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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Here's the next update, again not so fluffy...

Let me know what you think

Chapter 35.

“What the hell!” Aden screamed, looking at his father in disgust as he moved in front of Belle protectively.

“Larry, what are you doing…why is Coleen tied up? What is this??!” Belle said, looking around the shed.

Larry was seated against the wall of the run down shed, shaking in fits, surrounded by bottles of medicine and used syringes. It looked like a magpie’s nest, with drugs and several bottles of alcohol he seemed to have stolen from several homes as well as the contents of Rachel’s medicine bag. Coleen lay on the floor next to him tied up and now apparently unconscious, blood streaming from her head.

“She was going to ruin everything…I can’t go to prison, I won’t survive in there, I had to stop her” Larry explained as held on tightly to a knife.

“No, I’m calling the police, right now!” Aden said angrily as he watched his father in horror as he pulled out his phone.

“I can’t let you do that Aden” Larry began.

“Or what?” Aden snarled.

“I didn’t want to have to involve you in this son, but you have left me no choice, now give me your phone and Belle’s too, or I’m afraid Coleen will not be walking out of here alive” he replied threateningly as he pressed the knife against her neck.

“You wouldn’t, you’re bluffing” Aden replied as he began to dial.

“I told you I didn’t want to have to do this! But I will do what it takes to stay out of that place, NOW GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!” he screamed as he pressed the knife even harder, blood starting to dribble.

Belle hesitantly took her phone from her pocket and threw it at Larry, Aden reluctantly followed suit, his dad had already killed one innocent person, and he didn’t want to see anyone else get hurt.

“Good, good, now sit down, over there” he pointed towards the far wall, “And don’t even think about trying to leave, Coleen’s depending on you…”

“Why are you doing this? Haven’t you caused enough pain! If you turn yourself in they will take that into consideration, but if you keep on running and hurting people, the worse off you will be!” Belle pleaded with Larry, trying to make him see sense.

Larry just ignored her, shaking his head in erratic intervals, but managed to hold the knife steady enough to prevent Aden or Belle from attempting to disarm him.

Aden just sat there in disgust, trying to figure out how he was going to get Coleen and Belle out of this mess, if anything happening to them, he would never forgive himself. He noticed Belle was shaking, remembering this wasn’t the first time she had been held hostage, he reached over and held onto her hand to calm her nerves. She gave a weak smile.

“Dad, please just let Belle and Coleen go, I will stay with you, they don’t deserve to be involved in this” Aden began, realizing that they only way they were going to get out of this was by talking their way out.

“No, I can’t do that Aden, I’m so sorry, for everything…I just need some time to figure out where I’m going to go, then I’ll let everyone go” Larry explained.

“Dad, you’re sick, you need to go to a hospital, they can’t send you to jail in your condition, you have serious injuries, you won’t last a day out there on your own” Aden said as he tried to reason with Larry.

“No, no I’ll be fine, I just need a couple of days to gather my strength, and I will be out of here”

“A couple of days!! We can’t stay here for a couple of days, everyone will be wondering where we are, they will come looking for us!” Belle exclaimed, outraged that Larry was planning on keeping them there indefinitely.

“I’m sorry Belle, I really am, I never wanted to get you or Aden involved in this, I know how much you mean to my son, you have been good for him, you make him happy, after all he chose you over me…I can’t blame you though” Larry commented.

“I know you have made a lot of mistakes, but don’t you think it’s time you started doing the right thing by Aden? What the hell has he done to deserve to be treated like this, you’re supposed to be his father! Do the right thing for once in your life!” Belle continued to plead.

Before Larry could respond to Belle’s verbal attack, Coleen began to stir, muttering something inaudible.

“Coleen!! Coleen can you hear me?” Belle called out, trying to gain her attention.

After regaining consciousness, Coleen sat up slightly, rubbing her head.

“Oh Belle, how are you love?” Coleen replied, completely disorientated and unaware of the danger she was in. “You must be enjoying your new job, I have to say you are missed at the Diner, one of our finest workers! Although that young Jefferies boy is much more efficient when you’re not there to distract him, he used to follow you around like a love sick puppy, ahh young love…if only I had a strapping young lad to dote on me…”

Belle and Aden just stared at her in disbelief, trust Coleen to ramble on about gossip even in a hostage situation.

“Why on earth are my hand ties?! “ Coleen asked as she finally noticed Larry sitting next to her, wielding a knife.

“You!” She screamed, “you untie me right this minute! What kind of a sick game are you playing, tying up a defenseless old lady! ”

“Calm down Coleen, now I don’t want to hurt you, but if anyone tries anything, someone is going to get hurt!” Larry announced as he fumbled around with a bottle of medicine, trying to get the lid open.

Coleen let out a small squeal as she passed out again.

“Are you in pain?” Belle asked Larry, feigning concern.

“It’s my back, it’s been killing me since the accident, I just need something to take the edge off…”he rambled as he tried to opening the bottle, but to no avail.

“Here, let me help you” Belle suggested, “I promise I won’t try anything, I’ll just open the bottle and go back and sit next to Aden” she said as she slowly stood up.

Aden gave her a questioning look, and Belle signaled at her phone lying next to Larry, Aden gave a slight nod, which went unnoticed by Larry.

“Let me help you Dad, Belle you stay here” Aden decided, not wanting Belle anywhere near her father.

“NO! No, I want Belle to open it, I know she is not stupid enough to try anything, just get me something for the pain, he signaled at Rachel’s bag, and then go and sit back down, any funny business and you know there will be consequences” he said.

“Yeah, ok” Belle said as she gave Aden a reassuring look. She got up slowly and opened Rachel’s bag, and managed to swipe the phone. Unfortunately, Larry saw this and grabbed her arm, and held up the knife.

“Put that down!” he growled.

Belle threw the phone away as Larry shoved her roughly against the wall, next to Coleen. Belle groaned as he rubbed the area of her head which got bashed against the wall frame.

Aden jumped up, “Don’t you touch her!!!” he yelled as he approached them, ready to rip his father to pieces.

“Sit back down Aden, you don’t want to be responsible for anything that happens to Belle, do you? I don’t want to hurt anyone, but if you push me, you leave me no choice!” Larry continued as he pointed the knife at Aden.

Aden was livid, clenching his fists, he resumed his position on the floor.

“You touch her and I will kill you” Aden threatened.

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“Oh Belle, how are you love?” Coleen replied, completely disorientated and unaware of the danger she was in. “You must be enjoying your new job, I have to say you are missed at the Diner, one of our finest workers! Although that young Jefferies boy is much more efficient when you’re not there to distract him, he used to follow you around like a love sick puppy, ahh young love…if only I had a strapping young lad to dote on me…”

:lol: classic colleen, too busy gossiping to realise she's actually being held hostage! then 5 minutes later.

“Why on earth are my hand ties?! “ Coleen asked as she finally noticed Larry sitting next to her, wielding a knife.

then finally

“You!” She screamed, “you untie me right this minute! What kind of a sick game are you playing, tying up a defenseless old lady! ”

i wouldn't quite say colleens defenceless, she could talk Larry to death! :P

and i love that in all the angesty stuff you throw in some humor :lol:

loved it, great update!

more soon"?

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