girl”

“Yeah, you could say that” Aden replied, with a cheeky grin as they headed down the path towards the beach.

“And, what does that mean?” Belle inquired as she held on to his hand.

“It’s a good thing, you’re not needy or clingy, you’re your own person, I admire that”

Belle smiled.

However her smile soon faded as she spotted Annie and Jai further up the beach, in the middle of what looked like a heated argument.

“Is that Annie and Jai?” she asked as the sped up to get a closer look.

“Yeah I think so, what do you think the deal is?”

“I dunno, let’s go find out” Belle said as she let go of Aden’s hand and hurried up to meet them.

“Hey, is everything alright, Annie are you ok?” Belle asked as Aden caught up with her.

“Yeah, we’ve fine” Jai replied as he shot Annie a look as if to warn her off saying anything.

“Geoff’s been looking for you, he said you were upset at school, what’s going on?” Belle questioned, as she watched Jai suspiciously.

“Nothing, just these kids at school are giving Jai a hard time, he doesn’t want to say anything”

“Don’t worry about them Annie, just let me know if they hassle you again and I’ll sort them out” Aden assured Annie.

“You should probably head home, Geoff’s worried about you, Jai can you walk her home?” Belle asked.

“Yeah, sure” he replied stiffly as they headed back up the beach.

Belle grinned at Aden.

“What?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing, that’s just a side of you I’ve never really seen before, all big-brotherly protective, I admire that” she commented, still grinning.

“Hey, that’s a cop out, you can’t just reuse my compliments” Aden retorted.

Belle laughed, “Oh ok, so you don’t want me to admire you?”

Aden scoffed, “Ok, you win this round” he said smiling.

“You know I don’t really care” Belle began.


“The whole, romantic, long walks on the beach, red roses, diamonds and all that, none of that stuff matters”

Aden smiled, “So what does matter?”

“I think you know”

“Nah, I think you’re going to have to tell me”

Belle laughed, but before she could answer, Angelo and Charlie approached them with grim looks on their faces.

“What’s going on?” Belle asked as they came to a halt.

“Aden, have you had any contact with your father at all today?” Angelo asked, looking unusually serious.

“No, I haven’t spoken to him in weeks, why?”

“We have reason to believe that he was involved with a hit and run accident, which has resulted in the death of a young girl, we need to speak to him as soon as possible, do you have any idea where he could be, any relatives or friends?”

“No…dad’s, dad’s pretty much on his own” Aden replied, shaken by the allegations against his father.

“Who…who was killed?” he asked, becoming increasingly upset.

“We can’t release that information at this stage, the family hasn’t been notified yet” Charlie replied.

“How do you know that it was Larry?” Belle questioned, skeptically.

“The station-wagon involved was abandoned at the scene and it’s registered in his name, there was also a several empty bottles of whiskey in the passenger’s seat, we suspect drink driving” Charlie explained.

Aden looked absolutely livid,”Yeah, well he’s always been a pathetic drunk, and now he’s going to get what’s coming to him” he said viciously.

It was dark by the time Belle and Aden had made their way back to Belle’s place. It took Belle a while to get Aden to calm down, he was so angry at his father, she has never seen him this mad.

As they entered the house Annie was in tears, crying hysterically as Geoff tried to comfort her.

Belle looked at Irene questioningly.

“It was Melody, they tried to revive her at the scene but it was too late, she was already gone…” Irene explained as she suppressed her tears.

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^ ok. fair enough. was never such a fan of Melody, depends on my mood. *shrugs*

though i do feel for Annie, one of her biffles getting killed. (especially on the show, it seems like Mel is more of Geoffs friend than hers <_<)

“Yeah, well I’m not just some girl”
Indeedy Belle, and lets not have that change :)

updatey soon please???



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