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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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I didnt realise how long this chapter was until I copyed and pasted it, I hope its not too boring

Anyway here it is :)

Chapter 37.

It was now a week after the hostage taking crisis and Coleen was fully recovered and back to her usual gossiping ways, harping on about how she managed to keep ‘poor little Belle’ from panicking and how she managed to talk Larry out of knifing them all. Of course none of this was true, however Aden and Belle, sick of everyone’s questions, sympathetic glances and constant stares went along with her story, although most realised that Coleen’s version of events were slightly misinformed.

“My God, does that woman ever shut up! I’m starting to regret getting her out of there, we should have just left her with dad and she would have talked him to death!” Aden ranted as he and Belle went for a walk along the beach.

Belle just laughed, “Torture by Coleen”

“I miss this” she continued, “just you and me, we haven’t had any time alone, everyone feels the need to baby sit us…”

“Yeah, well I’m sick of everyone telling me they’re sorry that I had such a dead beat dad, like they cared before, I didn’t want their pity before and I sure as hell don’t want it now” Aden commented angrily.

“It’ll get easier, everything, from now on, it should get easier” Belle said as she squeezed his hand.

“And how do you know that?” he asked, trying not to direct his anger at her.

“Well, I don’t exactly, but…I’m determined to be optimistic” Belle said smiling hopefully.

Aden couldn’t help but smile, he loved the way that she could calm him down, even when he was on the brink of losing it, she always found a way to bring him back.

“You know what” he began, “let just forget about all the crappy things that have happened the last few weeks and just have a good time, just you and me” Aden decided as he put his arm around her shoulder.

Belle smiled, pleased with his suggestion, “Okay, what did you have in mind?” she asked as she leant against him.

“Well, we both have a week off work and school, so why don’t we hit the road?” Aden suggested.

“What you mean like a road trip?” Belle asked, not looking too thrilled with the idea.

“Yeah” he replied.

A look of realization dawned across his face as he remembered why Belle would not be too keen on going on a trip.

“Hey, you’ve got nothing to worry about, I would never leave you out in the middle of nowhere by yourself… unless of course you were having one of your mood swings…then you’re on your own sweetheart” he said pointedly.

Belle laughed as she playfully punched him, “Hey! I do not have mood swings!” she said defensively.

Aden raised his eyebrows, “Well then, we shouldn’t have a problem, so how about it?” he asked grinning.

“Where exactly we’re you thinking of going?”

“I dunno, up the coast maybe, I really don’t care where we are, I just want some alone time with my girlfriend”

“Oh, so this is your plan to get me alone, so you can take advantage of me?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

“If I remember correctly, it was you who was the one complaining a few minutes ago about not having any time to ourselves, besides you’re not the type of girl to let anything happen, unless you wanted it to” he reminded her.

Belle scoffed, “What’s that supposed to mean?” she said, slightly offended.

“It means that you can’t resist me, no one blames you though, I mean with this body, who couldn’t?” He teased her.

Belle pursed her lips, “It’s nice to see you’re back to your usual cocky self” she commented as she rolled her eyes.

“You love it” he said, now grinning from ear to ear.

“So how about we get this show on the road?” he asked.

“Yeah alright, but you’re gonna have to convince Irene to let us go though” she reminded him.

After having convinced Irene that they would be extra careful and call in everyday Belle and Aden began packing up the car.

“Now you both make sure you stay outta trouble! I don’t want any funny business or I’m coming up there myself and bringing you both home!”Irene exclaimed.

“Don’t worry Irene, we’ll be fine, you know me, I like a quiet life” Aden quipped amused by Irene’s over protectiveness.

Irene rolled her eyes as she hurried back inside to bring out the food she had packed for them.

“Are you sure we have everything we need?” Belle asked Aden, “the tent, blankets, torches, pillows…”

“Relax, don’t worry, I’ve got everything sorted” he assured her, stopping her from unpacking the contents of the car to check if they had everything.

Belle sighed, ”I just don’t want to get out there and realize that we forgot soap or toothpaste …toothpaste!!” she yelled as she hurried back into the house.

Aden grinned as Belle emerged from the house with a tube of toothpaste.

“It’s a good thing you remembered that…or we would be in trouble wouldn’t we, bad morning breath isn’t exactly a turn on…”

Belle gave him a threatening glare, “You know if you’re going to be a jerk I just-“

“Belle, I was kidding, just lighten up and get in the car” he directed her.

“Don’t you tell me to lighten up, you lighten up!” she retorted as she grabbed her bag of clothes and put it in the back seat and then climbed into the front.

“Ready?” Aden asked Belle as he got in the driver’s seat, looking across at her.

Belle sighed and rested her head back on the head rest.

“Look if you don’t want to go…”Aden began.

“No, no I do want to, let’s just try and not butt heads every two minutes, like you said, let’s have a good time” she said, smiling back at him.

Aden grinned as he started the engine, “Deal”

As they were driving along for what had been several hours, Aden has his music blaring and Belle was busy studying a map, turning it around every few minutes, trying to gage where they were heading. Aden watched her, slightly amused.

“If you take a right up here, there’s a caravan park up near the cliff top, it’s meant to have a beautiful view of the beach, we could set up camp there” Belle suggested looking up at Aden.

“Are you sure you’re reading that thing right” Aden asked as he looked at the road signs skeptically.

“Yes of course” Belle replied, “Hey, you just missed the turn off!”

“What turn off?” Aden asked.

“The one that will take us to the caravan park, on the cliff top, with the nice view!” she repeated.

“You want to stay in a caravan?” Aden asked continuing to drive straight down the highway.

“No, but they have sites to set up tents”

“Well we’re not staying in a tent” Aden told her.

“Why not?”

“Because we didn’t bring one” he added.

“What? You said you packed everything!!” Belle exclaimed.

“I told you to relax, don’t worry, I’ve got our accommodation sorted” he assured her.

“Oh, so we’re sleeping in the car? Or in an abandoned barn?”

“What happened to not butting heads?” Aden asked, “That was your idea” he reminded her pointedly.

Belle sighed, “Ok I’m sorry…just tell me where we are staying” she asked, trying to keep a civil tongue.

“Well it wouldn’t really be a surprise if I told you, now would it?” he quipped back, grinning at the scowl on Belle’s face.

“You know, this is technically our first trip together” he informed her, trying to break the tension.

Belle smiled and relaxed a little, “Yeah, it is”

“It’s a pity that it took a hostage situation to motivate us into doing something fun” she added.

“Hey, I thought we we’re going to forget about all that stuff, okay?” Aden interrupted.

“Just you and me and the open road” Belle repeated as she gazed out the window.

“So where are we going?” she asked hopefully.

“Nice try” Aden replied, “just be patient, you will find out soon enough, and I have a feeling you’re gonna like it”

Belle smiled, ‘You know, you don’t have to do anything spectacular to impress me, you’ve already made an impression on me” she told him as she rested her hand on his leg.

“I know” Aden replied, “you are completely in awe of what an amazing human being I am, yeah you love me, I get it”

Belle laughed, “You know next time I won’t bother complimenting you, seeing as you do such a great job of doing it yourself!”

“And I bet you wouldn’t have it any other way” Aden quipped.

Belle smiled, “Yeah, you’re probably right” she said as she leaned over, unbuckling her seat belt and kissed him on the side of his face, wrapping her arms around his torso, beginning to kiss his neck.

“Look I know you can’t keep your hands off me, but if you want me to crash the car, you’re going about it the right way.” He said grinning as Belle slid back into her seat.

“Just wait thirty more minutes and I’m all yours” Aden told her, “We are almost there”

“All mine?” Belle asked seductively.

“All yours”

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