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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Here's the next chapter :)

Thanks for all the comments :D

Chapter 33.

It was now very late, Annie had finally fallen asleep and settled and Geoff had gone to his room. The whole town was in shock over the death of Melody, and how heartless the driver was to abandon her at the scene.

Aden wanted to go back to Roman’s, but Belle insisted he stay with her, just until he calmed down and gathered his thoughts. He collapsed onto Belle’s bed, kicking of his shoes. Belle gently laid down next to him, placing her hand on his chest, which made him relax a little.

“This isn’t your fault Aden” she assured him softly, realizing that he was blaming himself.

“He’s my dad Belle, he was sick and I bailed on him, and now…Melody’s dead, dad killed her, and just left her there for dead, what kind of person does that? If I had looked after him, maybe he would have stayed off the grog. I just took the easy way out.” he said bluntly.

“You dad was a very sick, alcoholic, he’s your dad, he was supposed to look out for you and he didn’t. He is not your responsibility. Whatever he has got himself into has nothing to do with you, you don’t have to keep cleaning up his messes.” Belle explained.

Aden signed, “Still doesn’t change anything, Melody is dead.”

Belle closed her eyes, “Yeah, she is. When the police catch up with your dad, he will be punished, for everything he has done, and then you will be free of him, forever. This isn’t your problem.”

“He’s my dad”

“The way I see it, he stopped being your dad a long time ago” Belle whispered as she kissed the side of his face and wrapped his arms around him protectively.

“And now I’ve got no one…”Aden lamented, ”That’s my whole family gone, mum, dad, Justin, Sean...”

“That’s not true, you have me” Belle began, “And Roman, Irene, Geoff and Annie, we can be your family, if you want. I know it may not seem like it, but there are a lot of people who care about you”

Aden sighed, “You’re amazing, you know that”

Belle smiled, “Yeah, I do”

Over the next couple of days there was a memorial service held in Melody’s memory and the community rallied together to support the Jones family through their grief of losing their daughter. The police had stepped up their search for Larry, as they had confirmed he was the driver involved through blood samples taken from the crime scene. Aden cooperated with the police in a bid to distance himself from his father.

Annie was still in shock over the death of one of the first friends she had made in Summer Bay, and couldn’t comprehend why this had happened to Melody.

“I, I don’t understand, Melody was so good, she went to church and was a good person, she never did anything bad, what did she do to deserve this?” Annie cried.

In an attempt to comfort her Belle put her arm around Annie, “Sometimes things happen and we don’t have any control over it, what happened to Melody had nothing to do with whether she was a good or bad person” Belle explained.

“Annie, my dad killed Melody, he got drunk and got behind the wheel, this is his fault, and when the cops find him, he is gonna go to jail for a long time” Aden said viciously.

“Don’t you feel just a little bit sorry for him?” Geoff asked Aden, “I mean, I know he was in rehab for alcoholism, maybe he didn’t know what he was doing…”

“Why are you defending him? He killed Melody, end of story!” Aden retorted.

“But, he’s your dad…” Geoff begun.

“You don’t know anything about my father, so save your Good Samaritan bull for someone who cares alright” Aden snarled as he stormed out of the house.

“Belle, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset him…”Geoff apologized.

“No, its fine, he’s been on edge since we found out what happened, he was bound to snap sometime, I’ll go after him” Belle replied as she quickly got up and followed Aden.

“Aden, wait up” Belle called out as she sped up to catch up with him.


Aden reluctantly slowed down so Belle could catch up with him, coming to a halt at the entrance to the beach, leaning against the log barrier.

He sighed, “Look, if you’re asking me to apologize to Geoff, you’re wasting your time-“

“That was not what I was going to say” Belle noted pointedly.

“It’s just that Geoff and Annie live in the fantasy biblical world where they think everything will be fine if they believe in God, well the real world, isn’t like that, you of all people should know that” Aden vented.

“Yeah I do, I get that you’re angry and you have every right to be, but taking it out other people isn’t going to make you feel better” she explained.

“What would make me feel better is making dad pay for everything he has done, he is just a gutless coward who deserves to die“

“You’re letting him win! Can’t you see that? Yeah, your dad’s a weak pathetic man, who left Melody for dead, and abandoned you and your brothers when you needed him the most, and yes he needs to be held accountable for that, but that’s not up to you to decide, you need to let the cops deal with him.”

Aden just shook his head in disgust, “I just don’t understand how he could be so gutless, it makes me sick knowing that I’m related to him…”

“You are nothing like your dad Aden, nothing like him” Belle said firmly.

Aden shot Belle a questioning look, “How can you be so sure?”

“I know, that you would never ever let your child go through what you’ve gone through, your loyal and you stand up for what you believe in and you don’t care about what anyone else thinks. You may be a lot of things, but gutless isn’t one of them” Belle asserted.

Aden gave a weak smile, “You always know what to say, how do you always know what to say?”

Belle just smiled, and shrugged slightly, “Because I know you”

Later that night, Rachel pulled into her driveway after an exhausting double shift at work, clearly distracted by the tragic death of Melody, whom she personally declared dead, she forgot to get her medicine bag from the back seat of her car.

Beyond the footpath, hiding behind the bushes was Larry, clutching his bleeding forehead and panting slightly. He waited until Rachel was in the house until he slowly came out of his hiding place and approached the car, glancing around to see if there were any witnesses. He gently opened the car door, which was conveniently unlocked, and after digging through Rachel’s medicine bag for several seconds, decided to take the whole bag. Silently he closed the door being extra careful not to make a sound, and he disappeared down the road, unaware that he was being watched from afar. The onlooker, shaking their head in disgust, decided to follow.

Aden messaged Belle as he was walking along the footpath, school bag slung over his shoulder.

“Going to stay at Roman’s tonight, Nic’s still pretty upset, you stay with Annie, I’ll see you tmrw. Love you”

She was quick to reply.

“Ok, let me know if you hear anything, love you too”

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Here's the next chapter...I couldn't sleep so I thought I may as well write a chapter, its only short :)

Chapter 34.

It was a pleasant sunny morning and Belle emerged from her room, yawning, she glanced at her phone, wondering why Aden wasn’t picking up. She rang him again, slightly worried, it was mid-morning and he should have been up already.

“Hey, babe” he answered with a croaky voice.

“Hey, what you up to? How’s Nicole?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah she’s fine…” he replied.

“Is everything alright, you seem a bit distracted” Belle questioned, “I was going to pop round your place, and see Nicole, you wait for me?” she continued.

“How about I come round your place, Nic’s still asleep I don’t she’s up for visitors at the moment” he replied, “See you soon” he finished as he hung up not giving Belle a chance to disagree with the arrangement.

Shrugging Belle went to take a shower and get dressed.

It had been an hour and Aden still hadn’t show up, Belle didn’t want to nag him, so she refrained from calling him again, perhaps he needed some space to get his head around everything that had been happening.

Belle waited out the front of Irene’s and decided that it was a pleasant enough day to walk towards Roman’s, hoping to catch Aden on his way over.

As Belle was changing the song on her iPod, she looked up and spotted Aden approaching her with what looked like a bunch of flowers.

“What’s all this?” Belle asked quizzically.

“These are for you, I just wanted to say thank you, you’ve been so great to me lately and I just wanted to show you that I’m so grateful” he said, smiling hopefully.

“Aww, Aden! You don’t have to get me anything, I already know, they’re beautiful” she thanked him, kissing him on the lips.

“So, that’s what you were doing this morning, when I called?” Belle asked as they walked hand in hand towards Irene’s.

“Yeah” he replied, “they’re not too soppy are they?”

“No, they’re gorgeous, no one has ever bought me flowers before”

“Really? That’s pretty slack! Although, you have to admit, your taste in boyfriends, up until now has been pretty sub-standard…”he teased.

“Oh really?” she retorted, feigning offence, “yeah, I suppose your right, but I’m still not sure how good my taste is now…”

Aden laughed, “Well, do you need reminding?” he suggested.

Belle just smiled, “I’m gonna go put these inside, then we can go down to the beach, It’s great weather today, I might even get some good shots” she told him as she quickly entered the house.

As Belle and Aden walked towards the beach, they heard a drawling scream in the distance, which sounded much like Coleen, looking around to see if anyone was around, they headed towards to source of the noise.

An abandoned looking house is where they ended up. Standing out the front they contemplated their course of action.

“Do you think we should call the police or something?” Belle asked.

“Nah, it just might be Coleen overacting, probably some possums stole her favourite floral shirt, let’s just check it out, I’ll go around the back” Aden told her, signaling her to wait out the front.

Belle, ignoring Aden’s request, followed him around.

It appeared the source of the sound was coming from the worn down shed out the back. Slowly approaching, Aden opened the rusty door gently, and was greeted by a frightening sight.

Belle let out a scream, horrified by what stood in front of them.

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