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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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OH. . . . . . . . . . MY . . . . ... . . . GOD . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .

I havent been on in a while, and I had so many great chapters to catch up on, I'm loving this, so much better than what happened on the show :D



Larry, DONT YOU HURT BELLE <_<:angry:

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Here's the next chapter, hope you like it :)

Thanks for the comments :D

Chapter 36.

It was soon nightfall, and the occupants of the shed were feeling the cold, Belle sat shivering as she comforted Coleen who was drifting in and out of consciousness. Aden sat quietly as he watched his father closely, the hatred was evident in his eyes.

Larry was becoming drowsy from all the medications he had taken, and both Belle and Aden had noticed this, but were waiting until he was completely out of it to do anything.

“Oh God…”Larry moaned in pain as he clutched his arm. Aden made a sudden movement with his leg. “Don’t even think about it!” Larry growled, this time less threatening, he was losing his energy fast.

Belle was exhausted, they hadn’t eaten or drank anything all day, and her head was pounding from the lump which was forming where Larry had pushed her into the wall. Aden noticed that she was starting to look quite pale and faintish.

“Belle” he whispered, trying to get her attention. “Belle, are you ok?” he asked, becoming increasingly worried.

It took Belle a few seconds to react, she gave a slight nod, and then gestured to Coleen.

“She needs to go to the hospital, I don’t know how long she’s gonna last here” Belle whispered back. That was typical Belle, always putting everyone else’s wellbeing first Aden thought.

Larry was starting to nod off, Aden decided it was time to take action, as quietly as he could he stood up and slowly walked over to Larry. In a swift movement he lunged for the knife, Larry, awaking with a fright sent the sharp knife flying in the air. Aden pushed his father onto the ground viciously and reached out trying to catch the knife, but he missed it. Belle ducked, screaming in fright as it land inches from her head.

Aden grabbed the knife and threw it away and grabbed the phone, calling the police.

“Belle, take Coleen outside, I’ll deal with my father! Quick, go!” Aden ordered as he waited for the police to pick up.

Belle helped Coleen of the floor and took her out the front to get some fresh air, while they waited for the police.

“Coleen, it’s okay, it’s over now” Belle comforted Coleen. Belle herself was shaking uncontrollably, she wasn’t sure whether it was from the being so cold or the fact that she almost got her head sliced open a couple of seconds ago.

Belle heard a shouting back in the shed, worried what Aden was going to do, she sat Coleen down on the step and headed back into the shed.

“Aden! Aden what are you doing?” Belle asked, looking on in horror.

Aden had tied up Larry and there were several new bruises gracing his face. Larry moaned in pain.

“Go back outside and wait for the police, I need to deal with dad” he repeated.

“No, no I’m not letting you do this! He can’t hurt anyone now, just leave him to the police!” Belle pleaded.

“He hurt you Belle, he attacked Coleen and killed Melody, someone needs to stop him!” Aden replied angrily.

“Please come and wait outside with us, he’s not going anywhere, please Aden…don’t do this” Belle begged him.

“He’s a monster, he threatened to hurt you!” Aden said as he watched his father in disgust.

“He’s not worth it, please, please Aden, I’m asking you” Belle begged, tears now forming in her eyes.

Aden looked at Belle, she was so upset and scared, he hated seeing her like this.

“Please, do this for me, if you kill him, you will never recover from this, you will have let him win, he will haunt you for the rest of your life, I need you, so please if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for me!” Belle finished, desperate to stop Aden from what would have been the biggest mistake of his life.

She pulled him into an embraced, hugging him tightly. At that moment Fitzy, Jack, Charlie and Angelo stormed in, and restrained Larry.

“You ok?” Angelo asked Belle and Aden as they stood out the front of the house, “Yeah, I think so, I’m tired.” Belle replied, still holding onto Aden. Fitzy went to assist the paramedics with getting Coleen to the hospital.

“It’s ok, it’s over now” Aden whispered to Belle, kissing the side of her face.

“We’re going to take you down to the hospital to get checked out, then we will need to take statements” Charlie explained.

“No, I’m fine I don’t need to go” Belle replied.

“You bumped your head pretty hard” Aden reminded her.

“I’m fine, I just want to go home” Belle continued.

“I think you should still get it checked out, you could have a concussion” Angelo added.

“Yeah, what he said” Aden replied to Belle and turned to Angelo, “Yeah, she will go” he decided for her.

“Just take that scum away, I don’t ever want to see him again! Make sure he stays well away from Belle” Aden said viciously as Larry was also being taken away to the hospital, with handcuffs on.

“Don’t worry, Larry won’t be able to hurt anyone anymore” Angelo assured them both, as he gestured for them to get into the police car. Aden opened the door and helped Belle into the car and got in after her, still holding onto her hand tightly.

Belle sat in an examination room in the hospital as Irene rushed in.

“Oh My God Girly! You gave us quite a fright!! Thank God you are ok and Aden, if it wasn’t for him! I just saw Coleen, Docs say she’s gonna be fine”

“Oh that’s great” Belle replied. “Can I get out of here now?” she asked.

“Yeah, we’re just waiting for Aden, he’s just finishing his statement for the police” Irene explained as she affectionately brushed Belle’s hair through her fingers.

“I’m so sorry love, with everything going on with Melody’s death, and Annie and Geoff, I haven’t really spent any time with you to see how you were going, I didn’t even realize you were missing, let along taken hostage…” Irene said apologetically.

“Irene, it’s ok, I have Aden, he would never let anything to happen to me” Belle assured her.

“I know love, but still, I’m supposed to look out for you too, I promise tomorrow, after you’ve had some rest we will sit down and have a good talk, and spend some quality time together” Irene suggested.

“Yeah, I’d like that” Belle replied softly.

It was now very late at night, and after all the police statements had been made and medical forms filled out, Belle and Aden entered the house with Irene not too far behind them. Annie ran up to Belle and gave her a hug as they came in the door.

“We were so worried!!” She squealed as she hugged Belle tightly. Annie was unsure whether to hug Aden or not, just smiled at him, as if to thank him for bringing Belle home safely.

“It’s ok, were fine, tired but fine” Belle assured her.

Geoff gave a slight nod towards Aden, and Aden returned it with a knowing look and the beginnings of what could have been a smile.

Belle and Aden made their way into Belle’s room, Aden collapsed onto Belle’s bed as Belle rummaged through her draws looking for some fresh clothes to change into.

“Hey, get of my bed, you’re filthy and you smell!” she yelled at him as she threw a clean change of clothes at him, pointing towards the bathroom.

“I smell better than you!” he retorted as he looked her up and down, managing to find the humor in what had been a terrible day.

Belle raised her eyebrows.

“Ok, ok I’m going” Aden muttered as he picked up the clothes and saluted at Belle before heading towards the bathroom.

Aden popped his head in the door way a few seconds later, “Care to join me?” he asked, grinning slightly.

Belle smiled, “You remember the last time we did that, you almost broke your neck…” she reminded him.

“Umm, that was because you managed to flood the bathroom floor!”

Belle rolled her eyes, “Me? That was you, with your-“

“Belle” Aden began.


“Just stop rambling and come and have a shower” he said as he held out his hand.

Belle reluctantly took his hand and Aden gave a triumphant smile as he affectionately kissed her forehead.

Belle crawled into bed next to Aden, snuggling up to him. The events of that day had finally sunk in.

“Today has been…”

“…the worst day” Aden finished for her.

“Yeah” she agreed.

"By the way, you smell much better now" he teased.

Belle giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, you have had to deal with your father’s messes your whole life, you deserve better” she whispered.

“Well it’s over now, for good…I just can’t believe he threatened to kill Coleen and you, he would rather save his own skin than help anyone else, he’s a pathetic excuse for a human being”

“Well there is one good thing that came out of today” Belle said.

“What’s that?”

“Irene, she’s finally admitted that you’re one of the good guys, although I’m not surprised, not many people can resist the charms of Aden Jefferies”

Aden laughed, “Mmmmm yeah your right”

“and Geoff” Belle added.

Aden laughed again, “Yeah, he’s totally hot for me…wait, isn’t that against his religion?”

“You know what I meant” Belle replied as Aden grinned as he played with a lock of Belle’s hair.

“But, I don’t care about what everyone thinks of me, there is only one person who I want to please” Aden finished.

“Hmmm” Belle agreed, “and who would that be?” she asked seductively.

“I think you know”

“I want you to say it” she insisted.

“Ok, its Coleen, there is just something about the way she moves” Aden joked, grinning at Belle’s reaction.

“Ok, you just killed the mood” she said, pulling away from him.

A serious look dawned across Belle’s face as she stared at the ceiling, avoiding Aden’s gaze.

“Belle, I was only kidding, you know I’m crazy about you”

“No, I was just thinking, what if we hadn’t gone to that house, what if we hadn’t heard anything, Coleen would still be there with…him” she said.

Aden sighed. “I just wish you weren’t there today, you could have been hurt and it would have been my fault”

“If I wasn’t there, who would have stopped you from pummeling your father to death? You were prepared to kill your father, no matter how worthless he is, you can’t kill people Aden”

Aden scoffed, looking away.

“I’m serious Aden, I thought you were dealing with your anger issues, but from what I saw today, they’re back…”

“I just wanted him to stop hurting people…”

“Yeah, but what you were trying to do is not the right way to go about that…maybe you should have a couple more counseling sessions, to deal with this” Belle suggested.

Aden didn’t look too thrilled with this, noting his hesitation, Belle sat up slightly until she was leaning over him.

“I’ll come with you if you want, I just really think you need to deal with this the proper way and not bottle up your feelings, I don’t think I can give you the level of support you need on my own, therapy can make it easier to get your head around it…but I’m still here for you and if you want me to come I will”

Aden contemplated this as he studied Belle’s expression.

“You really scared me, seeing you like that…” Belle said softly.

“I..I would never hurt you Belle, you’re the most important person in my life, all I ever wanted to do was protect you…” Aden replied, his expression serious.

“I know” she whispered back.

“Ok, I’ll do it” Aden agreed.

Belle smiled, leaning down and kissing him as she now lay on top of him.

He wrapped his arms around her to support her, pulling her closer.


“Yeah?” she whispered.

“I love you”

“I love you too” she replied as she kissed him again, this time more intensely.



“Thank you”

“For what?” he asked.

“For saving my life” she answered.

“You’re the one who saved me” he whispered back, as he rolled on top of her, kissing her passionately.

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agh! :wub: that last line was gorgeous!

“Please, do this for me, if you kill him, you will never recover from this, you will have let him win, he will haunt you for the rest of your life, I need you, so please if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for me!” Belle finished, desperate to stop Aden from what would have been the biggest mistake of his life.

She pulled him into an embraced, hugging him tightly. At that moment Fitzy, Jack, Charlie and Angelo stormed in, and restrained Larry.

and don't we all wish thats what happened on H&A... <_<

i think you should send this in with a big sticky note saying *RE-DO*


update soon?

pleasee :)

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